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2 Nov 2024  #121

moi język jest engpol oraz poglish.

Yes, I think I will take a screenshot for friends and family to have a laugh at this nonsense. :):):)

ja jestem polak,

Dupa kangurza jesteś a nie polak. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #122

I will help you in Krakow. Its not so bad.

Vance is the most "presidential" person on the ballot. If Trump wins, Vance will be in the office for the following 8 years. The globalist agenda will be fvcking dead.

2 Nov 2024  #123

I will help you in Krakow. Its not so bad.

thanks. forget about jon because pawian is worse. i want to spend 10k usd to find this skurwycin. Because at least jon is real he plays his cards as he see them.

pawian on the other hand, is a total piece of sh*t.
He lives in a PiS village so in class he has to teach reality but because he is so frustrated by ideology (and also the milk man and post man DPing his wife) he comes on this forum pretending to practise his english and speaks the most polonophobic hate speech just for his pervet jollies.

i want to nail this kunt to the wall. If i have to buy PF and get his IP address so be it.

2 Nov 2024  #124

pawian is worse.

Yes, much, much worse... :):):)

If i have to buy PF and get his IP address so be it.

Darling, you are too poor for that, bidoku australijski który wypadłeś z dupy kangura razem z jego kupą i nie zdążyłeś się jeszcze umyć!!! :):):) Nawet na kawę w Polsce Cię nie stać a co dopiero na forum, kangurzy kutasiku 5-centymetrowy. hahahaha

i want to spend 10k us

You can`t afford even 10 USD, bidoku. :):):)

2 Nov 2024  #125


What's that supposed to mean?

2 Nov 2024  #126

Amiga się popisuje jezykiem polskim mówionym za czasów króla Ćwieczka. hahahaha

2 Nov 2024  #127

Yes, much, much worse... :):):)

Jon to mały Miki w porównaniu do mnie...... hahahaha buhahahaha

2 Nov 2024  #128

Niestety, twoja matka zorientowała się, że jest w 7 miesiącu ciąży i urodziła cię w kanale.
Po kilku miesiącach komuniści wyciągnęli cię z kanału i nakarmili mlekiem i miodem.
Ale do dziś masz dziecięcą radość z jedzenia i gadania gówno.

2 Nov 2024  #129

jest w 7 miesiącu ciąży

Ciąża u pawianów trwa tylko 6 miesięcy.

2 Nov 2024  #130

6 miesięcy

Yes, it does but I spent more time in my baboon mother`s womb to gain more intelligence which I am happily exploiting now in the forum. ):):):)

w kanale.

Mylisz mnie z Miloslav Ratso. :) ):):)

Ale do dziś masz dziecięcą radość


2 Nov 2024  #131

The globalist agenda will be fvcking dead.

They know it and will do anything to stop Trump - even if it takes a .223...

2 Nov 2024  #132

will do anything to stop Trump

That is why you consider voting for him useless..........

2 Nov 2024  #133

Dang! You've been on here since I first posted around 8am this morning and now its almost midnight in Poland! LOL Get a life loser!!!! Hahahahahaha What a bunch of worthless polocks around here! Did you find the xmas carp for your bathtub yet?

2 Nov 2024  #134

Another video to confirm that women don't bring to the table anything. A man who wants unconditinal love and loyalty gets a dog.

"...not even construction workers notice me..."

...because you are nothing other than expense and drama...

2 Nov 2024  #135

Another video to confirm that women don't bring to the table anything.


These are normal women to you?

You must live in some American TV reality lifestyle zone.......

Get real!!!!

3 Nov 2024  #136

You've been on here since

Exactly!!! Isn`t it wonderfully amasing??? And 90% of my posts were about Poland and her matters.

I envy you so much that you are able to contact such a great ape and read his amasing input.

Get a life

This is my life in perfect balance of nature - a day before I was driving around cemeteries all day long. The next day was for relaxation in the family home which is my fave place. Ha!!!

3 Nov 2024  #137

If Trump wins

Wanna bet??? :):):)

3 Nov 2024  #138

Fort Trump

Wanna bet??? :)):)

3 Nov 2024  #139

Wanna bet??? :):):)

Wow! Almost 25,000 posts, huh? No wonder you've been padding your stats with those useless 'Wanna bet??? :):):)' one-liners on every thread today! :)

Hey, once you reach your unparalleled goal, why not donate $25,000 to the forum's fundraiser to show your appreciation for being allowed to post here since 2008?

I'll even dollar-match you after you make your donation! Deal? :)

3 Nov 2024  #140

Wow! Almost 25,000 posts, huh?

Wow!!! Amasing!! How did you count them all????

Wanna bet???

Yes, Polo, it is still valid - wanna bet????

I'll even dollar-match

1 dollar from you???? hahahaha

3 Nov 2024  #141

Deal? :)

No deal. You are a rightist and as such an obsessive liar, cheater and conman. We know your lot very well.

3 Nov 2024  #142

Wow! Almost 25,000 posts, huh?

That's what dogs do to mark their territory ... **** all over. PF is this moron's hydrant...

3 Nov 2024  #143


Novi, niedobry piesek! hahaha buhahaha
Ale krótki witz!!! ):):)

3 Nov 2024  #144

Memo to all: Ignore this moron.

3 Nov 2024  #145

Memo to all: Ignore this moron.

Most posters do.

3 Nov 2024  #146

Memo to all:

Too late, darling! :):):)

Most posters do.

Prove it, rightist liar!!! :):):)

3 Nov 2024  #147

Memo to all: Ignore this moron.

Have you noticed how he has conversations with himself lately? No friends left around here! LOL

3 Nov 2024  #148

Have you noticed

Yes, I have noticed that none of Am rightist maniacs want to take a bet with me. AmaSSSSSSSing!!!!

No friends

Darling, I don`t need friends to lash at Am rightist cretins. It is enough when only me does this simple job.

3 Nov 2024  #149

Wow! Almost 25,000 posts, huh? No wonder you've been padding your stats with those useless 'Wanna bet??? :)

He was on this forum around 18 hours yesterday trying to get ppl to talk to him. What a useless lonely old troll.

I'll even dollar-match you after you make your donation! Deal? :)

He could on pay in turnips.. His wife pays for his internet service.

3 Nov 2024  #150

trying to get ppl to talk to him.

Exactly!!!! Apes cling on to humans for social contact. :):):)

His wife pays

Actually, she doesn`t coz she is occupied with baking delicious cakes. :)_:):)

He could on pay

????? What English is that?????????????

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