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European News and Poland Thread 3

16 May 2023  #31

You've answered one question. Now answer the other - whose boots would I be licking? Answer it and I'll answer your original question.

16 May 2023  #32

5. I am a Euro bootlicker and too scared to say

One hour ago, before you changed it, this was your option 5. You think I'm scared. You can't say why. Ok. BUT whose boots would I be licking by not answering your question? Tell me that and I'll give you my opinion. You said I was a bootlicker, whose boots?

16 May 2023  #33

Maybe this exchange will teach you to think before you parrot meaningless phrases.

16 May 2023  #34

Terrorists consider themselves to be Freedom fighters while being separatists who in the eyes of the law are only criminals. Is this the right answer?

16 May 2023  #35

Is this the right answer?

No. I am asking Atch about the nine listed in #18.

16 May 2023  #36

What are those? I don't know these guys.

16 May 2023  #37

I am not parroting anything.

The phrase 'Euro bootlicker' trips off your tongue too readily. That's the parrotting I'm referring to. What opinion do you think a Euro bootlicker would hold on the individuals you mentioned? And what opinion do you think the average Irish person would hold?

Back to the topic of the thread please

16 May 2023  #38

@ Mods, thank you for your indulgence thus far and I'm happy to take it to Random.

16 May 2023  #39

Novi, your suggestion that as a 'Euro' I am afraid to express an opinion is extremely foolish

Some Americans think that we don't have freedom of speech here.
That is down to their ignorance and not understanding that acrually, we have more freedom of speech than Americans.

johnny reb
17 May 2023  #40

That's hilarious.
European Political Correctness is vomit inducing to say the least.

17 May 2023  #41

@johnny reb
And American choice of words happen to be downright appalling, too many times unfortunately. Not to mention behaviour either, looks like lack of self control and automatic emotional responses

17 May 2023  #42

Ireland is 32nd in income inequality of 34 OECD members

This surprised me, and yes, it needs addressing. The uk is heading towards even more inequality too until the next election at least.

The article I read also said that if GDP per capita is used, you'd think everyone in Ireland was a millionaire which is patently untrue.

So the money is being concentrated somewhere.

17 May 2023  #43

GDP per capita

I agree, GDP is not a good indicator of a nations wealth. Irish GDP/head is greater than Poland or Britains but both are clearly richer than Ireland.

17 May 2023  #44

Irish GDP/head is greater than Poland or Britains but both are clearly richer than Ireland.

A bit of a stretch to say that Poland is "clearly richer" than Ireland. Statistics for average wages (better than simply dividing national output by population size), indicate an average weekly salary of around €845 in Ireland - before taxes. The same number in Poland is a bit more than half of this. Indexing for higher cost of living based on the proportional difference in the cost of the CB-defined consumer basket, doesn't erase this spread.

17 May 2023  #45

Fair enough, I assumed Poland was doing better

23 May 2023  #46

Does anyone know anything more about the riots in Cardiff after the accident? Did the two boys who died belong to some minority group? Were they really killed during the police chase?

23 May 2023  #47

the riots in Cardiff after the accident

Not much. It's still being investigated and is very fresh. I'd not call it much of a riot, more some neighbours kicking off on a rough housing estate in a poor area of Wales after the news of their deaths and a false rumour of a police chase had spread around the estate.. It escalated quickly but was resolved that night. Wales is not unknown for fiery tempers.

Did the two boys who died belong to some minority group?


Were they really killed during the police chase?


They were (probably illegally given their ages) riding something called 'e-bikes' without helmets. They had a tragic accident (not as far as I know involving another moving vehicle). The Welsh police have said that they were being followed. This appears to be confirmed by cctv on the estate. Doubtless they were riding recklessly due to seeing the police van.

How did you hear about it and why bother mentioning it? It's a long way from being the main news item over there.

23 May 2023  #48

A local pastor on the estetę said that there's long been a problem with teenagers illegally riding motorbikes on the estate hoping to get a reaction from the police then riding down small pedestrian alleyways where the police can't follow them. This time, it seems they weren't as skilled at riding as they thought.

The term 'police chase' is quite loaded, with the idea of Hollywood films and Steve McQueen. In fact, the estate (like most public housing) is narrow winding roads with cars parked on so not apreally anywhere to chase someone.

I'm still puzzled how you heard about it or how it's even interesting.

