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USA News and Poland - part 11

13 Sep 2024  #31

I find it funny how Americans will in the same sentence will defend the right to free speech and in the same say only Americans should be able to talk about USA's politics. Hilaripus

johnny reb
13 Sep 2024  #32

in the same say only Americans should be able to talk about USA's politics. Hilaripus

I guess you missed this part.
Anyone who doesn't pay U.S. Federal taxes should stfu.

That includes people who do not vote also.

13 Sep 2024  #33

If you're not American, you have no right to free speech in America, in fact you have no rights at all in America, except for the right to be deported. If you are a citizen and able to vote, by all means express your opinion and contribute to a conversation. If not, FO.

13 Sep 2024  #34

you have no right to free speech in America,

You still don't get it, do you? Either you believe people should be able to express their opinions freely ( especially since those are genuine opinions and not verbal attacks) or not.

And guess what, noone will FO and stop talking about politics in one of the major countries just because little PolAm stamps his feet.

13 Sep 2024  #35

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections.

Hey, Americano boy, you took part in discussions on Polish elections many times. Nobody told you to fekk off. Should we do it on the next occassion??? :):):)
Yes, we know, you are pissed off coz decent people support Kamala who is going to win. Hard luck! hahahaha

johnny reb
13 Sep 2024  #36

Didn't you hear yet, I am voting for the Marxist.
Just like you.
She is going to shut down the border and fix the economy both of which she f-up.
How can I go wrong with promises like that.
She promises wonders and shlts blunders.

johnny reb
13 Sep 2024  #37

Make pets safe again !
TRUMP 24' !

13 Sep 2024  #38

Agreed, hypocrisy in action!

JR Jim is one of the major supporters of this hypocrisy!

13 Sep 2024  #39

JR Jim

Hey, Jim, correct your ways at last after so many people tell you to.

13 Sep 2024  #40


Jerzy, behave!

13 Sep 2024  #41

I will but I shan`t. :):):):):)

13 Sep 2024  #42

I will but I shan`t. :)

HaHaHaHa....... you can be witty sometimes..... ;-)

13 Sep 2024  #43

you can be witty sometimes

Ale witz!!!! :):):)

13 Sep 2024  #44

Doesnt concern you, and you have no say.

Memo to US citizens:

Ignore all Euros in this thread. Arguing with them is like trying to swim up Mississippi. It actually feels stupid because it is stupid.

If you feel compelled to respond to their insanities, please make sure your post include morons, azholes, or equivalents. Nice is a waste of time.

This thread should be about how to make the US a better place. These scumbag's mission is how to get more out of US taxpayers and claim that it is for our benefit.

I hate Euros.

13 Sep 2024  #45

I hate Euros.

Your desperation and exacerbation is not amasing or amaSSing. It is simply hilarious.

These scumbag's mission is

hahaha buhahaha precious, really.

Thanks, You have made my day so I can go into the night as a happy baboon. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

13 Sep 2024  #46

Explain to me the million voters in Texas who were removed

I can't see anything untoward in this article:


25 million removed from eleven states.

Link? I can't find anything about this at all.

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections.

You don't get to decide who can or can't comment on PF threads.

13 Sep 2024  #47

little PolAm stamps his feet.

PolAm, JR, and I react negatively to you, morons, because you not only you never have anything constructive for us, but actually show your hostility to the US because of your envy or because you are trolls.

Still waiting for a practical advice about guns here.

That includes people who do not vote also.

Illinois is like a Soviet republic before 1990. Here, even Republicans are Democrats. That's why Trump skips this shithole.

If he can skip campaigning here I can skip voting here.

Meanwhile, some of the 15,000 or so Haitians who have made the city their home since 2020 are now considering leaving because of the bitterness being generated, DailyMail can reveal.

Please do. There is a bridge in San Francisco...

I bet they already have ballots in French.

14 Sep 2024  #48

This video explains why except for my wife and blood relatives, I really don't like women as a species.
Majority of men don't like them, either. This is why modern women beg for dates and to get married.

That "we don't need men" idiocy didn't help at all.

As somebody already said, marriage is dead and it was me-too, women must be believed, no evidence is ever needed azholes who killed it.

johnny reb
14 Sep 2024  #49

but actually show your hostility to the US because of your envy or because you are trolls.

Couldn't have said it better Novi.
Only the Brits though.
It's like they are stuck on stupid.
Their game is to Diminish & Shame like immature high school kids.
Its been like that from the first day I came here.
Purely entertainment knocking them off their soap boxes for me.
If he can skip campaigning here I can skip voting here.

