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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

28 Jan 2024  #31

by the appalling Emmanuele Micron for dark purposes of his own.

So who is a moron? The French who send them or the Brits who take them? Duh!

28 Jan 2024  #32

The only thing to do is house people until they can be returned.

28 Jan 2024  #33

Whose house? Yours?
Returned where?

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #34

....no wonder Hamas had all the money....but that ends now!


..UNRWA has now lost 55% of its funding. Closer we can get the number to 100% the better the situation will be in the long term.

There are 13,000 UNRWA staff in Gaza.

That's one UN staff for every 114 refugees in Gaza. Compare that to the largest refugee camp in the world, Cox Bazar with only 1,550 UN staff serving 1.24 million refugees. That's one UN staff for every 800 refugees. In comparison, there are 7 times more UN staff serving refugees in the Gaza Strip.....

....They need Palestinian refugees to exist. If Palestinians got their state, there would be no more "refugees," and the business and flow of aid money would end......

  • UNRWADonors.png

28 Jan 2024  #35


How much does Israel pay for UNRWA?

28 Jan 2024  #36

@Bratwurst Boy
From that table...The stupidest country: the US. The smartest: Poland and Russia.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #37

Nah....Russia supports the Palis big time....always has....


Poland wasn't to shabby either....


But yeah....nothing compared to the US and Germany!

I wonder what would happen if we would cut all the finances to the world only for one year....and would use it only in our own countries....only for one year....would everything break down?

28 Jan 2024  #38

only for one year....would

This is impossible, this financial drip is necessary for the survival of these poor countries. Otherwise, refugees from these countries would flood us.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #39

Otherwise, refugees from these countries would flood us.

That sounds more like blackmail....

28 Jan 2024  #40

like blackmail

Of course, unofficially, but you hit the nail on the head.

Bratwurst Boy
28 Jan 2024  #41

....maybe we really will need that "Festung Europa" to end that!

28 Jan 2024  #42

.maybe we really will need that "Festung Europa"

Some smart guy (or a team of smart guys) should sit down for a year or so and calculate the cost in the long run - what is cheaper...

a) accepting and integrating immigrants?
b) helping them in their countries?
c) building the Festung?

... in the long run, for social and economic cohesion it would probably have to be B or C, but if we decide on B then we will also have A anyway. So, I suppose Festung will remain as the most viable option.

28 Jan 2024  #43

that "Festung Europa" to end that!
@ Bratwurst Boy

I would settle with a normal state run by normal statesmen that apply normal rules and it means that any state has borders and you can't cross them illegally because you are going to be stopped, deported, or stot. Simple. No need to invent a wheel all over again.

28 Jan 2024  #44

d) Tell them to stay the fvck away and shoot those who didn't read the memo - just as I am legally allowed to shoot home invaders.

stopped, deported, or shot.

That's why I like you, Iron...
My suggestion: shoot first and deport later.

29 Jan 2024  #45

Palestinians subjected to more collective punishment because South Africa asked the ICJ to stop the genocide.
This rules based order has again been exposed as a farce.

Looks very much like the so called west is helping the Zionist entity in their genocide.

29 Jan 2024  #46


The one they're committed to carrying out against Israel?


Of which you're part.

29 Jan 2024  #47

The one they're committed to carrying out against Israel?

No, the genocide that Israel is currently on trial for.

29 Jan 2024  #48

Except the only democracy in the Middle East isn't "on trial for genocide".

They were victims of it on 7/10 though, and should any of Hamas or their willing collaborators survive they will doubtless be brought to justice, hopefully in the free world.

29 Jan 2024  #49

Except the only democracy in the Middle East isn't "on trial for genocide".

Israel is far from a democracy and it is on trial for genocide as the ICJ found south Africa's case to be plausible and as a result is progressing with the case.

Bratwurst Boy
29 Jan 2024  #50

I hope they will keep showing them the finger!

29 Jan 2024  #51

@Bratwurst Boy
Do you mean that Israel should ignore the measures set out by the ICJ? The same ICJ whose decisions are binding according to the so called west.

Perhaps you mean that the so called west should continue to punish the Palestinian people through measures already prohibited by the ICJ ie starvation.

Its difficult to know what your intent is apart from pure hatred towards people you consider lesser humans.

29 Jan 2024  #52


There's nothing they can do.

the so called west

Of which you are very much part.

The crime here is the 7/10 pogrom.

Bratwurst Boy
29 Jan 2024  #53

The same ICJ whose decisions are binding according to the so called west.

That was as the West still ruled with it's values and basic rights....these international boards sadly seem to lose their worths because of the infiltration and overtaking by countries led by rulers who give a **** but need these organizations to gain face and status they otherwise would never get.

Oh and to keep the money flowing of course!

Best example that UN general secretary Guterres, what a joke for an once so highly esteemed position!

It's time for all civilized countries to leave them behind and organize new....

29 Jan 2024  #54

There's nothing they can do.

Indeed there is no way to enforce their decisions but as the US, Uk etc pointed out recently with regard to the Russia/Ukraine case their decisions are binding.

I may be wrong but it appears that the implication of your comment is that might is right. If you are arguing that then there is no point trying to counter it.

The crimes that Hamas committed are inexcusable and cannot be used to commit further crimes.

need these organizations to gain face and status they otherwise would never get.

Its the so called west that uses these institutions as blunt instruments to advance their interests, that's why a majority of the world (by population and states) complain about them.

Bratwurst Boy
29 Jan 2024  #55

that's why a majority of the world (by population and states) complain about them.

That's why their masses try everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, to gain entry here, even risking death!

They know only the "so called West" can offer them a life worth living...even with the lowest illegal refugee status!

Complaining are only their rulers, needing arguments to keep these masses at home quiet and docile! What's better than to call the West their enemy....that game is so old that has a beard already!

And also old are these "useful idiots", people living the comfy life in the West and still supporting it's enemies....nothing new but still incomprehensible!

The crimes that Hamas committed are inexcusable and cannot be used to commit further crimes.

How would you extinguish Hamas then?

29 Jan 2024  #56

@Bratwurst Boy
Thats just really a rant against migration which is fine if thats your thing but has no bearing on the apartheid nature of Israeli society.

29 Jan 2024  #57


Binding how? How many of their decisions (against whoever) are enforceable and is Gaza also on trial for the proven genocide carried out by their elected representatives?

might is right

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favour to the learned, however that's certainly who is it my money on.

As for 'might is right' (the original book of that title was by the way a satire), one tiny nation, perhaps the most persecuted in history are being terrorised by some of the most vicious (and oil rich) regimes in the world some of whom have sworn to obliterate the only Jewish state in the world. One of them, the principal funders of Hamas is (ominously) enriching uranium right now.

Might us not right; and in this case the might is in the blood stained hands of Israel's tormentors.

Do you think Israel is heavy-handed in protecting their country? I do, since they certainly are. The alternative is death.

29 Jan 2024  #58

You would really need to ask those who proclaimed the ICJ rulings as binding ie a clatter of NATO countries. If the decisions are binding on one state then they are binding on all states that subscribe to the court.

Do you think Israel is heavy-handed in protecting their country?

I agree with South Africa's case that Israel is using the attack by Hamas to eradicate the people of Gaza. Very important political figures and decision makers in Israeli have expressed their wish to remove the Palestinians from Gaza and their army are doing their bidding.

29 Jan 2024  #59

NATO countries meaning ours presumably who sensibly keep a hands off approach.

The idea of sanctions from a court being enforced against a victim of genocide is out of the question.

29 Jan 2024  #60

Do you think that ICJ directives are not binding?

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