23 May 2023  #49

I'd not call it much of a riot

That is what the media in West Mids call it. And it was High on the news list today.

23 May 2023  #50

The media always like to choose their words to attract maximum interest. The cctv however shows narrow winding streets with parked cars, impossible to go very fast.

Of course the police should have chased them (if they could have done), apprehended them and got them into juvenile court for underage driving/riding, not using a helmet, and failing to stop however they were of course fleeing as fast as they could with tragic consequences entirely of their own making.

Teenagers illegally riding motorbikes is an established problem in housing estates. They are a danger to pedestrians, motorists, parked vehicles and as we can see, to themselves. The worst kind are the off-road bikes.

I don't know about the West Midlands however the two newspaper websites I've just looked at (The Telegraph and The Guardian) both have the story way down the page.

23 May 2023  #51

Footage has now emerged of the two boys being chased by a police van prior to the accident:


23 May 2023  #52

Footage has now emerged of the two boys being chased by a police van

I'd not call it much of a chase for reasons mentioned above (it would be pretty difficult for a large vehicle to drive at speed there), however it's odd that anyone thinks this is relevant, since it's the police's job to deal with crime.

I'd guess that the verdict of the inquest will be Misadventure. Perhaps it should be negligence on the part of the parents for allowing kids so young to ride on motorbikes. And without helmets too.

23 May 2023  #53

still puzzled how you heard about it or how it's even interesting.

The news has already reached Germany, but without giving further details.

23 May 2023  #54

but without giving further details.

There's not that many details in the public domain yet, esxcept what reporters could glean from neighbours which of course is hearsay.

The police have referred it for investigation and doubtless every cctv camera on the estate will be looked at as well as dashcam footage from the police van. There's no suggestion of malpractice by the police though and anyone who lives on or near a rough estate is very aware of the problems of young teenagers on illegal motorbikes. It's not the first time their activities have ended in tragedy. The unusual thing this time was the reaction from the local chavs.

British council estates can have their moments. A few years ago a torchlit mob of several hundred people on an estate in I think Portsmouth burnt down an office that was being used by a påedo. The thing is, it was an NHS Paediatrician not a paedophile.

23 May 2023  #55

it was an NHS Paediatrician not a paedophile.

Wow, fatal mistake.

23 May 2023  #56

🇪🇺 "The European Parliament just voted in support of the EU's new Migration Pact.

It will take away national sovereignty from member states & allow the European Commission to allocate any size of "mandatory migrant relocation quotas" for all states"


So Euro-parliamentarians voted to take away Poland's right to reject illegal immigrants.

But I say.

The elites of all Euro-Atlantic countries rule exclusively to harm their own population. That is their purpose and goal.

24 May 2023  #57

The elites of all Euro-Atlantic countries rule exclusively to harm their own population.

My bet is that PF bootlickers will remain silent on this as bootlickers habitually do - even when their ruling mob does something as criminal as passing that Migration Pact.

That is their purpose and goal.

I wish I knew why. Is it the fear of being called racists and xenophobes or a mutant of German guilt?

Poland will have only one defense: Let Poles make their stay hellish enough to make them leave.

24 May 2023  #58

Without the emigrants, my company would not exist and I (also an emigrant) would have to look for a job elsewhere.

24 May 2023  #59

Without the emigrants, my company would not exist

Tough sh*it. Immigrants are a curse - especially the low-skill, low-wage kind. Nations should grow organically and always with the explicit consent of the voters through referenda.

The fear of saying no to the lawbreakers is not a policy but gutlessness. Your post is an example of post-fact justification and single-entry accounting: it's good for me and the rest is somebody else's problem. Just because it's profitable to you does not mean it's profitable or good to the tribe.

Hiring is reversible when you don't need them. Immigration is not and the rest of us are stuck with them forever.

The ultimate stupidity: giving immigrants citizenship and the right to vote. That's what "nice" people do. I hate nice people.

24 May 2023  #60

Don't forget that you and I are first generation immigrants too. I started my career from the very bottom and perhaps due to the fact that I had a harder time than the natives, I may have achieved more than would be possible in Poland. You sure too. Back to your problem, the question is, are red necks a bigger problem for the US than Mexican immigrants? After all, red neck even after 10 generations, will be only red neck, and the emigrants may become future presidents and their wives, lawyers.

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