11 Aug 2024 #361
Woke, Stupid, and Shameless walk into a boxing area...What do you get?
Paris 2024! And this...FF to 8:27 to see what this combination looks like in color.
In 4 years there will be more than two "female" boxers, the precedent has been set and approved by the Olympic committee. There will be "women" in every Olympic sport, the biological [b]women may as well not train, practice or compete. What's the point???
20 plus years ago when I was a teenager. My neighbor beat his wife nearly into a coma. He was imprisoned for domestic violence and attempted murder.
They didn't give him a medal for that fight.
The men who claim to be women are getting off on this. Women being hurt is one of the goals of the trans rights movement. Hope there are lawsuits and the women that were cheated win.
They have stopped testing for chromosomes and testosterone so the women won't know.
Memo to trans freaks: Please die. Every town has a tall building.[/b]