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Paris 2024 Olympics

11 Aug 2024  #361

Woke, Stupid, and Shameless walk into a boxing area...What do you get?

Paris 2024! And this...FF to 8:27 to see what this combination looks like in color.

In 4 years there will be more than two "female" boxers, the precedent has been set and approved by the Olympic committee. There will be "women" in every Olympic sport, the biological [b]women may as well not train, practice or compete. What's the point???

20 plus years ago when I was a teenager. My neighbor beat his wife nearly into a coma. He was imprisoned for domestic violence and attempted murder.
They didn't give him a medal for that fight.

The men who claim to be women are getting off on this. Women being hurt is one of the goals of the trans rights movement. Hope there are lawsuits and the women that were cheated win.

They have stopped testing for chromosomes and testosterone so the women won't know.

Memo to trans freaks: Please die. Every town has a tall building.[/b]

johnny reb
12 Aug 2024  #362

How Paris Spent Less on the 2024 Summer Olympics Than Any Other Host City Since 1960, and it showed. 😕
Five girls to a bathroom
Served no meat.
Cheap Charlie's.

12 Aug 2024  #363

Lin Yu Ting...there is a panda with that name somewhere...

For thousands of years, humans and even monkeys knew the difference between males and females. Instantly...from a mile...

All of a sudden, lately, with all the brains, PhDs, and other geniuses, we can't figure out who is a man and who is a woman. Now we need their passports...

Do dogs and cats get passports before they mate?

BTW, that Polish female idiot looks pathetic...She had a chance to take a stand and blew it...

12 Aug 2024  #364

Just came back from a hospital where they told me that no woman was ever XY.

This means that XY is a man. Those boxers are XY, therefore, men. Case closed.

12 Aug 2024  #365

BTW, that Polish female idiot looks pathetic...

Yeah, she looks so "pathetic" with that silver Olympic medal lol 🥈

Just came back from a hospital where they told me

No, you didn't and no, they didn't tell you that lol

that no woman was ever XY.

That's actually not true:


"Girls with Swyer syndrome have an XY chromosomal makeup (as boys normally do) instead of an XX chromosomal makeup (as girls normally do). Despite having the XY chromosomal makeup, girls with Swyer syndrome look female and have functional female genitalia and structures including a vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes."

12 Aug 2024  #366

Yeah, she looks so "pathetic" with that silver Olympic medal lol 🥈

Yes, she looks beat up because she boxed a man. It wasn't even close...
She would get that medal if she just fell down for the count in the first 10 seconds of this BS.
No, you didn't and no, they didn't tell you that lol

You can call +18472214900 Ask for the manager. I was there at about 3 pm.
1051 W Rand Rd #101, Arlington Heights, IL 600042315
"Girls with Swyer syndrome

Those are boys with girls genitalia but without ovaries. No ovaries, no babies. Just as boys...

13 Aug 2024  #367

Yes, she looks beat up because she boxed

People who do boxing get beat up - imagine that! lol

She would get that medal if she just fell down for the count in the first 10 seconds of this BS.

That's not what sport is about :)

You can call +18472214900 Ask for the manager.

And did that manager tell you that "no woman was ever XY"? lol

Those are boys with girls genitalia but without ovaries.

Oh wow, so you suddenly changed your tune and now according to you someone born with a uterus can be a man? :D A man with a uterus and a vagina?? :D Novichok, I didn't realise you're so... progressive, hahaha! :D

You're such a pathetic hypocrite.

14 Aug 2024  #368

And did that manager tell you that "no woman was ever XY"? lol

Yes, because, by definition, a person who is XY is a man. Defective reproductive organs and other body parts do not determine gender. Flat-chested women are still women if they are XX or XXX. This is why a guy with his junk missing by accident or surgery is still a guy, not a woman.

Body chemistry is the only relevant element. Testosterone is why statistically men have bigger bones and stronger muscles.

Bottom line: XY plus testo = man. That's why the woke azholes at the IOC drooped both to keep trans freaks happy.

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