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Music Thread

5 Apr 2024  #91

Thanks for the music group invite Milo. I do appreciate it but my privacy is more important and I won't do anything to jeopardise that.

You would have been a great addition to our music group but I fully understand your concerns.

There are some nasty vindicative characters on this forum as I'm sure you're aware.

I agree with you completely, The worst is a childish obsessive that lives in a shed in Northern Michigan, who keeps records on posters on here, stalks them and sometimes interferes with their real lives.His sidekick is the second worst troll on here,but he hasn't posted on here since before Christmas.

But they are the only bad trolls on here.Pawian is an insulting troll and uses foul language on the forum, but I don't believe he means anyone any true harm.

The Serb that claims to be something else is just a propaganda troll.No danger from him either.

And I would not call the Russian posters on here trolls either, they are just misguided souls.....

5 Apr 2024  #92

uses foul language on the forum

No, I don`t! Check my history since last Sunday! It is you who still uses it! That is why no forum woman will ever go on a date with you. Forget it. You are wasting time. Ha!!!!

he means anyone any true harm.

Exactly!!! I love all animals and humans, too. HA!!!

5 Apr 2024  #93

Thanks Milo :) Keep posting those great tunes.

I will!@Feniks

Please ignore the troll JR.......he is not worth engaging.....

Little banter is unavoidable in off topic threads. It was Milo who involved you in it, not me, remember

I know you like Pawian, but this post makes no sense to me at all.

5 Apr 2024  #94

I know you like Pawian

Yes, I do. I love this monkey boy like crazy. hahahaha buhahahaha.

5 Apr 2024  #95

Let's try a few "Prog Rockish" posts and see how they go down......

Many people would label Queensryche as a Metal band, but they were always much more than that.

And I make no apologies for including Polish bands in my posts tonight......they are worthy.

5 Apr 2024  #96

I'll end my "Progish Music" posts with this Prog Rock Classic!

5 Apr 2024  #97

Queensryche as a Metal band

Tate was one of my vocal heroes. His voice from 80''s until 92/94 was dynamic.

Were/Are you a fan of Marillion, Milo? Marillion taught me that you can enjoy drinking beer alone as long as you have a good set of headphones and these two albums:

5 Apr 2024  #98

Were/Are you a fan of Marillion, Milo?

Yeah, I quite liked them but I always preferred the original.... Genesis.....

But I enjoyed your posts.

5 Apr 2024  #99

but I always preferred the original.... Genesis...

😄. Yeah, Marillion: the poor man's Genesis. I never saw them as being that similar, but everyone else around me did.

Best live band I ever saw. It was in a club with about 2000-2500 capacity. No opener, they played well over 3 hours. Fish drank tea because he had a cold, but he sounded spot on.

5 Apr 2024  #100

Marillion: the poor man's Genesis.

They were, but to be fair, they were pretty good at it.

5 Apr 2024  #101

Is the proggie rock/metal stuff your preference, Milo?

5 Apr 2024  #102

My main love is Electric Blues, then Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Prog Rock and any mixture of those.......But I am open minded,I can enjoy African,Jamaican, Arabic and Indian music too!

5 Apr 2024  #103

Cool. I've tried to give Indian music a fair shake, but I just can't get into it. I may not have heard the right stuff.

Here's some guys I used to bang around with. They were one of the first from my group of peers to get signed to a label. I think they are still around:

6 Apr 2024  #104

Here's some guys I used to bang around with.

I think Lethal were very good and will investigate them further.

But I am going back in time now to the late sixties and early seventies to a band called Ten Years After.

This was another side to Ten Years After, they could do gentle Rock and still explode!

I'll end tonight with this one, which I believe was their only major hit single in the UK.

And still no music posts from Pawian!What is it mate?Is the competition too strong?

6 Apr 2024  #105

And still no music posts from Pawian!

Still no. :):):)

Is the competition too strong?

No, it is simply boring. You aren`t able to talk much about Polish music so you deal with this international crap. :):):)
Those "Polish patriots..... "
Yaaaawn. hahahaha

6 Apr 2024  #106

You aren`t able to talk much about Polish music

Have you not been following the Polish Music thread, you moron?

I have made several posts on there but you have not even made one!

What a complete imbecile!

6 Apr 2024  #107

you moron

Milo, you are morphing into me! Your wife may not like it...

6 Apr 2024  #108

Your wife may not like it...

No more.... :):):) Milo is looking for a partner in the forum.......... :):):)

johnny reb
6 Apr 2024  #109

Milo is looking for a partner in the forum......

Thats quite obvious and we all know who he is after too.
He must be having marital problems at home again and going through mid age crisis to be chasing a splittail 30 years younger than him.
Only a STUD like Milo could pull that one off. (Pun intended) HooT !

7 Apr 2024  #110

Milo is looking for a partner in the forum..

What do you care? Just stay away from kids.

30 years younger

Who is that? nothing wrong with it assuming you are right. Maybe he just wants to have a nice convo for a change?

7 Apr 2024  #111

Milo, you are morphing into me! Your wife may not like it...

She will love it LOL!!!!

Let's ignore the trolls that posted after you Rich and carry on with what this thread is actually about.... music!

My posts tonight are from the late sixties and early seventies, I hope that some posters on here are old enough to remember those times...I can't belive it was over 50 years ago!!!

Hawkwind, 1972, with Lemmy on lead vocals.....

7 Apr 2024  #112

OK,I am going full blown Peter Green now.


I'll end my posts with this one tonight.One of the first comments I read after I saw this post gave me a good laugh.It said "If they don't play this at my funeral, I'm not going!"

7 Apr 2024  #113

Not sad enough. I like sad to check if I am still a human being...

7 Apr 2024  #114

I am not a great fan of classical music but I have always got time for Chopin.

Nice post Rich, wrong thread, this should have been posted in the Polish Music thread.

7 Apr 2024  #115

Classical music ages well.

7 Apr 2024  #116

Very true..... much better than most popular music.

7 Apr 2024  #117

I like when classical meets techno...

johnny reb
8 Apr 2024  #118

I like to cruise down the expressway making time listening to Tangerine Dream.


8 Apr 2024  #119

I like when classical meets techno...

Agreed, that's not bad Rich!

I like to cruise down the expressway making time listening to Tangerine Dream.

Bloody Hell!That was the last thing I was expecting from you!
Not a bad post.....still nothing from Jerzy(Pawian) though..... come on Jerzy, Jimmy was brave enough to post.......where are your bollox?

9 Apr 2024  #120

Try this one on for size......

Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10 [3378]Feeling tired all the time [75]

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