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27 Oct 2024  #1

2024: I self-identify as a teen black lesbian with a PhD in nuclear physics.

And what?

27 Oct 2024  #2

when you stumbled into her room after two bottles of vodka

I think this moron is an alcoholic, so he probably does more than two bottles of wodka.

28 Oct 2024  #3


  • P1020470_11zon.jpg

28 Oct 2024  #4


"website called 11zon which I use and really recommend. Just clck on "compress images" and it'll be clear."

Thanks Jon. It's easy to use on a laptop as I just went to 'image tools' and clicked on compress JPG. On a mobile I can't find that option so I can't upload photos from my albums. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but on a mobile it seems to be PDF tools, converting JPG to PDF and other formats and vice versa. All I want to do is resize/compress a picture/photo.

I've always had problems resizing. Whichever site I've used I resize to normally under 100 kb, and when I try to upload it to PF, it says file too big, time and again. I used to upload photos to the photo riddle thread but it's just way too much hassle. This is why I loathe tech.

johnny reb
28 Oct 2024  #5

On a mobile I can't find that option so I can't upload photos from my albums.

Send your photo's from your mobile by e-mail to your laptop.
Download them from your e-mails to a save file on your laptop while resizing them in the process.

28 Oct 2024  #6

On a mobile I can't find that option so I can't upload photos from my albums. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but on a mobile it seems to be PDF tools,

On mobiles it switches sometimes (I just found this out) to something called bigpdf/11zon. If you want to compress other images, just scroll down (or open it as compressor.11zon.com

I always choose "compress images" since it does all types.

The screen below is what I get if I just type in 11zon, but you can scroll down and you'll find "compress images".

it's just way too much hassle. This is why I loathe tech.

Me too, especially printer drivers which conspire against me. Those and the EE roaming settings.

Download them from your e-mails to a save file on your laptop while resizing them in the process.

Depends on which mail client you use. Sopme do, some don't

  • IMG_1711_11zon.png

28 Oct 2024  #7

Send your photo's from your mobile by e-mail to your laptop.
Download them from your e-mails to a save file on your laptop while resizing them in the process.

I now how to do that and it's longwinded. What I am trying to say is that even resizing them to under 150kb doesn't always work. I still get file is too big even when it is supposedly within the limits for PF.

The screen below is what I get if I just type in 11zon, but you can scroll down and you'll find "compress images".

Thanks Jon, found it now :) I'll try again with another photo. The thing I noticed with the photo I posted in #2 is that the quality isn't great when you get it to the right size to upload. It looks slightly pixelated if you know what I mean.

Me too, especially printer drivers which conspire against me.

Admin has been really helpful but I guess I'm not that tech minded. I had the printer driver nightmare a while back. BT switched from analogue to digital landlines and sent me a new router. Set it up and didn't think about it until I tried to print something. Of course, the IP changed and my wireless printer didn't respond. I tried downloading the drivers again and that didn't work. Removed and re-added the printer and that didn't work either. Had to get a tech savvy friend to sort it out. He swore. A lot. Took him hours so I feel your pain!

28 Oct 2024  #8

still get file is too big even when it is supposedly within the limits for PF

I generally go to below 120. Try to convert image files to .avif format - we've just added support for .avif and .webp which take minimum space compared to .png or .jpg.

I had the printer driver nightmare

So much can go wrong. iCloud desktops/folders too. They kidnap your files and put them in the cloud so you can't get them unless you have a fast internet connection. Microsoft stuff can be just as bad with all the signing in and relying on the internet.

28 Oct 2024  #9

Another test

  • IMG_7325_11zon2.jpe.jpeg

johnny reb
28 Oct 2024  #10

Absolutely beautiful, keep testing.
Did you take that photo ?

28 Oct 2024  #11

I generally go to below 120

Me too. That last photo I uploaded i had to compress to 97% to get it to 112 kb.

Microsoft stuff can be just as bad with all the signing in and relying on the internet.

Tell me about it :(

Did you take that photo ?

Yes. It is Orvieto Cathedral.

28 Oct 2024  #12

we've just added support for .avif and .webp

At last! :):)

28 Oct 2024  #13

@pawian Last post from me tonight.

No need to notify me about each act of a worthless sewer rat you commit in the forum. :):):)

28 Oct 2024  #14

Maybe CTRL+F5 to refresh CSS file.

I have just done it and seen amasing developments.

Rat`s post was rightly moved to Random while Korvinus`s rightly moved to the thread where it belongs. However, now Korvin`s nick is bold red. What page exactly, index or mytopics? Check again now.

  • 1196147.jpg

28 Oct 2024  #15

Check again now.

Now Korvinus is normal black,while all my nicks regardless of being a starter or not are bold red. Like before. The only change is other starters are bold black. Yes, probably that's how it should be so that you could quickly notice your posts/threads via the red colors..

  • 1196147.jpg

28 Oct 2024  #16

how it should be

Exactly!!! Thanks. :):):):)

28 Oct 2024  #17

No need to notify me

Then please be my guest and ignore my posts.
Or you could "Man Up" and actually make some posts to this group to show your Polish patriotism......unlikely, because you are a coward and not a true Polish patriot......

29 Oct 2024  #18


Ratso, your notion of showing patriotism by a presentation of idiotic music clips is really amaSSing. I kinow better ways to do it.

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #19

A dog can't be smarter than it's owner

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #20

Speaking of the bias media supporting Kacklama, coverage of Trump, Harris in presidential race 'most lopsided in history', 85% negative for Trump.
The media is part of the Swamp that Trump will bring down so the uninformed America can be educated fairly.

29 Oct 2024  #21

Yours is

29 Oct 2024  #22

When is Jimmy Poorhouse going to say who he claims is my in his favourite spankbank photo?

29 Oct 2024  #23

Yours is

Maybe Jim's dog can tell us who Jim claims is me in his prized photo? Jimmy seems to have lost the ability to type when it comes to questions about me supposedly being in his former favourite photo.

29 Oct 2024  #24


Hey Ape!

Do you regret saying hurtful things to Kania? Because now he is gone from the forum.

F*ck you!

29 Oct 2024  #25


No, I don`t. Why should I? He started abuse first. If you can`t see it, you are a moral and mental kunt. MMK. :):):)


Not the first, not the last time. He is troubled with some sort of a mental issue but at least he is much more decent than you - he is aware he said stupid things about me and is now hiding in embarassment. But he will be back as always. Don`t worry! :):):)



PS. Kania, you can come out of hiding! I have forgiven you. hahahaha

29 Oct 2024  #26


F*ck this forum. No Kania - no Bobko.

Hope you all enjoy reading Pawian.

29 Oct 2024  #27

No Kania - no Bobko.

It means you come here only for Polish Russophiles???? I thought your Kremlin-assigned task was to work primarily on normal Poles/ Polesses. :):):)

Come on!!! You mustn`t give up on us!!! You have to do your best to convince us that Putin`s Russia is a great country which deserves our respect!! hahahaha buhahaha

That`s what they are paying you for.

29 Oct 2024  #28

You mustn`t give up on us!

You have disappointed me.

29 Oct 2024  #29

Hope you all enjoy reading Pawian.

No. I am not Novi. I hate being in the centre of attention.

You have disappointed me

Skip this stupid emotionalism and get back to your fekking work on normal Poles/Polesses! Zapierdalaj albo skonczysz w batalionie karnym na Ukrainie! hahahaha

29 Oct 2024  #30

F*ck this forum. No Kania - no Bobko.

When GK PMed me that he was leaving I immediately knew what would happen next...

Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 16 [1017]Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15 [1133]

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