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2 Nov 2024  #91

Hey, you forgot to lick Novi`s balls as usual

When did I ever do that you drunken retard?

2 Nov 2024  #92


Yaaawn. Ratso, don`t make me sleepy. Post some garbage music as you always do. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #93

I am playing with my NEglish at will. You are too stupid to understand it.

Your English is not as good as you think it is.

Poor for an English teacher.

2 Nov 2024  #94

When did I ever

Half your posts to Novi include ball licking. Ha!!! It seems you decided to keep balance in nature on them! hahaha

2 Nov 2024  #95

Ratso, don`t make me sleepy.

Go to bed Jerzy, you have had far too much to drink.......

2 Nov 2024  #96

Go to bed

I never go to bed, Ratso. ):):)

2 Nov 2024  #97

Half your posts to Novi include ball licking

So that is why he has blocked me eh?


He blocked me because he disagreed with me.

You really are a very stupid drunkard aren't you?

2 Nov 2024  #98

:):):) Sweet dreams, ratso.

2 Nov 2024  #99

I never go to bed

Only when you collapse into it in a drunken stupor or your wife physically throws you into it!

2 Nov 2024  #100

:):):) Sweat dreams, ratso.

2 Nov 2024  #101

Sweat dreams

Is your wife finally dragging your drunken body into bed then?

Thank God for that!

2 Nov 2024  #102

:):):) Sweat dreams, ratso.

Youre the one sweating bullets around here, Pijak. Knowing, Trump is going to crush your leftard dreams in just a few days...lol

2 Nov 2024  #103

I am living in your head

Don't flatter yourself. When I check on PF, there is nothing interesting going on, and I see you post all over the place with your usual trope, so I put you in your place. You don't feel so good about yourself.
There are two other posters that spam PF Korvi..something, and Novi, but they are too boring for me even to read their spam.

2 Nov 2024  #104

There are two other posters that spam PF

Of course, being modest, you don`t include yourself in the group of spammers. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #105

better if Trump is elected.

Stop trolling.

2 Nov 2024  #106

and I see you post all over the place with your usual trope,

Hes the "King of Spam" around here. Its free nitwit comedy, better than watching the 3 stooges.

2 Nov 2024  #107

Its free nitwit comedy,

I am glad you like it so much. It makes me feel needed and fulfilled. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #108

Occassionally, I take a peek at the posts by the azholes on my ignore list...only to confirm my brilliance...

So now it\'s just AV, Joker, JR, and PAK.

Hey, Poloniusz, where the hell are you...

2 Nov 2024  #109

I take a peek at the posts

Of course. You have always done it in previous years.

Hey, Poloniusz, where the hell are you...

You forgot about Bobko.... :):):)

So now it\'s just AV, Joker, JR, and PAK.

Soon you will be reading and talking to yourself only. hahahaha buhahaha

johnny reb
2 Nov 2024  #110

Soon you will be reading and talking to yourself only.

You already do.

2 Nov 2024  #111

You already do.

Bingo! Perfect 10!

2 Nov 2024  #112

You already do.

How if you have just responded?????

2 Nov 2024  #113

and never came back.

I jeszcze śmiesz się tym chwalić, sowiecki śmieciu??????? Ty aspołeczny skurvysynu!!! Zamiast iść na wybory, zagraj sobie w rosyjską ruletkę swoim pistolecikiem. hahahaha

2 Nov 2024  #114

ty jesteś gorszy niz soviet kanalia.
20-50zloty kawa flat white.

They have colonised your part of poland and you stick your dick out and think it's holy rain.
next things the tourists will say we pay 450 zloty to double team your wife.

then these western tourists will say i will pay 2 million zloty to marry your daughter and dona't worry we will make good money together just please i need EU passport

2 Nov 2024  #115

20-50zloty kawa flat white.

To wszystko co zapamiętałeś z wizyty w Polsce, bidoku australijski???? Nawet Cię na kawę nie było stać???? To po cholerę się pchałeś do drogiego lokalu???? AmaSSing!!!! hahahaha
Bogini, co za kutafon z tej amigii.....

2 Nov 2024  #116

Nawet Cię na kawę nie stać????

no widzieć? kawa gdzie? i martinie gdzie? i ile ta kawa kosztuje? ci jest luksósówa? hahah ci masz optowienepriedalanke ubranie? hahahha Widzisz, ja znam polsie piękno i pradzwiwie polskie gówno! haha **** this sh&t!

2 Nov 2024  #117

Bogini, co to za bełkot??? Amiga, kto Cię zapoznawał z językiem polskim??? Bo uczeniem na pewno tego nie można nazwać. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #118

Amiga, kto Cię zapoznawał z językiem polskim??

moi język jest engpol oraz poglish. (translation i don't speak polish officer, here's 50usd shut the **** up )

I jak ja mowiie że jesem polak, no ja jestem dumny ze ja jestem polak, co najlepsze urodzina uczekli martial law, when general jaruziesli
,.was left to counter revolutionary losers and puppets get the hell of our country.

It's sad, i can try and start a business in poland, but all i m met with is gdansk PO mAFIA if i want to start a restaurant or a shisha par.
krakow evn worse have to deal with the PO eiltis and also the different factions of the mafia. and also get involved in fisticufs.

madagascar or the ablbanian/montegrego riveria sounds a lot more appealing

2 Nov 2024  #119

Kamalablaba ideological framework is hilariously emtpy. Keep pouring high double digit billins to maintain 'freedom and democracy' in a former teritory that russia defines as a vital strategic interest.
Trumps ideological framework is that USA empire real enemy is china , and throwing undress of billions to win an unwinnable war, only straightens china, and they best thing that china wants is the west to pour billions to fight for the last ukranians, whilst the chinese, with ruski help, learn all our spoused latest battelled theqhnieqes.

Nato satalites and drones buzzing over the area?
These kunts have that too.

I want to post sth about Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk

Yes but the less you let him into you daughters room to bugger you daughter the better. Especaially when you were filming it for your daughters onlyfan channel

cms neuf
2 Nov 2024  #120

Shisha bars is already a crowded market Amiga

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