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Apropos of Nothing

20 Feb 2024  #1

I thought I'd start a thread containing completely random things - and where better than in Random/Off-Topic!

So, here's my first contribution. I was walking along the street the other day and I saw a young couple approaching, holding hands, a tall, lanky guy with longish hair and a short, podgy girl with a giant afro hairstyle (she was white, before one of our sensitive flowers has a conniption). Anyway as they came nearer, I realised that it was in fact, a tall, lanky girl with not-such long hair and a short, podgy guy with a giant afro. Life is weird.

That's it. Over to the rest of you.

20 Feb 2024  #2

I think you need to see an optician...
Anyway in my opinion men should dress like men and women like women. When I was young and stupid I had thought that everybody should just wear what they liked and I had felt so proud of myself for being an open-minded fellow rather than what I was a naive and rather dumb youngster.

20 Feb 2024  #3

I think you need to see an optician...

I'm afraid that ship has sailed :) I've always been as blind as a bat. I have contact lenses of course but there's only so much science can do!

Well, I think it's ok for women to wear trousers - they can still look feminine but you shouldn't be siting on the tram trying to figure out whether the person opposite is male or female.

20 Feb 2024  #4

I saw a car on fire yesterday. The engine was on fire and the driver was in a bit of a flap. He had a young kid with him right next to the car and I thought maybe I should go over and at least get the kid to a safer distance in case the fire got to the fuel line however some people nearer got there first and sorted that.

The passers by (about 10 of us in the end) were cupping sand in our hands and putting it on the fire which wasn't easy because the fire was growing. We managed it in the end however it took about a dozen people frantically chucking sand on.

At least it was something out of the ordinary. The moral of the story is that you should always carry a fire extinguisher, especially if you drive somewhere that isn't sandy.

20 Feb 2024  #5

should always carry a fire extinguisher

It is mandatory equipment for cars registered in Poland.

20 Feb 2024  #6

Here, nobody even bothers with seatbelts. Or driving licences which exist largely in theory than reality.

20 Feb 2024  #7


I bought a new Golf imported from Poland 2 years ago, there was a fire extinguisher on board, but the first aid kit was laughable, I had to buy a German one.

P.S. Does "Here" means in Africa?

20 Feb 2024  #8


A lot of accidents and most people don't do a driving test.

20 Feb 2024  #9

I saw a car on fire yesterday

It wasn't an electric car, wasn't it? It seems to be prone to burst into flames if you embarrass it.

21 Feb 2024  #10

It wasn't an electric car

It wasn't. There aren't any here as far as I know. Just the old fashioned dirty kind.

seems to be prone to burst into flames

Petrol engines cars have been doing that for the few decades they've existed, often with explosive consequences.

24 Feb 2024  #11

I found a thread where Atch, Roz, and Crow discuss Polish penis sizes.

I did not think such a thread was possible.

It includes such great quotes from Crow, as:

Good penis on the table can strengthen the argument, it's a fact. As Latin proverb says: ``Bonus Penis Pax in Domus``.

I wanted to ask the moderators why this thread was closed?


24 Feb 2024  #12

I wanted to ask the moderators why this thread was closed

Apparently this was not a topic for the Polish Forum but for the Penis Forum.

24 Feb 2024  #13

you shouldn't be siting on the tram trying to figure out whether the person opposite is male or female.

You should. When that person takes your wallet you should be able to tell the cops if it was a man or a woman.

The distinction is also critical if you are horny...or just want a new friend...

29 Feb 2024  #14

everybody should just wear what they liked

Except sports clothes when not playing sports.

And what's wrong with a proper jacket?

1 Mar 2024  #15

And what's wrong with a proper jacket

It doesn't match athletic shorts.

2 Mar 2024  #16


When was the last time you wore those?

2 Mar 2024  #17

I found a thread where Atch, Roz, and Crow discuss Polish penis sizes.

KGB pay you to post to divide polshoi and not search for penis on forum, comrade bobko

15 Mar 2024  #18

not search for penis on forum

He must look for his penis because he lost it while sitting in the trenches near Chernobyl.

22 Oct 2024  #19

it was in fact, a tall, lanky girl with not-such long hair and a short, podgy guy with a giant afro. Life is weird.

Tall women don't have it easy in life. Not everyone can be a model or a flight attendant. 🤔

johnny reb
22 Oct 2024  #20

Not everyone can be a model or a flight attendant.

Maybe not a model but even the gays have taken over being flight attendants.

22 Oct 2024  #21

Not everyone can be a model

Somebody can certainly be a super-plus-sized model for second-hand Walmart clothing. Can you guess who it is?

  • whoateallthecake.jpg

24 Oct 2024  #22

Can you guess who it is?

Could it be someone from PF?

24 Oct 2024  #23

super-plus-sized model for second-hand Walmart

Maybe because I seem to have the slim-ish gene (no fat relatives at all) I just don't understand how or why people let themselves get like that. I went up a couple of trouser sizes in Qatar due to the food but the weight fell off as soon as I started to eat more healthily and get a bit of exercise.

It must be really hard to carry all that weight around. Like picking up a sack of potatoes with you every time you stand up.

24 Oct 2024  #24

Can you guess who it is?

Too slim for JR Jim..... no idea.

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #25

Too slim for JR Jim...

Plus JR is much taller
Its really Lazarus as he was just kidding us.

25 Oct 2024  #26

Too slim for JR Jim..... no idea.

Perhaps Jimmy Poorhouse's extreme poverty is no causing him to lose weight? It's certainly him. Photo's from the FB page of the church he's an elder at. Just go to the church's page and put Jimmy's surname into the search. Laughs follow! Here's a shot of him being sworn in as an elder:

  • Jimatchurch.jpg

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #27

What's his surname ?

25 Oct 2024  #28

extreme poverty is not causing him to lose weight

What possesses them to dress like that in public? Or put all that weight on?

25 Oct 2024  #29

What possesses them to dress like that in public?

Beggars can't be choosers, and Jimmy Poorhouse can't afford to buy clothes. So they don't have anything except fifth-hand Walmart clothes to wear.

Or put all that weight on?

Well, it's not as if Jimmy has anything to do apart from post here and eat roadkill / fish he finds left on the docks / whatever's free at church events.

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #30

What's his surname ?

You two dweebs are a pair to draw to. Hoot !

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