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George Floyd authopsy report

6 Oct 2020  #271

No they don't.

They already have admitted to being marxist. You dont have a clue and just blabbing out nonsense again.

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as 'trained Marxist

I can back up what I say with facts!

6 Oct 2020  #272

They already have admitted to being marxist

And? That doesn't rob them of their democratic rights, does it?

6 Oct 2020  #273

BLM has been debunked and is domestic terrorist organization.

That doesn't rob them of their democratic rights, does it?

Committing felonies does, such as looting, arson etc... They dont care about Black ppl , thats a totaL LIE!

  • weknow.jpg

johnny reb
6 Oct 2020  #274

Thay have the right to have their views and trying to shape USA as they wish (in voting and peaceful protests). That is called democracy

SHAPE ! You mean overthrow our Republic with Communism ????
Come on Lenka, even you are smarter then that.
Peaceful protests ?
Do you watch the news that show their "peaceful protests" where they are burning down buildings and throwing bricks at the police ?
Are you aware that some of these "Professional" protesters" are bussed in and being paid cash money and given free meals to show up to protest.

Probably not as you don't get that news in Poland do you.

and just blabbing out nonsense again.

She is not dumb Joker so I can only come to the conclusion that she post such propaganda just to get a rise out of us.

6 Oct 2020  #275

Her flimsy argument doesnt hold any water, no facts, just more bogus propaganda. She is 100% wrong and should stop trolling about the USA.

6 Oct 2020  #276

Wrong in the fact that those people have the same rights as you do to vote, campaign promote and protest?

You are like two old histerical biddis not listening to the points but that was expected

Btw Joker my
'No, they don't 'was about going to Venezuela

johnny reb
6 Oct 2020  #277

She is 100% wrong and should stop trolling about the USA.

I agree as she is not well enough informed, like she only read half the book and then tries to give a complete book report on it.

was about going to Venezuela

Are you familiar with what has happened in Venezuela Lenka ?
They were one of the richest countries in the world and look what Socialism did to them.
They can't even afford toilet paper.......when/if it's available.
Socialism never has worked, never will work and Americans do not want it.
The only people that want Socialism in America are the Commie Marxist so they can destroy America and take it over.
Now quit being so damn thick and let that sink in girl.

6 Oct 2020  #278

and Americans do not want it.

Then it shouldn't be a problem if those that do vote and campaign for what they want, is it?

6 Oct 2020  #279

She is 100% wrong and should stop trolling about the USA.

That`s so funny. It is the third or fourth poster to whom you suggest to stop discussing things in the forum.
Can you tell me: Why do rightards desire to prevent any discussion and ban everything to everybody who disagrees with them?? Don`t you understand that this silly attitude of yours only fuels more resistance among decent people who will do everything to stop rightards from getting power in the country?

Are you familiar with what has happened in Venezuela Lenka ?

Yes, but you are a liar and manipulator if you suggest a similar situation might happen in the USA under our wonderful President Biden.

6 Oct 2020  #280

rightards from getting power in the country?

We are in power and don't you ever forget it :)

6 Oct 2020  #281

Nothing lasts forever, remember about it. hahaha Rightards` rule shall pass like Hitler`s or Stalin`s. After the storm comes the sun. SImple.

6 Oct 2020  #282

Nothing lasts forever

You sound like a soppy old love song :)

But i like it. :)

6 Oct 2020  #283

Old? Soppy? Love song? No, dolno, the words nothing lasts forever don`t apply to true love. The saying until death do us part is false - the love continues in the other world, too.

6 Oct 2020  #284

Typical libtard blames others for doing exactly what they're doing. It's the left who is the party if " cancel culture" and shouting down speakers at colleges that don't agree with the libtard socialist agenda. You're a hypocrite as well as the Dems. Congrats! Hey, it's too bad it's so boring in Poland that you obsess about Trump, sad old man! Haha

johnny reb
6 Oct 2020  #285

under our wonderful President Biden.

OUR ? When did you become a US citizen ?

Yes, but you are a liar and manipulator

Only Commie Marxist liar propagandist would make such a manipulating statement. Simple

6 Oct 2020  #286

Hey, it's too bad it's so boring in Poland

No, it is not boring. The problem is I am so versatile and interested in hundreds things at a time. Are you able to understand it? hahahaha

that you obsess about Trump,

Wrong! I don`t obsess about Trump, actually I don`t care. Who I obsess is our beloved President Biden!

sad old man!

I can be old but certainly I am not sad!!!

OUR ? When did you become a US citizen ?

Our means all decent citizens of the world who consider Mr President Biden the best choice for the USA. Are you able to understand it???


Stop parroting from me. You need a license for that. Do you know what licentia poetica is???

johnny reb
6 Oct 2020  #287

Like you when you go on about Polish people and their values?

I am Polish people so we could be shirttail kin Lenka.
Maybe you could quote me where I go on about Polish peoples values like you go on about American peoples values.

decent citizens of the world who consider Mr President Biden the best choice

Now that is an oxymoron if I have ever heard one. LMFAO !
And it still wouldn't constitute the word "our" even if it was true. Simple.

You need a license for that.

Badg'....what Badg'........I need no stinking Badg' !

7 Oct 2020  #288

Especially the Commie Marxists that are hell bent on destroying our Republic.

a.k.a Antifa and Biden supporters. BLM doesnt care about black ppl at all.

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johnny reb
7 Oct 2020  #289

The educated Blacks have caught on and will be voting for Trump.
The uneducated Blacks looking for anything free (Socialism) including blood money will not.

7 Oct 2020  #290

The educated Blacks have caught on and will be voting for Trump.

That`s wishful thinking, of course. A few might vote as you say, even one or two dozen, but not millions.

7 Oct 2020  #291

educated Blacks have caught on and will be voting for Trump.

What about registered sex offenders, will they be voting for the candidate who is on tape boasting about committing sexual assault and spying on teenage girls when they were naked?

7 Oct 2020  #292

I don't think his gard-core supporters care. They're blind to his faults (or pretend to be).

Nevertheless the rule of law does apply there (though they fail sometimes in implementing it). George Floyd's killer is due to appear in court and doesn't have any obvious defence for kneeling on anyone's neck.

johnny reb
8 Oct 2020  #293

This is what happens when you resist and obstruct the police in America.

8 Oct 2020  #294

Floyd is truly kind of a Saint. Black Angel.

13 Oct 2020  #295

Thay have the right to have their views and trying to shape USA as they wish

Yes, by looting shops and setting local businesses on fire. That's their socio-economic vision and that the only thing they are mentally capable of

16 Oct 2020  #296

I wonder how this all looks to Elvis Presley when looks on us from above or from below, whatever.

Life after death? [64]Communist Venezuela tries to hijack German cruise ship...sends war ship to ram...and sinks own ship [5]

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