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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

15 Jan 2024  #1


Why any talk about a two-state solution is pure bull... Gaza was already a state since 2005.

15 Jan 2024  #2

A two-state solution is pure bull.

Murrey is talking rubbish here, as much as he is on point sometimes his anti-Islamic obsession plays a role in that.

If a two-state solution is a Piper dream then there are no feasible alternatives besides ethnic cleansing. So... I would rather have them try out it first than condone mass murder and expulsion of people.

15 Jan 2024  #3

I would rather have them try out it first

They already did in 2005. Israel left Gaza free of Jews, with billions from the Western "democracies" and let Gazans elect whoever they wanted as their government.

Would you like me to list what happened since?

17 Jan 2024  #4

Don't pull some nonsense out of your ass. That is not the case. It hasn't been tried out and probably never will, but that is not a reason to condone ethnic cleansing. However, IF you do then maybe grow a pair and don't list excuses, such behavior is lame and cowardly.

17 Jan 2024  #5

but that is not a reason to condone ethnic cleansing.

The only cleansing was done to the Jews in Gaza. They were removed by the IDF in 2005 and Gaza was turned loose to govern itself as a state. In 2006, Gazan elected Hamas through a process known as voting.

What was missing in 2006 to meet your definition of "a state"? Specifically - no personal insults...

18 Jan 2024  #6

Gazan elected Hamas through a process known as voting.

This means Hamas is a legally elected political force in Gaza and not a group of terrorists.

18 Jan 2024  #7

One can be elected and a criminal. See Germany in 194x.

19 Jan 2024  #8

Are you referring by any chance to the so-called "Kalte Amnestie" or "Cold War Amnesty" of
the 1950's in former West Germany, when literally thousands of ex-Nazis were reinstated back
into both public as well as private life....with impunity for the rest of their lives, without having
to serve one day in prison?

20 Jan 2024  #9


"Every country that takes in Palestinians gets terror".

Just as every country that takes Gypsies gets thieves.

20 Jan 2024  #10

.. Gaza was already a state since 2005.

They voted Hamas into power didnt they?

You get what you vote for! All the billions of $$$$ Hamas stole from the west instead of benefiting the people.

Our politicians are complete idiots, why ever give any foreign aid to any country ever again?

Lets hope Trump wins in 2024!

20 Jan 2024  #11

Hamas cancelled elections. Reform people there haven't had a chance to vote for many years and were they to vote would not choose Hamas.

20 Jan 2024  #12

They voted Hamas into power, didn't they?

Who voted Biden to power then? Martians?
Pretending that Gaza is the same as any given country is a lie. Why would you look for an excuse for ethnic cleansing? If you find with it just say it and let it roll. Do you need hypocrisy to feel better about yourself in your daily life?

20 Jan 2024  #13

"Every country that takes in Palestinians gets terror".

That's not true. I watched the YouTube short you linked to and unfortunately Murray is lying. I say unfortunately, because it's always disappointing to see an intelligent, well-educated person telling lies in order to support their opinions. He knows that when he makes the statement 'Every country that takes in Palestinians gets terror' he is telling a lie and that makes him a wholly untrustworthy source.

20 Jan 2024  #14

and unfortunately Murray is lying

I like his lies. Lies I don't like:

...a man can be a woman
...a man can get pregnant
...LGBTs are as normal as heteros
...Hamas and the IDF are morally equal
...NATO was not the reason why Russia invaded Ukraine
...Putin is a war criminal because he took some kids to safety
...Western "democracies" are democracies

What else...

20 Jan 2024  #15

What else...

Novichok is right...

20 Jan 2024  #16

Next time...Novichok is a genius.

20 Jan 2024  #17

Lies I don't like:

Ok, Novichok is right and he is a genius. Now better? 😄

20 Jan 2024  #18

You made me so happy and it's only 9:20.

21 Jan 2024  #19

You made me so happy

Such little lies bring so much pleasure.

21 Jan 2024  #20

Life is one big lie with "...till death do us part..." as number 1 on the list.

Bratwurst Boy
27 Jan 2024  #21

....about time!

The UN Palestinian Relief Agency lays off several employees


UNRWA employees are said to have been involved in the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th. An investigation is ongoing. The USA immediately suspended its payments to the UN Palestinian Relief Agency.....

Hopefully Germany follows!

...."Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terrorism will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution," said Lazzarini. UN Secretary General António Guterres was "horrified," said his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric. The spokesman announced that an "urgent and comprehensive independent review of UNRWA would be carried out."....


27 Jan 2024  #22

I have a better idea...Turn Mossad lose for a repeat of post-Munich '72 Israeli justice.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #23

At last:

UNRWA scandal

Germany stops payments to the UN's Palestinian relief organization


....Due to the alleged involvement of some employees of the UN Palestinian relief organization UNRWA in the Hamas massacre in Israel, Germany does not want to approve any new funds for the organization for the time being.

"Until the clarification is complete, Germany, in coordination with other donor countries, will temporarily not approve any new funds for UNRWA in Gaza," the Foreign Office and the Development Ministry announced on Saturday evening in Berlin. In any case, there are currently no new commitments pending, it said.

The USA, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Italy and Finland had previously announced a stop to payments to the UN aid agency....

28 Jan 2024  #24

Germany, in coordination

I heard that last year some other German NGO sent about 800 M Euro to support smugglers that transport people i.e. illegal immigrants from North Africa to Europe.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #25

....at least that's an NGO, not paid for by us taxpayers!

28 Jan 2024  #26

Not paid for by us taxpayers!

As most of them seem to be ending up in Germany, German taxpayers will pay for them in the end. Shouldn't NGOs made to pay?

28 Jan 2024  #27

Shouldn't NGOs made to pay?

NGOs get money from the taxpayers. They don't print or rob banks...

German NGO sent about 800 M Euro to support smugglers that transport people i.e. illegal immigrants

They should be charged criminally.

28 Jan 2024  #28

As most of them seem to be ending up in Germany

A lot are sent via France over the channel in dinghies by the appalling Emmanuele Micron for dark purposes of his own.

28 Jan 2024  #29

Emmanuele Micron for dark purposes of his own.

He aims to sink that precious island a stone set in the silver of the sea. He does of out of envy hailing from less happier land.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #30

Shouldn't NGOs made to pay?


Even better once all these people donating and supporting them will be forced to take over once they reach Germany....taking them in under their roofs, feeding and clothing them, being responsible when they become criminals....

Apropos of Nothing [76]Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 9 [3171]

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