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31 Oct 2024  #61

Of course they didn`t but worse stuff remained untouched by the Staff in public threads.
No, even Random shows zero results.

31 Oct 2024  #62

Amasing or amaSSing????? :):):)

31 Oct 2024  #63

I kinow better ways to do it.

Off you go then! We look forward to your first post on this thread!!! But you are an inherent liar, so I won't hold my breath......

1 Nov 2024  #64

Lt. Gen. Clancy didn't say 'part of the rocket'. He said 'a rocket'.

Yes, the general was crystal clear in what he said. The problem is that you are repeating his exact words and the poster you are repeating them to simply cannot be corrected by a woman, so you'll just be abused and belittled until you back down. It's most unfortunate that you have to put up with such abuse.

1 Nov 2024  #65

It's most unfortunate that you have to put up with such abuse.

Hey, stupid, when you sign in here, your feelings don't mean squat to the rest of us.

We are not Europe and we like hurting feelings...

1 Nov 2024  #66

This is why men don't want to marry women in America anymore...Remove sex and they bring nothing to the table except misery and drama.

What women do well is get drunk, scream, talk illogical bullshlt, argue, swear, hit, scratch, kick and say "I didn't dooo nothin..."

Later to the cops: You are hurtin me! Don't touch me! I know my rights! And, finally: I can't breathe!. This last one if the bit*ch is black, fat, and in need of a fast buck from the city ...

In legal circles, it's known as a settlement without admitting fault.

American cops have wised up to these azholes' antics and no longer buy that "I am a woman" shlt. Real women don't get drunk, arrested, and try to destroy a squad car.

johnny reb
1 Nov 2024  #67

We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won't be offended.

johnny reb
1 Nov 2024  #68

Lt. Gen. Clancy didn't say 'part of the rocket'. He said 'a rocket'.

Well Mr. Harris said it was so Clancy must have been misinformed or not understood the details.
Once again, what is your source of information since I gave you mine, The Irish Sun.
Mr Harris said he has been kept informed of the incident.
"This is an extremely serious situation," he said.
"Whilst it seems what happens is this, that a rocket was fired, that rocket was taken down by what they call the Iron Dome, and part of that rocket then fell (debris) on, thankfully, an unoccupied part of Camp Shamrock."

1 Nov 2024  #69


Hey, stealer, I didn`t allow you to use my linguistic inventions. Especially that I said it about you, kunt!

1 Nov 2024  #70

intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people

yes, a problem of this forum. Stupid American kunts make horrible mess and intelligent people feel overwhelmed.

1 Nov 2024  #71

on this thread!!!

I won`t cast my precious pearls before your ratty input. ):):)

1 Nov 2024  #72

We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won't be offended.

They have college degrees on how to get offended. A PhD in Offendology is a req to be a Social Justice Warrior.

If one is too stupid to graduate in either, just learn how to get "hurt" during police arrests and sue the city.

Being black, fat, and stupid enhances the chance of being paid well enough to live on it. Never forget to scream "I can't breathe".

1 Nov 2024  #73

"I can confirm that yesterday afternoon there was a Katyusha rocket that landed within 2-45, this was by an armed element obviously, our assessment is it was travelling north to south into Israel.

You mean as was said here: independent.ie/irish-news/i-just-desperately-want-him-home-irish-peacekeepers-families-learned-of-rocket-attack-on-camp-shamrock-on-news/a2127661825.html ?
"I can confirm that yesterday afternoon there was a Katyusha rocket that landed within 2-45, this was by an armed element obviously, our assessment is it was travelling north to south into Israel.

So sad that you're still subject to misogynistic abuse here for posting direct quotes from Irish generals.

1 Nov 2024  #74

Stupid American kunts make horrible mess

No need for the plural there, there's only one Jimmy Poorhouse!

1 Nov 2024  #75

there's only one

Actually, I meant Novi, not johhny. The former is a veritable polluting kunt.

1 Nov 2024  #76

I won`t cast my precious pearl

What pearls? All you got is a pair of castaƱuelas, you try to make it sound as if you had a pair of brass bolls.

1 Nov 2024  #77

What pearls?

Such pearls that I am living in your head, like in Ptak`s, rent free. 90% of your posts in the last 4 weeks are to me. Amasing or amaSSing???? :):):):)

1 Nov 2024  #78

to use my linguistic inventions

Oops, I just checked it and I am not the one who invented it recently. Novi was first, actually. Sorry for calling you a stealer. I must be getting old. :(:(:(

1 Nov 2024  #79

I won`t cast my precious pearls

Why not?
Because you don't have any?Because they are rubbish? or because you are a coward?

I would suggest all of the above.......

1 Nov 2024  #80

The former is a veritable polluting kunt.

Your language is just getting worse and worse, fuelled by your increased intake of alcohol.

1 Nov 2024  #81

I would

You would if you could but you can`t, that`s your problem intellectual problem, ratso. You are unable to understand simple logic.

1 Nov 2024  #82

Your language

Ratso, I am playing with my NEglish at will. You are too stupid to understand it. :):):)

1 Nov 2024  #83

Just stop

Hey, you forgot to lick Novi`s balls as usual!!! What is wrong with you, Ratso?

1 Nov 2024  #84

You are unable to understand simple logic.


There is absolutely no "Simple Logic" in your refusal to post on a Polish Music Thread.

You just have nothing decent to post.


1 Nov 2024  #85

I think

BS. The last time you thought was in your early childhood.

1 Nov 2024  #86

"Simple Logic"

Ratso, I am tired of educating you on logic. Sewer dwellers like you are incorrigible.

1 Nov 2024  #87

BS. The last time you thought was in your early childhood.

You really are a complete prat aren't you?

You can't even understand that I am partially agreeing with you......

What a complete moron!

1 Nov 2024  #88

I am partially

Fekk you Ratso. I don`t accept partially! hahahaha Either 100% or get lost in your sewers and be fekked by your rat buddies. hahahaha

1 Nov 2024  #89

Ratso, I am tired of educating you on logic. Sewer dwellers like you are incorrigible.

Just more drunken rants from Jerzy......

1 Nov 2024  #90

I don`t accept partially!

You should, because you are partially insane.

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