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28 Dec 2024  #1351

He claims to be a charter boat captain in Florida,

I never claimed that you did. I stated that I worked on a boat as a mate years ago, you promoted me to captain.
has an e bicycle that will do 60 mph

I never said mine went that fast, you embellished the speed. Another lie.
and owns six rental houses all paid for plus the house he lives in plus three Tesla's.. Hahahahaha!

Ive never exposed to you how many properties I own... Another lie. I told you my wife and daughter both have teslas, you made it 3, yet another lie!
Show us the stamps in your passport that you "claim" to have. Hoot !

Lets see the new Jamacian stamp on your passport first where you claim to be at now, yet youre still posting around the clock on PF...lol

Youve spent most of your FAKECATION complaining about the mods on PF! Hahahahaha

Just admit it youre sitting in your lonely shack just making up lies on the internet again!

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28 Dec 2024  #1352

Well its the Administrators fault

I agree with it. "Posters" who only attack others should be suspended and if they are repetitive offenders, banned forever.
The problem is Admin still sticks to his freedom of speech rule. The one which makes him desire to sell the forum coz he has had enough of the activity which abuses the rule. Quite a paradox. :):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1353

I know I am about done here as I get nothing constructive from it anymore.

Perhaps, you can go on a real vacation then? Hahaha

No decent people want to post here anymore.

Its because you have ran them all off and youre too stupid to even understand it!

Youre the biggest hypocrite on PF thats for sure.

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28 Dec 2024  #1354


Admin, perhaps you should encroach on the rule of freedom of speech and ban useless "posters" ???
How about starting on NYD? Make it a resolution experiment and let`s see what happens. :):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1355

This forum is perfect and in true spirit of the First Amendment.

You need to pay for it, then. ):):) 1400 $ please. :):):) Can you afford it ???? :):):

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1356

"Posters" who only attack others should be suspended and if they are repetitive offenders, banned forever.

Click on Jokers name, Lazarus's name and Milo's name and then click on "All Posts" and scroll through them quickly page after page noting how most of their posts are referring to "johnny reb" with diminishments to prove your point Pawian.
Joker has started a whopping TWO threads in the last 16 years here.
These three Losers would have been gone a long time ago if I had a say about it as they sure have chased a lot of good members out of here.
You hit the nail on the head when you said, "they create a very odious atmosphere here."

28 Dec 2024  #1357

"they create a very odious atmosphere here."

That is why I am urging the Staff/ Admin to start a new life in the forum on NYD. I hope you know I mean New Year`s Day.
Anybody whose sole activity is attacking and abusing others should be suspended. Including me. :):)

johnny reb
28 Dec 2024  #1358

attacking and abusing others should be suspended.

When I was unprovokingly attack by Feniks yesterday I told her to "Shut Up' and she gave Me a warning for trolling.
When I went back for a screen shot of her unprovoked personal attack about things that were of none of her concern they had all been deleted.
Not moved to Random but deleted.
Now how do you defend against that with one arm tied behind your back.
How do we hold the Mods accountable ?

28 Dec 2024  #1359

Ignore Euros and the hate speech laws they would like to impose here.

Thats the reason why the forum is based out of Mt.Prospect, IL and not Europe:)

have chased a lot of good members out of here.

Yet, more posters have announced over the years they are quitting because of you! Look in the mirror you big cry baby!!

For someone that claims to be on a tropical vacation in Jamacia righ now, you sure seem to be posting on PF around the clock.
How do we hold the Mods accountable ?

Who goes on vacation and comes back to complain about the mods? Only an idiot would do that!

I give you Johnny! King of Snitching and Fakecations!

28 Dec 2024  #1360

Thats the reason why the forum is based out of Mt.Prospect, IL and not Europe:)

And will be the main reason for its dissolution if you don`t pay! ):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1361

And will be the main reason for its dissolution if you don`t pay! ):):)

You and Pan Bogaty from the Jamacia cattle ranch havent donated a penny and youre the 2 worst offenders of abuse.

(we are very grateful for all donations, with Special Thanks to Bobko, Miloslaw, Joker, Pamela, Torq, jon357, and Bratwurst Boy), w

prose bardzo admin:)

Im going to donate some more, its too bad these 2 cheapskates abuse the forum and never belly up.

The biggest complainers about the mods are the freeloaders like the lyin snitch and Pawian... HooT!

28 Dec 2024  #1362

havent donated a penny

No, I haven`t, although I could donate the biggest amount of all of you, poor Am losers. Ha!!! What a paradox!! :):):)

Im going to donate some more

Bs. ):):) Your 5$ is pathetic donation. Don`t even mention it coz you make an Am loser of yourself. .

28 Dec 2024  #1363

Bs. ):):) Your 5$ is pathetic donation

Oh, wait. Johnny did donate $5 last August, its on the donation page.

Hey, if thats all he can do, everything helps. Its $5 more than your cheapskate ass.

although I could donate the biggest amount of all of you, poor Am losers

Says an ex Polish school teacher...lol McDonalds employees in America earn more than you.

28 Dec 2024  #1364



earn more


hey, Am poverty stricken loser, how much did you donate??? :):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1365

Am poverty stricken loser, how much did you donate??? :):):)
@ pawian

I just gave another $50 less than 5 minutes ago..... Your turn:) Keep PF alive! Thanks.

28 Dec 2024  #1366

a warning for trolling.

yes, I can see you sport TTT while Joker only one O. There is sth peculiar happening in the forum. The Staff are blind. They need a consultation with an opthmal... aka eye doctor. :):):):)

another $50 less t

Don`t be silly. I don`t open my eyes in the morning for 50 $. Come back to brag when you donate 1000. Ha!!!

28 Dec 2024  #1367

There is sth peculiar happening in the forum

Ya, youre the forum cheapskate! LOL

If they charged you by usage the forum would pay for itself 10x over already.

28 Dec 2024  #1368

you by usage the forum

When I and a few other decent posters are gone, you will be left with Novi, Ptak and Joker contribution which means quick demise of the forum. :):):) I don`t think Admin will fancy sustaining your bs any more, even despite your lousy donations. Ha!!!

29 Dec 2024  #1369

When I and a few other decent posters are gone

You will never leave this forum as long as its for free and you can spread your leftist propaganda. Nobody here buys any of it as we all got your number.

johnny reb
29 Dec 2024  #1370

More Rinse & Repeat
you sure seem to be posting on PF around the clock.

And this concerns you why ? What is it any of your business when I post ?
Just another of your diminishments to try and make me defend myself.
Its relaxing to sit at the outside restaurants that offer Wi-Fi or out on my veranda with the warm Trade Winds blowing in off the sea.
I can peek in on my stocks, stay in touch back home and contribute to the forum while you on the other hand wait until you get a few under your belt and think you can troll with your Rinse and Repeats , Ignore your lies when ask about them, diminish members here non stop, contribute nothing but copy and paste American political cartoons, boast about your huge $50 contribution, focus on other peoples money and wealth, and post jealous posts only wishing you had what others have.
I already went to Poland this year.

No, you didn't, and even if you did, who cares.
McDonalds employees in America earn more than you.

You are always diminishing and shaming other people by using money as your crutch.
This is a clear sign that you are very financially insecure and living paycheck to mouth.
(we are very grateful for all donations, with Special Thanks to Bobko, Miloslaw, Joker, Pamela, Torq, jon357, and Bratwurst Boy),

Why did you leave out the 'anonymous donors' that donated more than you did ?
Nobody here buys any of it as we all got your number.

Its, "we all have your number".

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