Go ahead, skip voting but when you do so you have no right to complain then.

johnny reb
14 Sep 2024  #50

Tid[ bit of news of how they cheat.
Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, is a part of the same historically Black sorority - Alpha Kappa Alpha - as ABC News anchor Linsey Davis, who served as one of the moderators of Tuesday night's debate in Philadelphia.
Various right-wingers have tried to suggest that Harris received preferential treatment from Davis due to the fact that they are both affiliated with the oldest Black sorority, which was founded in 1908.

No conflict of biased interest there ! 🙄

14 Sep 2024  #51

Go ahead, skip voting but when you do so you have no right to complain then.

Would you vote for a Republican in Chicago?

If so, why? For what reason? Illinois is just an extension of Chicago.

14 Sep 2024  #52

I have Polish citizenship. Thanks.

Maybe do some math and add up all the people in multiple reports. Not doing your math for you. But you did find a UK source for what I said happened in Texas. Ten other States have been doing the same thing, and its clear from all reports that ILLEGALS were allowed to register to vote, and they did vote. And that is exactly what the democrats are counting on happening with some percentage of the new 20 million illegals that have entered under Biden and Harris the border czar.

14 Sep 2024  #53

find a UK source for what I said happened in Texas

From that source:

"approximately 1.1 million people have had their names removed from Texas's voter roll call - most of those are people who died, moved to a different state or did not respond to voter status update questionnaires."

"He claimed roughly 6,500 were noncitizens, 1,930 of whom had a voter history"

Ten other States have been doing the same thing,

In Ohio 154,995 voters were removed from voter rolls due to abandoned or inactive voter registrations. Of those, 138 have appeared to have cast a ballot in an Ohio election.

In Georgia, ( from 2022 ) 1634 people tried to register to vote but could not be verified. None of these were associated with an election vote.

In Kansas, 67 non-citizens over a 19 year period registered or attempted to register to vote. 39 non-citizens were found on the Kansas voter roll.

These numbers are nothing like the 25 million claimed by you.

its clear from all reports that ILLEGALS were allowed to register to vote, and they did vote.

What reports? I would like to see some evidence of this.

14 Sep 2024  #54

I have Polish citizenship.

You certainly do. If you didn't, you certainly wouldn't have been granted residency in Poland. Habitual criminals aren't welcome here.

I would like to see some evidence of this.

Don't use the E word! Evidence is the kind of thing that gets felons sent to jail for nearly five years for fraud!

johnny reb
14 Sep 2024  #55

I have Polish citizenship.

You certainly do.

Yet you don't.................. after living in Poland for over thirty years and never learning the language.
Remarkable, simply remarkable, or was it because of your arrest record, Dead Man Walking.

14 Sep 2024  #56

You just said yourself that 1930 in Texas had a voter history. Example: In Michigan, anyone who has a drivers license, out of state or out of country, a copy of a utility bill, or a lease, can go and get a new license in the state. They can also register to vote without any proof of citizenship. I know because I know some Canadians who did so accidentally while working in the state. In NY is it very similar, no proof of citizenship required, no birth certifiate or anything like it. My grandparents, in NY, never naturalized from Poland, and voted in every election without knowing it was illegal. I know many other families that did as well. I am not saying that there is widespread intentional voter fraud on behalf of the people who do this. I am saying that the systems are designed to allow it to happen. These systems are largely in Democractic held States.

14 Sep 2024  #57

I am not saying

You're also not providing any proof about your laughable claims about 25 million illegal voters being removed from voter rolls since 2020. I wonder why you aren't providing any proof.

14 Sep 2024  #58

Hey, Euro morons, try to explain why Democrats keep the foreign sewage pouring through our borders.

All immigration should be stopped now. We don't need more people. This bus is already overloaded with 40 million illegals that shouldn't be here.

14 Sep 2024  #59

try to explain why Democrats keep the foreign sewage pouring through our borders.

Because the majority of US citizens are retards like you. So they can F with yous as much as they want and at the end of the day with all your guns and rights you come on some obscure internet forum and insult people on a different continent that has nothing to do with it. Keep doing it. I'm sure the US southern border security will increase significantly due to your words on PF.

14 Sep 2024  #60

Because the majority of US citizens are retards like you.

You came here to an obscure forum to insult Americans so we are even.

Well, guess what, Euro azhole...I have been doing this since day one on this forum.

Americans are worse than retards. A retard is a mentally ill person deserving our sympathy.

When the US president opens the border and acts against the will of the voters, he is worse than Hitler. Hitler, to his credit, was a German patriot, not a German traitor the way Biden and his voters are.

A town of 50,000 gets 20,000 Haitians and not a single act of resistance. Not even a protest.

Americans are on Valium and deserve the very worst.

Happy now, moron?

BTW, my guns are not to defend America. They are to defend Noviland - the place where I live. You want to see how it works? Break in at 2 am.

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