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Chairman Kaczyński said..... / Opinions and ideas uttered by the leader of the PIS

13 Nov 2023  #661

Why would Duda want to humiliate his own party?

13 Nov 2023  #662

Why would Duda want

The worse they look, the more statesman-like his eventual legacy.

Plus, there are certainly current PiS figures, perhaps including him or more probably politicians allied to him, with an eye on whatever party emerges after PiS.

18 Nov 2023  #663

The Fall. (Do you remember that film about Hitler???:) hahaha

It comes to mind when one sees Kaczyński trying to obtain the right to speak in the Parliament. He said: I am the (deputy) Prime Minister, I want to take voice. The new Speaker refused.

See the video with comments in Polish:

  • jaroslawkaczynskiz.jpg

19 Nov 2023  #664

The new Speaker refused.

This is outrageous. Time for tanks on the street.

19 Nov 2023  #665

Time for tanks on the street.

Tanks are used in communist countries or Russia.

PiS gangsters will bring in machettes!

19 Nov 2023  #666

PiS gangsters will bring in machettes!

haha don't bring african ideas into poland please :)

19 Nov 2023  #667

don't bring african ideas into poland please

It wasn`t the opposition who organised the visa scam in African countries. It was rightist PIS - they gave out visas for bribes amounting to 5000$ each!

19 Nov 2023  #668

The Fall. (Do you remember that film about Hitler???:) hahaha

It comes to mind when one sees Kaczyński trying

You think it was a scandalous remark to juxtapose Kaczyński to Hitler????

No, it wasn`t. It was prophetic. Today I spotted a title of an article about the Chairman:

Kaczyński has taken shelter in the bunker under the Chancellery Office of the 4th Polish Commonwealth.

What does it mean?? The same what I wrote 2 weeks ago:
Kaczyński regularly shows he is still completely disattached from reality after the elections.

11 Dec 2023  #669

Today Kaczyński called the new pro-democratic anti PiS Prime Minister a German agent.

Very good!! We need more of that before the coming elections next year!!! hahahaha Let PIS lose them like they did the latest ones.

Clap! Clap! Clap! hahahaha

11 Dec 2023  #670

before the coming elections next year!!!

Are there any more?

12 Dec 2023  #671

Local gov elections in spring. Then, Euro Parliament ones in autumn. Plus presidential ones in 2025.

13 Dec 2023  #672

Local gov elections in spring. Then, Euro Parliament ones in autumn.

hmmm, guess who's gonna win the first two? :) :) east/west north/south divide in the local elections tho of course.

14 Dec 2023  #673

hmmm, guess who's gonna win the first two? :) :)

Decent people hope they will win and PiS gangsters will lose again. :):):)

15 Dec 2023  #674

Decent people

Who are they?

16 Dec 2023  #675


Decent people often are.

17 Dec 2023  #676

Decent people often are.

Not my experience at all.
I have known some sincere,but in my view, misguided,Socialists who really believed that they were trying to better the lives of the worse off and "Even Society Up".

But most Socialists I know are hypocrytical "Champagne Socialists" who think that Socialism is for the masses and not for them.
They continue to praise the state education system whilst paying thousands of pounds to privately educate their own children.....they continue to champion the NHS whilst going "Private" themselves...... Socialism is for the peasants and not for them!

19 Dec 2023  #677

I have known some sincere,but in my view, misguided,Socialists who really believed

London types.

Yesterday, I was in Featherstone, Pontefract and Knottingley. Once, in those places, a miners's life was worth less than the cost of a safety lamp. Socialism (and yes, actual fighting) stopped that once. It was only temporary.

Most of the residential buildings and community facilities there are from the same period; between post-war nationalisation and Th*tcher (who was misguided if any politician ever was; she thought they'd develop lower middle class self-help instead of statism without realising the onslaught of 'business' who wouldn't even let them have building societies or the co-op) and there was one thing that stood out.

There is still plenty of industrial production, huge logistic facilities where they unbox and dispatch tat from China, big food production places chopping salads and making ready meals etc. yet none of the money from the work the people there do stays there. Almost everyone is on minimum wage (which of course me#ses up the whole place due to tax/council tax revenue). It all flows to 'investors' elsewhere.

We can do better than that.

19 Dec 2023  #678

We can do better than that.

We can. But Socialism is not the answer and never has been.Socialism always fails.Capitalism, for all it's inherent faults, is the best we have got.

19 Dec 2023  #679

Socialism always fails

Exactly. But PiS promoted it against all reason. And they finally lost when people realised it is the road to hell.

20 Dec 2023  #680


I am beginning to see a fundamental and mutual misunderstanding between us.
I mistakenly saw you as a Socialist and you mistakenly saw me as a "Rightist".A horrible term.
Both of us seem to be neither.
We are both capitalists.
You lean to the left and I to the right.
Your views are based on Polish politics where PIS are seen as a right wing party, when in actual fact they are a conservative and authoritarian Socialist party.

This is almost unheard of in western democracies.Although Orban in Hungary comes close.
In western democracies,Right Wing parties tend to be Capitalist, libertarian, freedom loving,low taxes and less government parties.
Hopefully we will have less political arguments in future.

20 Dec 2023  #681

I mistakenly saw you as a Socialist and you mistakenly saw me as a "Rightist"

No,the mistake is only on your side. Coz I have never admitted to being a socialist while you did to being a rightist dozens of times. Ha!

21 Dec 2023  #682

I have never admitted to being a socialist while you did to being a rightist dozens of times.

What is a "Rightist"?To me it implies an Extreme Right Winger, which I am not.
You are a leftist, but does that imply that you are a Socialist or a Communist?
Think man!

21 Dec 2023  #683

To me it implies an

Doesn`t matter what it implies to you. Rightist is a rightist without any special implications.

does that imply that you are

It is completely irrelevant to me what you imply. :):):)

Leave these implications whichever way done, a waste of time.

21 Dec 2023  #684

Amasing exchange:

A young anti-PiS activist shouted to JK leaving the building : You will go to jail!

Kaczyński answered - Watch it, shithead, coz you can go to jail instead.

21 Dec 2023  #685

It is completely irrelevant to me what you imply

I offered you an olive branch but you are the idiot ape that you are........and are irrelevant.

22 Dec 2023  #686

I offered you an olive branch

And I rejected it in full awareness of previous cases when we exchanged olive branches and hugs but you still betrayed me. I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away.

This time, to save me from tears, I will give it to someone special. E..g,, Mr Kaczyński. hahahaha buhahahaha

22 Dec 2023  #687

will give it to someone special. E..g,, Mr Kaczyński.

The THEY STOLE OUR series continued!!! Thank you for staying with us!!!

After the first They stole our victory episode

enjoy the second one:

  • 3eb65d66846ae088f507.jpg

Examples of popular Polish music? [1127]Russia claims the North Pole [28]

Off-Topic / Chairman Kaczyński said..... / Opinions and ideas uttered by the leader of the PIStop