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European News and Poland Thread 3

26 May 2023  #91

Nothing to do with media. When a speaker at an American university needs armed guards to protect him from the woke leftist mob, this says how far the woke cancer has spead.

FYI, no leftist speaker ever needed protection from those evil right-wingers - so many and so violent. Sure...

26 May 2023  #92

American university needs armed

The key words there are "America" and "armed", In more developed sooeties, "armed" is rarely a thing.

26 May 2023  #93

No. The key words are "woke leftist mob".
There are many countries where cops are armed and mean business. Only in the UK, they are social workers - neutered and castrated.
Remember that scene with some green morons blocking the street to traffic in London while your eunuchs just stood there? Somebody who needed an ambulance could die waiting...

26 May 2023  #94

When a speaker at an American university needs armed guards to protect him from the woke leftist mob

Not relevant to Europe though is it.

cops are armed and mean business.

We know that as they keep shooting innocent members of the public.

26 May 2023  #95

Somebody who needed an ambulance could die waiting

Did they?

No, they didn't.

just stood there? Somebody

So you'd have had them shot then, Tovaritch Horodenko?

26 May 2023  #96

The right to protest is a sign of a civilised society. One may agree or disagree with the protestors; that is irrelevant.

It's what separates the civilised world from the likes of China and r*SSia.

26 May 2023  #97

Did they?
No, they didn't.

The green idiots and their police enablers didn't know or care.

So you'd have had them shot then, Tovaritch Horodenko?

No, Euro weasel. The police should have them removed by force in five minutes.

The right to protest is a sign of a civilised society.

Your right to protest ends where my right of free movement starts.

26 May 2023  #98

The police should have them removed by force in five minutes

What on Earth for?

my right of free movement starts.

You have no 'right of free movement' on roads in the UK or any other European country except your own, Poland.

26 May 2023  #99

The right to protest is a sign of a civilised society.

They can stand by the road and chant all they want. But there is no right to create public disorder and harass people going about their regular daily business.

There was a case in Germany where the stupid gluehands caused a death and they're like "sorry.... not sorrry"

26 May 2023  #100

But there is no right to create public disorder and harass people

They don't really.

They do however appeal directly to the educated middle class (middle class in the British sense, i.e. doctors, lawyers, academics, scientists) and don't actually cause much bother. The newspapers report their every action since they rile up people like Rich Horodenko here who are easily riled and click on the stories about them.

I've never personally seen any of their protests, and nor have 99.99% of the population. But hey, if you read the middlebrow/lowbrow newspapers, you'd think there were hundreds of them blocking roads all the time.

caused a death

They haven't in the UK and in the unlikely event of that happening, the full force of the law would be used on the individual responsible.

26 May 2023  #101

They do however appeal directly to the educated middle class

That is bollox Jon.The educated Middle Class do not support these loonies.
Only the young students and hippies.

26 May 2023  #102

The educated middle class are pretty well the only people other than students (at better universities) who do support them. Basically Home Counties Radio 4 listeners, the inhabitants of Frome, Stroud, and Totnes and people who like independent coffee shops. Hence stunts at the Chelsea Flower Show and allegedly threats to pull a stunt at the Proms.

I've never seen one myself and nobody I know has ever mentioned seeing them.

2 Jun 2023  #103

I think the educated middle class do support them, Western economies are tired and need a green industrial revolution to revitalise them, the Green protesters are helping to convince people to get with the program.

2 Jun 2023  #104

the Green protesters are helping to convince people to get with the program.

Nobody was trying to convince anyone to go with the program in the last five centuries. That convincer was your desire to make a profit while risking YOUR money, not mine individually or as a taxpayer. See "crony capitalism".

2 Jun 2023  #105

Yeah I see your point I just think this new green industrial revolution needs a bit of a jump start and once it gets going it will really take off and governments can then back off a little bit, there is a lot of work to be done, a lot of new businesses to be created.

2 Jun 2023  #106

The problem with the green revolution is the fanatics, tree huggers, and woke morons who block traffic, vandalize property, and resort to violence.

The green movement, like the transgender ideology, has become a religion to be followed and never, ever questioned.

Try to have a fact-based debate with the greens...and before you blink they will be screaming at you to shut you up.

