You are a piece of trash. You know nothing about me. Another added to my ignore list. GFYS.
Spot on
I admire your patience...in this case with an assfucker...I am out of it...
Spot on
I concur, the cocksucker is beyond an annoying piece of shlt.
He's been had as being the administrator for this forum.(Quite an advantage to be able to diminish and shame members.)
jon357, you suck.
He claimed that Jim Werden was me only to have it confirmed by Ziemowit that Jim was not me in the picture he posted.
The egg just ran down his face in gobs.
Now his lapdog Lazarus being as thick as pig shlt is trying to deny that he isn't the one in this photo with his ex-wife that divorced him for spouse abuse and sexual assault on her underaged daughter.
Just click on the picture and see which guy looks like a mental patient.
