Under Reagan, more American workers lost their jobs than practically under any previous administration
since Hoover! In particular, Reagan gradually got rid of the Citizens' Oversight Committee which among other things was in place
to monitor unscrupulous business practices along with any perceived excess in the ever growing private sector.
Furthermore, if Reagan had had his way, Social Security as well as Unemployment Benefits would have been entirely, at least more than
partially, privatized, therefore allowing only the top 10% of Americans to reap the fortune of a life time of labor. Reagan, much like
Trump, would ideally return the US to a pre-New Deal America when the less fortunate were often left to die on the streets with
no one to take care of them, leaving the employer full reign over their lives, when perhaps solely a local church or even the Salvation
Army would take in those who were without.
America had a bitter taste of those times under the second Reagan term when the trend towards mass murder by non-felons increased
exponentially and more hard-working citizens (NOT welfare cheats!!!) became impovrished through an unbridled greed in favor of cheap,
third world labor threatened to destroy the US economy.
If the entire society isn't permitted to share in the nation's wealth, then nobody's entitled to. We still live in a democracy instead of a plutocracy.