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25 Oct 2024  #31

roadkill / fish

Less roadkill/fewer fish and more salads might be the way forward for h8m.

That and a trip to TKMaxx..

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #32

It's certainly him. Photo's from the FB page

I can play that game too Christian as you were dumb enough to post on F.B.

And here is a picture of you and your lovely trophy mail order bride from Ukraine.
AND it is actually you and your ex-wife while the pictures you claim of me are fantasy.
Boy aren't you guys just sharp dressers. LMAO !
And she looks SOooo happy doesn't she.
We see that she is pleasingly plump while you have your beer belly covered up. Hoot !
But that pictures was taken more than ten years ago too.
Still hilarious though.

25 Oct 2024  #33

And here is a picture of you and your lovely

I slightly know or know of three people in that picture. None are posters here as far as I know and at least one is dead; it's an old photo.

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #34

SURE jon, we alll BELIEVE you. LMAO !
That's Lazarus and his ex-wife without any doubt pigging out at the cheap Curry Club.
She is a real trophy isn't she. Hahahahaha !
And he has the balls to make fun of Jim Werens wife. Hoot !
He since was so embarrassed that he deleted it from Face Book but the Reb has copy's of everything in his archives.

25 Oct 2024  #35

cheap Curry Club

Generally they go to one of the more expensive ones, assuming they're still going.. I don't like that restaurant much; all the curries taste the same, I once had lamb there and it was off, and the pakora are just nasty chip shop scallops and are crazily overpriced.

There's nobody from PF in that photo though.

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #36

There's nobody from PF in that photo though.

That is another of your flat out LIES jon.
How would you know that for sure since you "slightly" only now three of them. lol
You Liar.
This is Lazarus as sure as can be.
Then why did he delete this picture from Face Book the day I said that I was going to post it ? Hoot !

25 Oct 2024  #37

How would you know that for sure since you "slightly" only now three of them. lol

Easily. I know the person you're wittering about in real life and also know/know of several of the people in the picture.

Although the Warsaw expat scene with its hothouse gossip, backbiting, jealousy about material success, Polish hangers-on, fantasy millionaires, stayed-too-long-teflers, depressive 'returned' Polonia, chancers, and its occasional feeling of end of the world desperation isn't really for me, I've lived there for around 30 years and do know some of the foreigners who go to the various social events and consider some of them to be friends.

25 Oct 2024  #38

There's nobody from PF in that photo though.

And it hasn't been deleted from FB, Jimmy Poorhouse is just too dumb to find it. Hoot!
I wonder if he can say who he claims I am in that photo?

  • Jimlyingagain.jpg

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #39

I wonder if he can say who he claims I am in that photo?

Is that a trick question ?
Hairy Lazarus Dweeb Boy of course, better know as, "Dead Man Walking."

Although the Warsaw expat scene with its hothouse gossip, backbiting, jealousy about material success, Polish hangers-on, fantasy millionaires, stayed-too-long-teflers, depressive 'returned' Polonia,

jon 357......very well put as you can see by one of the people in the picture worries more about my finances than I do. lol
The jealousy just drips off his posts in the stock market thread with condescending jealous posts.

25 Oct 2024  #40

my finances

You haven't got any


Does it drip more than the wooden shíthouse behind your tarpaper shack?

25 Oct 2024  #41

You haven't got any

Jimmy Poorhouse is even more unable to spare a single cent than he is to point to me in the photo he's too dumb to find on FB! LOL! Hoot! What a f*cking loser!

25 Oct 2024  #42

What fun. Jailhouse Jim keeps flashing round some decades old group photo which he claims contains a poster here, yet he can't even point out who he thinks it is.

No wonder nobody believes his crapola.

25 Oct 2024  #43

What's the great obsession with identifying people in photos?

Rich posted a scan of his goddamned passport without redacting a single thing - and he still seems to be walking the Earth, more or less the same as before.

25 Oct 2024  #44

What's the great obsession with identifying people in photos?

Jimmy wants to claim I'm in that photo, but he won't say which person he claims I am there. Because he knows he's lying.

Of course, everybody else knows he's lying too.

25 Oct 2024  #45

and he still seems to be walking the Earth, more or less the same as before.

Time passes, with each passing day he walks less and less.

25 Oct 2024  #46

identifying people in photos

Ask Jim. He's the guy who's posted an old group photo three times this afternoon without the slightest idea of the identity of anyone in it.

What's t

We're not exactly dealing with a sane individual here.

25 Oct 2024  #47

Ask Jim. He's the guy who's posted an old group photo three times this afternoon

Poorhouse Jimmy has gone completely silent, which is how to tell even he knows he's completely f*cked up. In normal situations he'd be out here claiming he said, for example, he'd held all of his fantasy tesla shares when he actually said he'd already sold them. But now he realises that posting the photo of a dead man and claiming that man is a convicted rapist is a Very Bad Idea. Because insulting the memory of the dead is a crime in Poland.

