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USA News and Poland - part 8

28 Nov 2023  #31

Lviv was predicting a drop that ended up being brief and small. With no war, Ukraine is a pretty nice place. I always enjoyed my time there. As long as you know how to deal with mafia and who to pay bribes its all good. Poland still has the same issues, just on a smaller and more undercover way. I want to get my hands on some property that has been absolutely decimated. Thats where the real money will be made. Either side is going to want to create a masterpiece out of a $hit hole.

28 Nov 2023  #32


Russia has already sent 60,000 men to work on the construction sites of the Donbass. Mariupol, I believe, alone has 30K construction workers.

You bet your ass Putin is gonna try to make these areas into a showcase, even if it means draining the rest of Russia of some share of budget resources.

Ukraine has:

1) Nice climate
2) Great land
3) Amazing transit potential
4) Well developed energy and transport infrastructure.
5) Educated population.

29 Nov 2023  #33

Ukraine has:.

So it has everything that Russia doesn't have.

29 Nov 2023  #34

...and that's why the USSR was a good idea. Then came Gorby...

29 Nov 2023  #35

Slow down on the amazing transport infrastructure. Driving in Ukraine can be like riding a roller coaster at times the roads are so bad due to frost heave in the winters. Educated population? The women yes, men not so much. The rest I agree with.

7 Dec 2023  #36

Joe Biden raises the specter of American troops having to fight Russians in Europe if Congress stands by and allows Ukraine to fall

Novi raises the question of what to do when a moron lives in the White House?

7 Dec 2023  #37

if Congress stands by and allows Ukraine to fall

All Congress wants is to secure our Southern Border first. Yet, Biden and Demorats are fighting tooth and nail to keep it wide open.

How many terrorists have crossed the border, Joe?

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7 Dec 2023  #38

All Congress wants is to secure our Southern Border first.

The opposite to "open" is "closed", not "secure".

The RINOs did the stupidest thing ever by adopting the enemy language - "secure", "progressive", etc...
I saw a number of YouTube videos where the mofo responsible for the invasion, with a straight face, would say that the border is secure. Nobody on the RINO side asked him to define "secure".

The naive and the stupid assumed that the border was closed and the invasion repelled, of course.

What he meant, of course, was that the 10,000 scum a day enters the US undisturbed by "the rightist extremists" like me.

How many terrorists have crossed the border, Joe?

That's another RINO mistake that invites "They are good people trying to better themselves".
I don't give a fvck if they are nothing but Ph.D. in philosophy. I don't want 300,000 Ph.Ds a month, either!

9 Dec 2023  #39

Republican bolsheviks block funding for Ukraine. AmaSSSSSing. RR is turning in his grave seeing from Heaven what his Rep azhole descendants are doing.

10 Dec 2023  #40

. AmaSSSSSing.

Spoken like a true commie.

Why dont you loud mouthed Europeans step top to the plate and help out your neighbors? The EU has plenty of money but they dont seemingly care either.

No money for Biden until he does his job and secures OUR border, not some Euro crap hole.

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10 Dec 2023  #41

No money for Biden until he does his job and secures OUR border,

Hmm, I have to think it over. Thanks for pointing to that issue.

11 Dec 2023  #42

The EU just had billions in aid to Ukraine blocked by Hungary and Slovakia. But no one wants to talk about that. They just want to point fingers at the US.

11 Dec 2023  #43

The EU just had billions in aid to Ukraine blocked by Hungary and Slovakia.

That was a well-planned scam against the US...
The top EU dogs told Hungary to play bad cop and pass the buck over to dumb Americans by blocking the EU money.
"We are the good guys...It's those damn Hungarians..." Brilliant.

11 Dec 2023  #44

But no one wants to talk about that.

Not really. We do talk about it, calling those Hung and Slov azholes renegades. Hungs shouldn`t be in the Union. I hope one day the EU finds a way to kick them out. I will clap enthusiastically.

It's those damn Hungarians...

Exactly. They are taking revenge on Europe for carving up their country 100 years ago. There is really no place for them in the EU with such thinking.

Węgrzy, wypierdalać z powrotem za Ural skąd pochodzicie!!!

11 Dec 2023  #45

Hungs shouldn`t be in the Union.

Don't worry, when the elections come, Hungarians will send Orban into retirement. Like in Poland.

11 Dec 2023  #46

Hmm, I have to think it over. Thanks for pointing to that issue.

