Do you disbelieve victims?
I actually think there's no reason to not believe the Israeli claims. I just don't understand why this is such a surprise?
Barney is right - Israel vets every single employment permit for the UNRWA - so for them to miss 1,200 people having links to Hamas is difficult to believe. What's more likely, is that they didn't care. It has been Netanyahu's explicitly stated policy for more than a decade to buttress the Hamas regime in Gaza. As he himself explained, this was a gambit to prevent the formation of any unified Palestinian state in the future. As far as that goes, Bibi's plan worked spectacularly.
So back to my point - why is this a big deal? All it proves is that 1,200 Hamas members had a day job working for the UN refugee agency. Seeing as it employs 10,000 people, and as such - is one of the largest employers in Gaza - and seeing as Hamas actually runs Gaza, and is by far the largest part of the state apparatus - these numbers don't seem astonishing. Two of the largest organizations in a certain territory had some personnel overlap. One of these, doesn't pay any salary to its rank and file members (Hamas), being for the most part a political party. The other pays some of the highest salaries any Arab living in Gaza can hope to earn. Miracles of conspiracy! Lol.
What this information in no way proves, is that the United Nations Relief and Work Agency is somehow behind the 10/7 attacks, has any control over Hamas paramilitaries, has any insight into their operations, or has aided them in any way with military supplies or intelligence.
Can we instead discuss that half of Gaza's hospitals are functionally disabled?
A few months back, we were discussing that the Israelis killed the same amount of innocent Gazans in a month, as Russia had killed innocent Ukrainians in two years. Now that number is 3X more than Russia has killed, and it's only been three months since. Anybody care to take up that discussion?