Well, either that or he's had the massive and sudden heart attack that results from being morbidly obese. Either way we all win.

25 Oct 2024  #48

my finances

What finances?We all know that you are a poor boy living in a wooden shack, otherwise you would have a nice house like Rich(Novichock) or a wonderful house like Joker.
You need to work hard to own a nice house.Something that you have obviously been incapable of doing.......and no, I don't believe your stock market boasts and nobody else does either!
What a f*cking loser!

That sums up JR Jim!

Of course, everybody else knows he's lying too.

That's all he does, it's just lie after lie after lie.......

We're not exactly dealing with a sane individual here.

Obviously not.

Poorhouse Jimmy has gone completely silent

Thank God for that! The Michigan Moron is silent for a while........

25 Oct 2024  #49

living in a wooden shack,

Better a wooden shack among nature than a stinking sewer in your pathetic case.

25 Oct 2024  #50

Better a wooden shack among nature than a stinking sewer

Drunk again? What a stupid post! You have absolutely no idea how I live but I am sure it is much better than you or your new found friend JR Jim!
Or is it because you sympathise with him because you also live in a wooden shack in the country?

25 Oct 2024  #51

than a stinking sewer

Don't envy him. I know that since PiS cut down the small tree you were sleeping under you have no place to stay.

johnny reb
26 Oct 2024  #52

WoW ! look at the British meltdowns I caused by posting Lazarus and his trophy ex-wife's picture. Hoot !
He likes to post pictures of husband and wife so back at ya ugly.
Just look at her, you can tell she has been abused and beat by Harry.
Man I love getting under his skin and winding him up like a British toy troll doll. Hoot !

Jimmy has gone completely silent,

Naw, Jimmy went to the Trump rally but Trump was three hours late in arriving.
Jimmy didn't get home until late to his wooden shack.
He had to get up early today to make a big pot of fresh venison chili for the football games today.

he'd held all of his fantasy tesla shares when he actually said he'd already sold them.

Poor Dead Man Walking still doesn't understand that day traders buy and sell stock daily.
Lazarus is just torqued because I won't tip him anymore on when to buy and sell until he tips us on a stock that he can't seem to be able to do. Hoot !
Poor Christian is just beside himself to think he missed out again because of having no money to invest in Tesla.
It amasses me how Hairy Lazarus and pie hole the Milo envy others wealth so much, especially MINE ! Hoot !

26 Oct 2024  #53

What finances?We all know that you are a poor boy living in a wooden shack

Yes, a fantasist

nice house like Rich(Novichock) or a wonderful house like Joker.

Noth8ng special either.

26 Oct 2024  #54

Yes, a fantasist

Jimmy Poorhouse is quite possibly the biggest fantasist on the Internet! It's to the point where even he doesn't believe he says anything other than lies. Still always fun when he catches himself out (e.g. claiming he'd sold his Tesla shares and then claiming he still had them), and also when he knows he's been exposed, for example with the photo he claims I'm in but he won't say which person I am in the photo. Hoot!

johnny reb
26 Oct 2024  #55

he claims I'm in but he won't say which person I am in the photo.

You are the guy with the funny haircut and the big nose.

his Tesla shares and then claiming he still had them)

oh, o.k. Christian, you are right again.
Oh, and that is a $456,000 dollar gain in one day as you can see.

When I watch a cat toss a dead mouse around, I think of me being the cat and you being the mouse. Hoot !

  • 20241024_140043.jpg

26 Oct 2024  #56

And still Jimmy Poorhouse refuses to say who in his precious photo he claims I am. So sad that he's lost the point of his favourite photo. Where's he's going to get replacement spankbank material from?!

26 Oct 2024  #57

Where's he's going to get replacement spankbank material from?!

From his lodger's laptop probably.

johnny reb
26 Oct 2024  #58

refuses to say who in his precious photo he claims I am.

You are the guy with the funny haircut and the big nose.

The only guy in the picture that looks mentally ill.

26 Oct 2024  #59

From his lodger's laptop probably.

Is Richard R Ruffe even allowed to own a computer? I thought paedophiles like him, convicted of computer related child sex abuse, were banned from using computers. But looks like we know who's been paying for Jimmy Poorhouse's Internet! And he's been lying to Jimmy Poorhouse about what it costs, as shown by Jimmy thinking that Internet costs more monthly than the cost of 31 cups of tea at a cafe. Hoot!

And he still can't say who in his precious photo he claims I am! LOL!

johnny reb
27 Oct 2024  #60

I thought paedophiles like him, convicted of computer related child sex abuse, were banned from using computers.

You are a convicted pedophile and still using your computer so you tell us how you do it.
Who is this Richard guy, another fantasy character in your mind ?

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