Also, government subsidies, like AIDS and herpes, are forever. Don't believe me? Go to Iowa and try to end farm subsidies...

2 Jun 2023  #107

Tbh mate, I think the transgender ideology is more symptomatic of the West standing still for too long thinking we'd cracked it. Turns out we hadn't. Time to get back to work, the American right needs to get fully on board with this, if for no other reason that it will create proper solid industry.

2 Jun 2023  #108

I think the transgender ideology is more symptomatic of the West

I would go a step further...English-speaking West - the worst offender being Canada. I think...

Stick to the topic please... European news and Poland

Bratwurst Boy
2 Jun 2023  #109

The german leftists/Greens were busy to import it...including the full english vocabulary.....it never fully settled here though, probably because of the importing. Germany just hasn't the same problems as black Usians....another reason that movement is sinking!

johnny reb
9 Jun 2023  #110

Oh L@@Kie here.
Boris Johnson quits as UK lawmaker after being told he will be sanctioned for misleading Parliament.
Sounds like birden.

10 Jun 2023  #111


Indeed. He's resigned from Parliament in part due to the Parliamentary Standards Committee's investigation of alleged/proven wrongdoing and partly because he was likely to lose Uxbridge at the next GE and wants a safer seat.

johnny reb
10 Jun 2023  #112

He's resigned from Parliament in part due to

This is the story we got in the U.S.
Quoting parts:
Johnson resigned after receiving the results of an investigation by lawmakers over misleading statements he made to Parliament about "partygate."
In a statement, he accused opponents of trying to drive him out just like they are doing with Teflon Trump.
He said he had "received a letter from the Privileges Committee making it clear - much to my amazement - that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of Parliament." Just like they are doing to former President Trump.

He called the committee a "kangaroo court." Just like Trump.
He had been awaiting the outcome of an investigation for misleading a slew of gatherings in government buildings in 2020 and 2021 that breached pandemic lockdown rules.

Police eventually issued 126 fines over the late-night soirees, boozy parties and "wine time Fridays," including one to Johnson.
Boris the old Party Dog you. HA !

10 Jun 2023  #113

This is the story we got in the U.S.

That's part of the story but not all; his seat is at risk at the next GE and there has been speculation for some time about his plans.

Police eventually issued 126 fines over the late-night soirees, boozy parties and "wine time Fridays," including one to Johnson.
Boris the old Party Dog you. HA !

He was caught bang to rights. A politician breaking laws that he himself passed is never good optics. Most people wanted him to go and he did.

10 Jun 2023  #114

A politician breaking laws that he himself passed is never good optics.

I will never forget and forgive the morons who talked the Queen into wearing a mask at her husband's funeral.
Sitting there, she should have her family right next to her, offering words of consolation, if not hugs, and ignore the rules.
But, no...she was used like a prop at a show-and-tell for the throngs ...See? Even the Queen must obey our idiotic rules because we are a nation of mindless bureaucrats and equally stupid bootlickers ahead of everything else. Common sense, compassion, or anything normal people do and feel in such a situation...to hell with it. Rules and stiff lip first.

10 Jun 2023  #115

I will never forget and forgive the morons who talked the Queen into wearing a mask at her husband's funeral

Nor will I.

  • IMG_0056.jpeg

10 Jun 2023  #116

Thanks for this picture, jon. It brought tears to my eyes...Really...

10 Jun 2023  #117

I will never forget and forgive the morons who talked the Queen into wearing a mask

Agreed.It was both pathetic and inhumane.
All western nations have too much bureaucracy.

11 Jun 2023  #118

While I agree it was very sad and poignant to see the Queen like that, she was not a person who did anything because she was told to or forced to. She always did what she believed to be right and what she believed to be her duty. What she must do came first always, not what she wanted to do. She would have felt that she must observe the same restrictions and requirements that her subjects did and nobody would convince her otherwise. I'm certain she wore a mask and sat alone because she decided to, not because she was 'talked into it'.

11 Jun 2023  #119

She did her duty to the last. That is something even her critics will admit about her.

In doing so she set an example and if more people wore masks, she might have saved quite a lot of lifes

11 Jun 2023  #120

I think old people got a very bad deal in certain cases.
If someone told me you can have an extra year of life but in that time you can't see any of your loved ones, you won't be touched, hugged etc. I would say pi*s off.

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