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27 Dec 2024  #1321

or did she get a free pass coz she's a Demorat?

She is a Democrap because she needs reparations for being a sex slave to 6 guys at the same time.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1322

Why has all the Woke here gone silent on Poland's move to teach their youth about guns and how to use them ?
After all their negative posts about how Poland didn't want guns and how bad guns are.
Nice of him to cut his fakecation short to chime in on PF.

Was just sitting relaxing after a long day of fishing, a shower and some ice cold fresh coconut water.
Speaking of fakecations jealous boy, when was it this year now that you claimed to have gone to Poland ? Hoot !
Indeed. Trump wants

Do you ever post anything about Poland or the Polish people on this forum ?
Seems you are hung up on just your immature stalking me and posting American political cartoons only.
Unless you have anything constructive to post about Poland, please stay on the back page with your immature off - topic stalking or get lost.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1323

Laser guns. No live ammunition will be used.

Highly irrelevant to the point being made.
Take your own advice for once

Oh shut up and mind your own business for once, Karen.
Are you annoyed to think the nose of the camel is in the tent and guns are starting to be introduced as a good thing to the Polish youth.
Your negative brainwashing to the opposite has been for nil.

27 Dec 2024  #1324

Highly irrelevant to the point being made.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really that stupid?

I think that Poles would like to know that schoolchildren won't be training with live rounds and that there is an emphasis on safety.

If you want to start slagging me off as well as Joker take it to random. You're always banging on about people being off-topic and then trash threads with your own off-topic posts.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1325

she needs reparations for being a sex slave to 6 guys at the same time.

And the sick part is now that her ass has become gigantic she had to take her 12 year old daughter out on stage with her to give the crowd some eye candy.
That football games attendance would have been a sad day without her and her daughters performance.
Half the people there were there to see the game and the other half to see the halftime show.
At least her daughter had pants on.

cms neuf
27 Dec 2024  #1326

It's America - nothing stopping you getting in a recording booth and trying to sell some records

Though I think your subject matter - how much you hate immigrants and transsexuals - might not sell well.

Beyonces concerts in Poland have been awesome and if she is in Chicago why not treat your family to some tickets ?

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1327

We kept telling the anti-gun people that it was just a matter of time before Poland gave in.

That was my point.
So it is you being stupid again with your obfuscation and derailing my question into training with live rounds which is irrelevant to my point.
Now go argue with the twat in your mirror.
If you want to start slagging me off

If you don't like being slagged off then keep your personal diminishments to yourself and quit being a Karen. Simple
Now please stay on topic or shut-up.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1328

how much you hate immigrants and transsexuals

Correction, Illegal immigrants and freak shows.
why not treat your family to some tickets ?

Because the cheapest ticket for that performance was $225 each.
So to take a family of say four it would be $900 for tickets and another $100 to park your car.
To spend a $1000 to see a 13 minute performance is shlt for brains in my way of thinking.
For a $1000 I can go out on a charter fishing boat on the ocean for four days and get a nice suntan while catching some nice grouper.

27 Dec 2024  #1329

nothing stopping you getting in a recording booth and trying to sell some records

Recording studio time costs real money, and Jimmy the self-confessed only has fantasy dollars. Well, he also has fantasy shares and fantasy gold coins. Heck, his fantasy fortune is so huge that he owns entire tracker funds!

Beyonces concerts in Poland have been awesome and if she is in Chicago why not treat your family to some tickets ?

Again, tickets for concerts have to be paid for with actual money and Jimmy the self-confessed only has fantasies.

I did love the way he's now so trapped in his own lies that he's forgotten which fantasy he's supposed to be living right now, for example from 11 days ago:
I on the other hand will be spending Christmas in the Caribbean again this year.

That was the fantasy but the reality is that he's spent the entire Christmas period in his shack sh!t-posting on PF. It would be sad if he wasn't so vile, but he is, so it's hilarious.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1330

So, we are sort of returning to old traditions.

Thanks you Pawian as it is always nice to get a civil response to my posts about Poland.
Your post #695 has little to do with the thread.

