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29 Oct 2024  #31

When GK PMed me that he was leaving

No!!!!!!!!! Kania notified you in a PM??????? AmaSSSSSSSSing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oops, I had no idea his condition has deteriorated so much.

Kania, weż się kurwa chłopie w garść i wracaj w te pędy bo widzisz jak tu płaczą za Tobą. Wybaczam Ci wszystko.

29 Oct 2024  #32

Wybaczam Ci wszystko.

Ale gdy wrócisz jak zwykle to jak zwykle będziemy się napierdalać jak Polak z Polakiem bo taki już nasz los. Nic nie poradzimy. :):):)

30 Oct 2024  #33

He: I am ready to see the King.
She: I am ready to give BJs for 20 in Chicgo...

That's the difference...

Are women no longer capable of shame?

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30 Oct 2024  #34

capable of shame

What's she got to be ashamed of, she has a matching dress and bag.

30 Oct 2024  #35

I've no idea who9 she is, but she looks smartly dressed.

The guy's suit looks distinctly 'off the peg' though and the trousers just aren't a good fit.

30 Oct 2024  #36

but she looks smartly dressed.

Sure for 304.

30 Oct 2024  #37

I've no idea who9 she is

Don't ask Jimmy Poorhouse, he's the leading expert at putting the wrong names to people in photos. LOL! What a f*cking retard! Hoot!

30 Oct 2024  #38

he's the leading expert at putting the wrong names to people in photos.

Too ashamed to post one yourself and end the suspense? I posted mine and guess what...nothing happened...BFD...

30 Oct 2024  #39

As far as that semi-naked idiot...Broads spend all kinds of time to figure out how to push the envelope even further. Nothing ever is good enough...

What's next...Two stamps for the nipples and dental floss for the crutch? Modern high body kunt women no man wants to marry and the bit*hes wonder why...

If you find what you just read old-fashioned, think "daughter" or "mother".

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #40

Too ashamed to post one yourself and end the suspense?

Oh it's Lazarus alright and he sure is rattled.
Just listen to him go on about it.. Hoot !

30 Oct 2024  #41

the crutch? Modern high body kunt women no man wants to marry and the bit*hes wonder why...

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30 Oct 2024  #42

Oh it's Lazarus alright and he sure is rattled.

That's the part I am missing...What is the big deal?

30 Oct 2024  #43

That's the part I am missing

The part everyone is missing is where Jimmy Poorhouse says who he claims I am in his precious photo. He refuses to do that: because he's finally realised that I'm not in the photo and he's been played for the f*cking moron we all know him to be. Hoot!

30 Oct 2024  #44

PS. Kania, you can come out of hiding! I have forgiven you.

Kania!!! Wracaj, sukinkocie!!! Przecież Ci wybaczyłem. Przez Ciebie Bobko bojkotuje forum. Dlaczego chcesz Go unieszczęśliwić???????? Czy Ty nie masz zupełnie serca???
Zimny drań.........

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #45

You are a piece of trash. You know nothing about me. Another added to my ignore list. GFYS.

Spot on
I admire your patience...in this case with an assfucker...I am out of it...

Spot on
I concur, the cocksucker is beyond an annoying piece of shlt.

He's been had as being the administrator for this forum.
(Quite an advantage to be able to diminish and shame members.)
jon357, you suck.

He claimed that Jim Werden was me only to have it confirmed by Ziemowit that Jim was not me in the picture he posted.
The egg just ran down his face in gobs.
Now his lapdog Lazarus being as thick as pig shlt is trying to deny that he isn't the one in this photo with his ex-wife that divorced him for spouse abuse and sexual assault on her underaged daughter.
Just click on the picture and see which guy looks like a mental patient.

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31 Oct 2024  #46

How many times will Jimmy Poorhouse post his formerly precious photo without saying who he claims is me in that photo? My money is on infinity times, because even Jimmy Poorhouse has realised that I'm not in that photo! LOL! Hoot!

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #47

Oh it's you alright, Shorty.
How many times will Dead Man Walking Lazarus post his formerly precious photo of Jim Werden saying who he claims is me in that photo ?
Looks like the head of the snake of the British Bully Club is getting a taste of his own medicine. Hoot !
Nana a Nanya you little prick with ears.
Best thing you could do at this point is have your membership deleted AGAIN because Harry and Lazarus are history.

31 Oct 2024  #48

If anybody wants to check who the morbidly obese hypocrite in the below photo is, there's a full description of it at facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Mp7aUb273J6NZcD8KYcnEEwfrNN6k7HMQLRN9b3mFqrXJxoHV6oVhTQsQkHNsNL9l&id=262346914547&rdid=VGNRWIQvnVD6EkCh

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johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #49

If anybody wants to check who the mentally ill guy with OCD/ASD in the picture contact the Polish Prison System records.

I love reading your meltdowns while you stew with smoke spewing out of your ears and that big blood vessel popping out of your forehead.. Hoot !

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31 Oct 2024  #50

Don't. They're not a reliable source.

C'mon now, 'Atch, Jimmy Poorhouse never met a source he doesn't find to be 100% reliable when he wants it to be reliable. He even once believed he'd found a photo of me on FaceBook but now he realises he was played for a fool! He won't even say who he claims I am in his precious photo! Hoot!

31 Oct 2024  #51

Oops. Now Jimmy Poorhouse is breaking the law again. In Poland it's illegal to insult the memory of the dead and the man he's claiming was divorced for spouse abuse and sexual assault on an underaged girl is very certainly dead. His name was Joe Tunney. He was a friend of mine. His obituary notice can be read here: funeral-notices.co.uk/notice/tunney/5204116
I'll attach below a photo of him. Who would like to send a screenshot of Jimmy's post to the prosecutor in Warsaw? Remember that there's no public interest test in Poland and so prosecutors have to move every time they're presented with clear evidence of a crime.

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31 Oct 2024  #52

In Poland it's illegal to insult the memory of the dead

We don't give a fvck about Polish laws. Or British, or German...

In Europe, I would be serving 25 to life for my "hate speech". In a civilized country like the US, "hate speech" is protected by the full power and authority of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

BTW, what is the dead is Hitler? Is it OK to insult him?

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #53

Poor Dead Man Walking with even more frivolous threats. LMAO
Rest his soul.

cms neuf
31 Oct 2024  #54

We are not talking about Hitler, but rather a decent guy well known in Polish business circles, sadly just passed away, so why not pack it in with your dumb hypothetical questions.

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #55

I just think that everyone on the planet just wants to get to the other side of this election.

Absolutely agree....even the german media hardly know any other topic by now....it's strange....and needs to end!

31 Oct 2024  #56

a decent guy well known in Polish business circles, sadly just passed away,

I was pretty sure you'd know him (at the very least by sight), and that you'd be less than impressed at the repeated claims that he was divorced by his wife for beating her up and that he served years in jail for raping his step-daughter.

cms neuf
31 Oct 2024  #57

Yes - met him during privatizations in the 1990s, he was at Glaxo and some other pharmas. A nice guy

31 Oct 2024  #58

Halloween-children storm the door

I have already given away all the sweets, now I am giving away small coins.

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #59

Really! Cool.....but what is meant with "Saures"? In "Süßes oder Saures!" I never know...

31 Oct 2024  #60

BB, where is your post in which you admonished me for mistreating Kania and my answer to it in which I told you to go to Honecker etc.
I can`t find them anywhere and search gives zero results. They vanished completely. Dissolved in acid????

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