27 Oct 2024 #61
Good old Jimmy Poorhouse, he just can't resist doubling down when he gets caught lying! Jimmy knows full well who Richard R Ruffe is, and we know that because Jimmy posted about him just this month:
Yes, he had pictures of nude underaged people on his computer.
Notice how Jimmy Poorhouse tries to minimise the crimes of his housemate. Ruffe was actually convicted of possession and distribution of child sex photographs. And we know from the charges that at least some of the photos included children being sexually abused. Vile. But Jimmy Poorhouse wants you to believe that his housemate only had "pictures of nude underaged people".
Google the name Richard R Ruffe and you'll find his rap sheet with multiple convictions. I won't post any links, because whenever such links are posted here they are reported to Google with a right to be forgotten request, so the sites stay up but Google no longer displays them as results. Clearly Jimmy Poorhouse hasn't realised that such removal just confirm yet again who Richard Ruffe is to him. You'll also see a particular residential address linked to Ruffe, the address of the shack that Jimmy Poorhouse's mother gave to Jimmy. The same address that Jimmy's long-suffering wife runs a childminding business from.