Actually YOUR trolling post # 696 has little to do with this thread.
Hell, post #695 does not even belong to me, Lucy. Hoot !!
Military training with shooting practice was present in Polish schools decades ago, still in 1990s.

Poland is further advanced than my country is in teaching minors how to handle weapons safely.
In my country minors are being taught by the Woke that guns are bad like poison.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1331

but he is, so it's hilarious.

Its sad that I live in your head 24/7.
I must really get under your skin. :-)
Now thats hilarious.
he's spent the entire Christmas period in

In Jamaica fishing and I am still here which makes you even more jealous.
What is really hilarious though is when you made the same claims some years ago when you were a bar fly getting free internet at Hopsters bar in Warsaw.
I sent you a postcard from Jamaica there to confirm my presence there and one to Roz too.
She posted that she got hers but you claimed that I had someone send it for me from Jamaica to you. lol
e's spent the entire Christmas period in his shack

Something you can't prove because you have never been to Jamaica nor will you ever go to Jamaica because you can't afford it.
In reality, the shack I live in and own is a palace compared to the little run down rental flat that you live in.
Your hilarious insecure jealousy just glares at us when you troll me with your diminishments.
You do know that you are mentally ill don't you. :-(

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1332

Nice of him to cut his fakecation short to chime in on PF.

Do you ever post anything about Poland here or just troll with your diminishments ?
Speaking of fakecations though, when was it this year that you claimed to have gone to Poland ? Hoot !
Indeed. Trump wants Europe to fight their own battles from now on.

Yes, Trump has already sent that message loud and clear.
Fortunately Poland is paying more than their share so I tend to believe Trump will be an ally to Poland, thick or thin.
Take your own advice for once then. Your post #695 has little to do with the thread.

You got too excited to diminish me, post #695 is not mine. Hoot !

johnny reb
27 Dec 2024  #1333

Take your own advice for once then. Your post #695 has little to do with the thread.

You got too excited to diminish me, post #695 is not mine.
I don't think it is right that a Mod can diminish someone's post and then remove the victims response to it, Lucy.

27 Dec 2024  #1334

Talk about being paranoid.

27 Dec 2024  #1335

Hey, Joker, did you ever feel diminished?

I have two middle fingers for such occasions...And GFY if the offender is blind.

27 Dec 2024  #1336


27 Dec 2024  #1337


GTA??? You play this infamous game???? Which part??? AmaSSing!!!

I tried Grand Theft Auto in 1990s but didn`t like it and gave up after 5 minutes. You need to have thug mentality to like it.

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1338

did you ever feel diminished? I have two middle fingers for such occasions..

Ha, so do I and I gave her both of them and told her to shut up.
It pissed her off so bad that she gave me another warning. Hoot !
Quite obvious that she is a Mod now.
All my trolling warning are responding to her trolling. :-o
Have you ever noticed when jon goes missing that she shows up here. lol
It looks like Lucy and jon are co owners of this pop stand.
She can't stand me making her look dumb so she gives me a warning and suspends me which I take as an honor to think that is her only tool to stop me from further embarrassing her trolling diminishments.

28 Dec 2024  #1339

For a $1000 I can go out on a charter fishing boat on the ocean for four days

It must a real crap boat if thats all they charge, espically with fuel prices... Are you sure its not a drift boat? LOL

Quite obvious that she is a Mod now.

Its quite obvious your are a nutter that freaks out over the mods, imaginary mods and secret mods. You really have a screw loose.

It looks like Lucy and jon are co owners of this pop stand.

And thats why Tom is selling it, for Jon357? Hahaha! Listen to yourself, totally paranoid and delusional over a internet forum with complete strangers. Seek professional help, you really need it.

That was the fantasy but the reality is that he's spent the entire Christmas period in his shack sh!t-posting on PF.

Who goes on vacation and continually post all day long on PF? There is only one person in the history of PF that does this and makes up fake stories as he goes along.

Too bad for him nobody around here believes a word of it.

