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Apropos of Nothing

27 Oct 2024  #61

Good old Jimmy Poorhouse, he just can't resist doubling down when he gets caught lying! Jimmy knows full well who Richard R Ruffe is, and we know that because Jimmy posted about him just this month:
Yes, he had pictures of nude underaged people on his computer.


Notice how Jimmy Poorhouse tries to minimise the crimes of his housemate. Ruffe was actually convicted of possession and distribution of child sex photographs. And we know from the charges that at least some of the photos included children being sexually abused. Vile. But Jimmy Poorhouse wants you to believe that his housemate only had "pictures of nude underaged people".

Google the name Richard R Ruffe and you'll find his rap sheet with multiple convictions. I won't post any links, because whenever such links are posted here they are reported to Google with a right to be forgotten request, so the sites stay up but Google no longer displays them as results. Clearly Jimmy Poorhouse hasn't realised that such removal just confirm yet again who Richard Ruffe is to him. You'll also see a particular residential address linked to Ruffe, the address of the shack that Jimmy Poorhouse's mother gave to Jimmy. The same address that Jimmy's long-suffering wife runs a childminding business from.

27 Oct 2024  #62

convicted of possession and distribution

It's just so sordid.

Clearly Jimmy Poorhouse hasn't realised that such removal just confirm

One of several things that confirm Jailhouse Jim's identity beyond any doubt.

The same address that Jimmy's long-suffering wife runs a childminding business from

This is worrying. It just goes to show that you don't know who's at the other end when you interact with people online.

Reminds me of a guy from my town who back in the early days of the internet met a woman online in America. He was a lonely 30 something bachelor. He flew out there to see her and she turned out to be 65 not 30, and when he opened the deep freeze in her garage, he found her husband's frozen body in there.

A lot can happen in the wilds of Michigan.

27 Oct 2024  #63

@johnny reb

Laz and Jon have banged you to rights.You are guilty as charged with no defence!

28 Oct 2024  #64

It's just so sordid.

It's absolutely vile. And so is Jimmy Poorhouse attempting to minimise the crimes committed by his housemate. His housemate didn't have "pictures", he had photographs. And they weren't of "nude underaged people", they were photographs of children being sexually abused. It's disgusting that Jim defends his housemate.

28 Oct 2024  #65

Laz and Jon have banged you to rights.

Sorry Milo, missed your comment (I was sickened by Jimmy's attempts to minimise the crimes of his paedophile housemate and so distracted).

Jimmy has indeed been nicked. And even worse for him, he's realised that he's been right grafted, royally turned over. Like some Yank buying London Bridge. He was actually stupid enough to think that the photo he was provided with has me in it! LOL! All that time he spent savouring that prime piece of his spankbank images (or course he doesn't actually go for one off the wrist anymore, he hasn't been able to get it up for years), and it turns out to have all been a total wind up. What a f*cking retard! Hoot!

Of course, if Jimmy Poorhouse would like to once and for all say who he claims is me in his prized photo, we might have to reassess. But he won't, because he knows he's a loser here, just like he's a loser all the time for his entire life. Hoot!

29 Oct 2024  #66

Nothing is certainly what Jimmy Poorhouse has to say about who he claims is me in his prized photo. Clearly even he's realised that he's been played for the cretin we all know him to be. LOL! Hoot!

30 Oct 2024  #67

Clearly even he's realised that he's been played for the cretin we all know him to be

He has nothing to say, does he...

The horrible egg goo is pouring down his face.

30 Oct 2024  #68

He has nothing to say, does he...

What can Jimmy Poorhouse say? Whatever he said everybody would just hear him saying that he's complete moron who's been played like the f*cktard he is. All those years he spent long evening salivating over that photo, imagining all the power it gave him, and now he's realised that I'm not even in that photo! What a f*cking moron! Hoot!

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #69

Too ashamed to post one yourself and end the suspense?

Oh I have posted his picture several time already with him claiming that it is a high ranking British consulate and his ex-wife a prestigious attorney that was going to sue me to now completely denying that it is even him. Hoot !
Oh it's him alright, with his trophy ex-wife at a cheap curry restaurant in Warsaw.
That's why he is having these meltdowns day after day in sheer embarrassment.
I have rattled the ass hole but good this time.
Question Novi, we know that jon is the Administrator for this forum with several sock puppet accounts and it has been suggested that Lazarus is a sock puppet of jon's or do you this Lazarus is just jon's lapdog ? Hoot !

30 Oct 2024  #70

The horrible egg goo is pouring down his face.

I wonder if that reminds him of his first days in prison, back in August of last year.

But that does raise the question of which will happen first: will Jimmy Poorhouse say about who he claims is me in his prized photo or will Satan ice-skate to work in the morning one fine August day? I'd bet on Satan skating to work, because Jimmy Poorhouse is now as embarrassed as he's ever been on PF and wants everybody to stop talking about his once precious photo! Hoot!

31 Oct 2024  #71

I'd bet on Satan skating to work, because Jimmy Poorhouse is now as embarrassed as he's ever been on PF and wants everybody to stop talking about his once precious photo!

I'm now offering odds of three to one on Satan skating to work before Jimmy Poorhouse says who he claims is me in his prized photo! Place your bets!

Jimmy Poorhouse hasn't been this embarrassed since it came out that his wife runs a child-minding business from his shack despite a registered sex offender and paedophile living there. At least when that he could just lie and try to claim that he's not the person we all know he is, but this time he can't lie his way out! LOL! Hoot!

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #72

You seem a but unhinged by having your picture posted here, Christian.
Just look at all the meltdowns you have had in this thread.

  • 20240528_1623208..jpg

31 Oct 2024  #73

Poor Jimmy Poorhouse: he's to dumb to know that somebody named Joe isn't called Christian! LOL! Hoot!

  • JoeTunney.jpg

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #74

Stop digging Christian, you are making even a bigger ass out of yourself.
Anyone can see that is two different people. Hoot !

31 Oct 2024  #75

Poor Jimmy Poorhouse: the bottom has dropped out of his world! Will he be forced to sell his mother's shack to pay his legal bills for his vile claims about Joe Tunney? Watch this space.

  • JoeTunney2.jpg

johnny reb
31 Oct 2024  #76

for his vile claims about Joe Tunney?

Except those vile claims were true and directed at Christian and not some Joe Blow. lol.
And you using a computer to commit a crime by posting Richards crimes calls for prison time so maybe we will be sharing the same jail cell. Hoot !
You've been played idiot and don't even know it.

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