Perhaps, next time you will obtain some facts before you start shooting your mouth off:)

They just want to point fingers at the US.

Our main concern should be the open Southern Border and until that is secure F everyone else.

12 Dec 2023  #47

Orban just got re-elected a few months ago. His popularity is very high. He is not going anywhere.

Agreed. Finally maybe the streets can be cleaned up, people deported who entered illegaly and the border closed. Even Bill Clinton campaigned on closing illegal immigration and won in large part because of that. The Demoracts are no longer democratic, they are socialists and want a free ride for everyone.

12 Dec 2023  #48

He is not going anywhere.

Sooner or later he will leave, we children of late communism have patience and will wait.

12 Dec 2023  #49

have patience and will wait

As I recall the next parliamentary election in Hungary is within the next 18 months, so hopefully not long.

His popularity is very high

His party got 48% of the vote.

12 Dec 2023  #50

The Demoracts are no longer democratic, they are socialists

They dont even try to hide it anymore.

Even Bill Clinton campaigned on closing illegal

I voted for Bill Clinton.

Being from Chicago, I was a Democrat most of my life. I didnt leave the party, they left me.

It would be great to see Illinois turn red:)

12 Dec 2023  #51


Clinton was good for the country. Economy exploded, and he really helped people. A bj derailed a successful president.

12 Dec 2023  #52


Nearly 2 years ago.

In the last election his party got 48%, and didn't increase their number of seats.

12 Dec 2023  #53

A bj derailed a successful president.

It really did not - if you read the history.

The White House Chief of Staff at the time, John Podesta (yes, the Clinton Email Scandal guy), did an excellent job of shielding the White House staff from the noise of the Lewinsky scandal.

While Clinton and his lawyers fought the Republicans, the administration went into overdrive to get their agenda over the finish line.

They probably did more work in the last two years of Clinton's presidency, than in the first 6.

12 Dec 2023  #54

The Demoracts are no longer democratic, they are socialists

When you say "socialists," people think of Denmark or Norway.
They are a combo of Bolsheviks and the SA.

12 Dec 2023  #55

Being from Chicago, I was a Democrat most of my life. I didnt leave the party, they left me.

Amasing. It reminds me of similar processes taking place in Poland - e..g,, my colleagues who used to vote for PiS before but this year they had enough.

13 Dec 2023  #56

As wokeness will end under Trump:):) Its only just beginning for Poland bc of foolish leftards like yourself that want to destroy decency.

End Woke Leftardism!

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13 Dec 2023  #57

As wokeness will end under Trump:):)

Pimpek, think for a while at last, it sn`t so painful as you suppose. Trump had his chance and what did he achieve?? Nothing. You are not only naive, you are simply retarded.

Its only just beginning for Poland

Pimpek, you got it wrong in your pimping mind. In Poland rightist bolsheviks were ousted from power because decent people had enough.

13 Dec 2023  #58

Clearly you do not compare what Biden has done to destroy the USA to what Trump did. I did not like Trump, but the country was in much better shape with him as president. Biden is senile and Harris is dumber than a fvcking rock. Trump may have been rude, and not presidential in a way I or most would like, but he had the country in great shape. Its taken Biden less than three years to completely fvck it up.

13 Dec 2023  #59

Clearly you do not compare what Biden has done to destroy the USA

He doesnt want to understand and will just ignore any facts that doesnt follow is leftard dogma.

Its taken Biden less than three years to completely fvck it up.

Biden will go down as the worst President in history. Jimmy Carter has never been happier.

Harris is dumber than a fvcking rock.

She has failed upwards her entire career and nobody can name one of her achievements.

Lets see if the commie monkey can name one?Hes another clueless puppet that just spews out non factual leftist garbage.

Border Czar! ROFTL!!!!!

13 Dec 2023  #60

but the country was in much better shape with him

BS. The number of illegal immigrants under Trump was the same as now under Biden. Even better, Biden administration expels more illegals thanTrump`s did. That is why I said Trump was and will be useless but still retarded rightists believe in him like some deity.

ts taken Biden less than three years to completely fvck it up.

Another bs. You say fyckup coz you don`t like Biden. While the statistics are not so bad.

Can you stop feeding us such bs coz we are intelligent people and won`t buy crap that rightists swallow like a goose swallows dumplings?

Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 8 [2410]Random Chat 5 [1130]

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