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Examples of popular Polish music?

10 Oct 2010  #1

I'm, nto into pop music myself, but sometimes someone asks me about current music in Poland and where they can access it. Well, you need the name of the tune, band or performer. Can someone point of who would best exmplify the different styles. I know of Bayer Full in disco polo, but what about:

pop, rock, techno, hiphop, metal, reggae (is it still around?), folk (would that be Golec Orchestra?), and whatever else there is. What class would Kaja be in? And Kasia Kowalska?

10 Oct 2010  #2

reggae (is it still around?)

yes and its popular. East West Rockers, Maleo Raggae Rockers, Vavamuffin, Indios Bravos, Jamal, Marika.


world famouse is Kapela Ze Wsi Warszawa (Varsaw village band)


To be accurate techno its really rare and underground kind of music. What you probably mean is eurodance/harddance/trance.

I post you few nice thing whish are not nessecerly brand new:
Electric Rudeboys (ragga jungle? dnb?)


Sonic Division (electro boogie)


What class would Kaja be in?

Kayah. Pop.

Kasia Kowalska?


Both are not on the top in last years...

10 Oct 2010  #3

Jak ci się to podaba?


11 Oct 2010  #4

What a cute song. I like it.

11 Oct 2010  #5

Me too, what a charming song. Sounds like one of those from Piwnica pod Baranami.

11 Oct 2010  #6

You're right. That's the cabaret style just like in the Piwnica pod Baranami. The place produced many good artists and songs in the past. Hopefully, they still do.

11 Oct 2010  #7

I know it's overdone in Poland, but...


11 Oct 2010  #8

From the inter-war period, but still fondly remembered by the over 50s and anyone younger not afraid to go a bit retro, is Polish Tango:


It's recently had a (patchy, but in places excellent) make-over by various DJ/Club types - look out for Cafe Fogg:


11 Oct 2010  #9

A less known Fogg's song.

11 Oct 2010  #10

Hey check my thread !?
polish language section

11 Oct 2010  #11

POLISH jazz rules. It is among the best there is. Give it a try.


17 Nov 2010  #12

Polish music is fantastic! Polish musicians excel in every genre of music! I have devoted a section of my website to Polish Music. There is something for every taste: classical, jazz, pop, rock, techno, hiphop, rap, reggae, ska, goth, opera, punk, choirs, and even a few hits from a famous group of the 60s named Czerwone Gitary, otherwise known as the Polish Beatles!! The only Polish country music group - as far as I know is Zayazd, whose style is a fusion of country-rock-folk. They are fantastic! There are several audio tracks of Chopin`s works, and many many music videos of Polish artists of all genres including their biographies. There are also many award-winning Polish composers whose music has been featured in popular American films!! Check it out at Polish Culture (a division of Polish Greatness.com) Log onto: polishgreatness.com/polishculture/GatewaytoPolishCulture.html I know that there are many more Polish artists but it was impossible to include them all. I hope you enjoy the selection, and feel free to comment on it or make suggestions! Thank you!

17 Nov 2010  #13

You guys all have interesting posts. You have information on Polish songs I was never aware of.

As an American of Polish ancestry I like a lot Polish American singer Pat Benatar

Pat Benatar

Love is a Battlefield

Shadows of the night


You better run

Hell is for children


17 Nov 2010  #14

Jak ci się to podaba?


What's the group's or the female singer's name? I struggle with the lyrics as she's "talking" very fast but I like her voice a lot...

17 Nov 2010  #15

The female singer's name: Basia Stępniak-Wilk

The Lyrics:

A gdy patrzę tak
Śmiejesz się
Śmiejesz się

Dzień pogania noc
Świtem purpurowym
Ty jak czarny kot
Kończysz łowy


17 Nov 2010  #16

Basia Stępniak-Wilk

And male singer? Is it Turnau?

Cute song!

17 Nov 2010  #17

Yes. Grzegorz Turnau.

17 Nov 2010  #18

Thank you. He is much plumper now. I remember him much skinnier.

17 Nov 2010  #19

Recent hit:

Quite nice electro band:


19 May 2011  #20

Under 2009-2011 the Polish Club scen has expanded massively, all thanks more established artist such as Dj Remo & Kalwi & Remi, this growing industry of fresh producers with a will of coming out on the national market. One of my favorite artist Robert M (Robert Maczynski) is the polish answer to David Guetta, has been able to create a mass hysteria in Poland, with different quotes and love for his fans & music.

Pliz check him out if Ur in to Pop/ Dance music & support today's generation of polish musicians trying to hit the world market. Search for Robert M on FB & YouTube

19 May 2011  #21

Czesław Mozil:D:D:D

14 Aug 2012  #22

Merged: Let's put down flamewar and chillout a litte - MoCart Group

14 Aug 2012  #23

At first I'm thinkin' how does this relate to Poland? Then the guy says "przepraszam". These guys are good! (and funny)

14 Aug 2012  #24

Well, they are polish so quite relevant;)

12 Aug 2014  #25

Tomasz Niecik - a Polish hearthrob and kind of a Justin Timberlake figure here. basically the epitome of modern Polish music ;)

12 Aug 2014  #26

Don't lie, he is just making disco polo

19 May 2018  #27


Polish popular music.

I love music,especially Rock but have very broad tastes.I have followed Polish music for a very long time and there have always been some great artists but I actually think it is now getting better and broader every year.I am older than most of you on here,teenager in the seventies,in my twenties in the eighties,missed the nineties due to kids and have been catching up and listening to New music since.

Here is a list of some of the artists I like,some of which you may not know of course,I would be fascinated to hear your opinions on them and who you like.

Oldies - Zbigniew Wodecki,Czeslaw Niemen,TSA,Breakout,Czerwone Gitary & Wilki.
Folk - Rokiczanka.
Celtic - Albion & Beltane.
Pop - Kasia Lins,Mela Koteluk,Kasia Popowska,Ewa Farna,Sylwia Grzeszczak,Gregorz Hyzy & Gosia Andrzejiwcz.
Rock - Riverside,Hunter,Closterkeller,Illusion,Vena Valley,Red Lips,Votum & Coma.
Modern - Tres.B,Fismoll,Mesajah,Vavamuffin,Piersi,Grubson,Skubas,Fisz Emade & Bednarek(I know the last guy causes controversy).
What do YOU like?

19 May 2018  #28

Im not from Poland and I have no idea what are they talking about but I love to listen Kaliber 44-Plus i Minus

20 May 2018  #29

I don't know some of them ;) or just know the names.
As for my all time favourites I'd add Budka Suflera, Perfekt, Kayah (and her fantastic album with Bregovic), Lady Pank.
I guess I prefer oldies to new songs.
There are lots of old songs I just like.

20 May 2018  #30

What do YOU like?

Dżem, Goya, Beata Kozidrak, Agnieszka Włodarcyzk, Doda, Patrycja Markowska, Feel....too many to mention to be honest.

BTW, your post was probably merged because it was too similar to other posts about Polish music. If a new thread is not totally original it will often be merged with similar ones.

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