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USA News and Poland - part 8

johnny reb
6 Jun 2024  #1831

Here we see the danger of your kind of wanton prejudice.

This is just for you Lyzko and jon and the Europeans that want to see what is really going on in the streets of America.

Here we see what is really going on in America that the media refuses to show
Click on the "skip the ad" at the beginning of it..


6 Jun 2024  #1832

As of recent, he seems to be focusing in on the right things and message. I haven't heard him whine about 2020 in quite awhile. If he stays on point and his campaign offers solutions as well as creatively pointing out Biden's terribleness and cognitive incoherence, then he's going to be formidable. If he picks the right VP, just makes him more formidable.

He masterfully used his trials to get free political advertising.

I'm beginning to become very cautiously optimistic.

johnny reb
7 Jun 2024  #1833

Trump will go after these dirty MF by starting investigation after investigation and take them down one at a time.
He had a good start last time in draining the swamp but had no idea just how deep it was with not only the dirty politicians, but the dirty money and dirty media behind them.

I just hope it all comes out before I die.
It will eventually all come out just like the collusion collusion collusion came out to be a lie.
They all know what is coming for them and they don't care about going to jail because their book will net them millions so it's a win win for them.

The only one of those books that I will read is: "How a Prostitute Almost Brought America Down"

This country is totally out of control
Teflon Trump is our only hope.

7 Jun 2024  #1834

I'm beginning to become very cautiously optimistic.

I am not.

RINOs had the WH and the Congress for two years and did nothing. Executive orders don't count because they can be undone just as easily as they can be signed

Trump didn't veto one spending bill. In some cases, he approved more money for illegals than Dems asked for.

Trump's 47 miles of the wall China would build in one day. Biden inherited a lot of wall material that was bought and delivered but not used.

With RINOs in control in 2017 and 2018, they should have ended anchor babies and asylum BS. They did nothing.

7 Jun 2024  #1835

Trump didn't veto one spending bill. Only one??
Maybe the reason is that Trump only wanted to benefit the investor
class, leaving the middle class to flounder and look in all different
directions for decent services aka medical or legal care.

Trump is Reagan on steroids, he doesn't give a damn about anyone
but himself.

Notice too, that Joe sticks up for his kid, messed up as he may well be.

7 Jun 2024  #1836


Can you coherently articulate how Trump or Reagan only benefit the investor class and not middle class? Also, can you coherently articulate what economic policy would benefit middle class and how did Reagan's or Trump's not benefit the middle class?

Because both Presidents saw economic growth within the middle class.

7 Jun 2024  #1837

Under Reagan, more American workers lost their jobs than practically under any previous administration
since Hoover! In particular, Reagan gradually got rid of the Citizens' Oversight Committee which among other things was in place
to monitor unscrupulous business practices along with any perceived excess in the ever growing private sector.

Furthermore, if Reagan had had his way, Social Security as well as Unemployment Benefits would have been entirely, at least more than
partially, privatized, therefore allowing only the top 10% of Americans to reap the fortune of a life time of labor. Reagan, much like
Trump, would ideally return the US to a pre-New Deal America when the less fortunate were often left to die on the streets with
no one to take care of them, leaving the employer full reign over their lives, when perhaps solely a local church or even the Salvation

Army would take in those who were without.

America had a bitter taste of those times under the second Reagan term when the trend towards mass murder by non-felons increased
exponentially and more hard-working citizens (NOT welfare cheats!!!) became impovrished through an unbridled greed in favor of cheap,
third world labor threatened to destroy the US economy.

If the entire society isn't permitted to share in the nation's wealth, then nobody's entitled to. We still live in a democracy instead of a plutocracy.

7 Jun 2024  #1838

We still live in a democracy instead of a plutocracy.

No. The US is a dictatorship without gulags. I proved it elsewhere today...

7 Jun 2024  #1839

There was more job growth during Reagan's term than any other President except Clinton. Those jobs were middle class. Wages and home ownership increased. The myth that Reagan's policies taxes the poor to benefit the rich is dispelled when you actually look at the data and see that income taxes were shifted away from the poor and lower classes.

johnny reb
7 Jun 2024  #1840

The myth that Reagan's policies taxes the poor to benefit the rich is dispelled when you actually look at the data and see that income taxes were shifted away from the poor and lower classes.

They don't teach those facts to the indoctrinated Liberal students in our colleges AntV.
This is why
Lyzko has to keep going back to the Great Depression 90 years ago and use the New Deal as a reference when there were no jobs to be found in America.

The New Deal created welfare programs that are still in place today even though there are a surplus of jobs but welfare pays more than the jobs do.

The New Deal is out dated doing more harm to the country than good today by expanding government to make the people slaves to the government but Lyzko can't see the trees in the forest.

Don't worry though because Trump will get this b.s. straightened out in short order.
TRUMP 24' !

8 Jun 2024  #1841

There was more job growth during

I gave up dealing with this idiot. I wonder how long you will last.

8 Jun 2024  #1842

I gave up dealing with this idiot.

I cant wait until Trump wins New Jersey and then watch Lyzko and all of his left coast looney lefties lose their collective minds.

Australian news sources arent bias as NPR, sorry Lyzko... Its time you stop watching fake news before TDS drives you mad! Like DeNiro! Hahaha! Hes cracked!

8 Jun 2024  #1843

I cant wait until Trump wins New Jersey

Why should Americans elect a convicted criminal as president?

8 Jun 2024  #1844

Don't be ridiculous it is a political sentence. I didn't expect the US system to have gone that much to the dogs but I guess it all depends on the integrity of individuals and if public morals are gone and questioned everything is going to sh't.

The sad thing is that Americans have done it to themselves we at least have the Soviets and other neighbors to blame.

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