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1340

It must a real crap boat

Well its nicer than the one jealous you are on. LOL
And the four of us that charter it pay $250 each per outing, plus tip if we catch lots of fish.
That's more than you make in a day. :-/
Its quite obvious your are a nutter that freaks out over the mods

Yeah, its their sandbox so I shouldn't expose them and their tactics.
And thats why Tom is selling it,

No, the Brits Jon & Lucy are selling it because it has gone belly up.
Two Brits running a Polish Forum. Yikes !
and continually post all day long on PF?

I don't know, who ? (more of your diminishing lies)
Now when was it this year that you claimed to have gone on your fakecation to Poland ? Hoot !
Suuuure you did and can even show us the stamp in your passport. (rolls eyes in laughter)
oo bad for him nobody around here believes a word of it.

Jealous boy sure speaks for a lot of people doesn't he. lol
Do you think anyone believes that you went to Poland this year, own six rental houses, where a charter boat captain or own three Tesla's ? Hahahahaha !
I bet I have a nicer tan than you do jealous boy. :-)))))
How about starting a thread about Poland or at least make a post about Poland as your diminishments just show your inferiority complex.

28 Dec 2024  #1341

Thanks, for writing me another meltdown novel whilist on your Jamaician Fakecation. ROTFL!!!!!!

Do you actually think I read these meltdowns?

Lying Johnny goes on vacation but cant resist to keep trolling on PF around the clock..

Who goes on vacation and constantly posts on PF, about pierogi recipes too! Hahahaha

Hes still sitting in his shack in michigan!

  • jimmysshack.jpg

28 Dec 2024  #1342

Do you actually think I read

I don`t read your trolling. :):):)

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1343


What happened to YOUR Off - Topic posts that I responded to ?
Gee, only a Mod could delete them. Hoot !
You have no idea how much I enjoy getting under a dumb misandrist's skin like yours.
You are one of the reasons this Forum has lost all of its intelligent members and is down to a drizzle of intellect.
I can pee harder.

On a brighter note:
I got a very nice Christmas e-mail from Ziemowit so he is still alive but like so many of us, has lost interest in this place because of how low it has gone.

28 Dec 2024  #1344

e-mail from Ziemowit

That`s nice. Send him my regards. I miss him.
However, to attend this forum you need a strong psyche and tough ass. A lot of posters deem it is not worth it. :):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1345

What happened to YOUR Off - Topic posts that I responded to ?

Youre still complaining about the mods while claiming to be on vacation, what a loser! Hahahaha

Just admit youre lying already.

You are one of the reasons this Forum has lost all of its intelligent members

And youre claiming to be one of the "intelligent members"??? Even funnier! LOLOL

  • p45a9.jpg

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1346

I don`t read your trolling.

Its the same old Rinse & Repeats for the last six years now.
He claims to be a charter boat captain in Florida, has an e bicycle that will do 60 mph, and owns six rental houses all paid for plus the house he lives in plus three Tesla's.. Hahahahaha!
Speaking about claiming of going on vacation.......
I have the stamps on my passport that prove your jealous racist ass otherwise.

When are you leaving for your Christmas fakacation in Poland this year

I already went to Poland this year.

Suuuure you have, and when was that, Snitch ?
Show us the stamps in your passport that you "claim" to have. Hoot !

  • 20240530_0218081..jpg

28 Dec 2024  #1347

Its the same old Rinse & Repeats for the last six years now.

Yes, it is really tiring. This obnoxious guy has no life apart from the PF. Probably his wife has left him and he feels extremely embittered.

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1348

He never posts anything about Poland and only makes diminishing remarks about other countries and people.
A true racist.
He never starts a thread and just keeps repeating himself like alcoholics do.

28 Dec 2024  #1349

Exactly. Due to such "posters," Admin has had enough and wants to sell the forum.

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1350

Well its the Administrators fault for not banning such ilk on here.
No decent people want to post here anymore.
The vomit inducing narcissist is enough to gag a maggot.
This place has gone to the dogs since uncle Vinny quit for the same reason.
I know I am about done here as I get nothing constructive from it anymore.

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