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USA News and Poland - part 11

15 Sep 2024  #91

What gets me is how joyous these eurps are to see the U.S.A.

Oh please stop with your biased bull$hit!

clueless eurps

I hope you don't count me in there......

they really don't have much to say about the politics in their country but diminish ours non-stop

You really are a paranoid android!

johnny reb
16 Sep 2024  #92

Second assassination attempt on Trump as shots were fired at suspect with an AK-47.
Teflon Trump is safe.

16 Sep 2024  #93

just do your own reaseach if its that important to you

I have done and I can't find anything that proves that 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020.

The reason I think it's important is not just because you can't substantiate your wild claim, it goes towards your credibility. If you can't back up what you state as fact in this case, why should I, or anyone else for that matter, believe a word that you say when debating other topics.

16 Sep 2024  #94

You really think I GAF about your opinion of me? There are plenty of articles out there, and all you have to do is add up the numbers. Can you vote in US elections? If not, then your opinion does not matter.

16 Sep 2024  #95

You really think I GAF

I was waiting for your standard answer.

There are plenty of articles out there, and all you have to do is add up the numbers.

You've made a spurious claim and no matter what you say those numbers don't add up. End of.

16 Sep 2024  #96

Texas, Tennesee, Ohio, Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky and more are purging illegal voters. Not my responsibility to educate you on how to search. But thanks for identifying yourself as part of the group of PF users I can ignore.

16 Sep 2024  #97

all you have to do is add up the numbers.

Of the 25 million people removed from the electoral roll 26 million voted for Trump...dont expect me to do your research for you.

16 Sep 2024  #98

You weren`t such a conman when you joined the forum.........

Four judges would disagree with you about that.

johnny reb
16 Sep 2024  #99

Oh please stop with your biased bull$hit!

Hell no, you Brits are a too much fun to windup.
I finally found the answer to your question.
Why don't Americans spell 'colour' as 'color' ?'
It is our way of telling Great Britain, "We don't need u." 🤣

You really think I GAF about your opinion of me?

Good one PolAm
Karens like her insist on being in control and lording over men. Pfffft !
These Brits actually think we have to defend ourselves to them. lol
They can kiss my White Hairy Polish ass.
They need to learn to either like it or lump it. 😎

16 Sep 2024  #100

rump is safe

Just a shame he's not sane.

and I can't find anything that proves that 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020.

He's made it up or just spewed out something made up by a weird trumpist propaganda merchant.

He was pretending that undocumented New Americans were eating cats and dogs in front of people's houses the other day.

16 Sep 2024  #101

Why don't Americans spell 'colour' as 'color' ?'
It is our way of telling Great Britain, "We don't need u."

No, it's your way of saying that you can't be bothered to learn to spell properly..... there are loads of examples....Favourite/Favorite,Flavour/Flavor and then we get to words like Pavement/Sidewalk..... that one is simple, you Yanks didn't have paved pathways, just dirt tracks.....But Yanks get some things right, We call the engine cover of a car a bonnet and Americans call it a hood, Yanks got that one right,Likewise, with the back of the car, we Brits call it a boot, which is ridiculous, Yanks call it a trunk, much more sensible.I am sure other posters will come up with more comparisons and, if I am honest, Yanks get it right more often than not!

johnny reb
16 Sep 2024  #102

Just a shame he's not sane.

Why, biden wasn't sane and he got elected

16 Sep 2024  #103

That's not much of an answer, especially since he's certainly sane and trumpet is just weird.

Anyway, third time lucky...

johnny reb
17 Sep 2024  #104

Like PolAm said, "I don't give a F what you think or say."

especially since he's certainly sane

Fck, Brandon doesn't even know where he is at and wears adult diapers.

17 Sep 2024  #105

I hope you don't count me in there......

No, youre not a leftard and have common sense.
Texas, Tennesee, Ohio, Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky and more are purging illegal voters.

Good news. Hopefully, we will have national voter ID laws in 2025

Second assassination attempt on Trump as shots were fired at suspect with an AK-47

Can you imagine if that were Kameltoe instead? The media uproar and lighting speed investigations would be underway. Not like the stonewalling of the PA investigation. It just shows how bias the leftist democrats are.

17 Sep 2024  #106

..dont expect me to do your research for you.

I expect you to tell me when you voted to admit more foreign garbage into your country - whatever it is...

Good news. Hopefully, we will have national voter ID laws in 2025

We already have those - aka US passports. They come in two sizes - as a book and cc size. I have both.

Only US citizens can get them. Problem solved.

Yanks get it right more often than not!

They dropped "me" from "programme" to save trees and ink.

I am still waiting for an explanation what purpose that "me" serves.

17 Sep 2024  #107

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections

I don't live there and thankfully so but the corrupt nature of US politics is dragging the world to a darker place.

Turns out the great patriots in the Republican party faced with 100,000 illegally registered voters want to waive their own laws and allow them to vote in Arizona. The reason is that they are mostly elderly White people. Looks like their voter suppression backfired but they are going to court against their own laws.

Still no news on the 25 million people removed from the electoral registers...must be a lie.

18 Sep 2024  #108

is dragging the world to a darker place.

Nobody is dragging you anywhere.

You can tell Americans to go home tomorrow, dissolve NATO, and create your own mutual defense pact.

18 Sep 2024  #109

You need a passport or "real ID" to get on a plane in the US. You need proof of citizenship to get a passport. You need proof of citizenship by way of social security number to get a legal job. But none of those apply if you cross the border illegally. NYC is going broke. Denver is a crime scene. California is like a zombie movie. And American citizens are being raped and killed by illegals all over the country. But wanting to make sure illegals dont vote and you have to present proof of citizenship to vote is called voter supression by leftist fucktards. Right. That sounds intelligent.

18 Sep 2024  #110

present proof of citizenship to vote is called voter supression by leftist fucktards.

Perhaps you could explain why the GOP are going to court to allow almost 100,000 illegally registered people to vote.

18 Sep 2024  #111

Maybe you can explain how every Democrat in Congress voted against proof of citizenship being required to vote? Or do you mean the 100K voters in Arizona that cannot vote now because the GOP? Get you facts straight. The GOP is not trying to allow any illegals to vote anywhere. Not a single news report I could find.

18 Sep 2024  #112

Attaching a price to the ability to vote is a clear effort at voter suppression. The GoP instigated these measures and it backfired in Arizona so it is on them. They want to ignore the consequences of their own actions because they believe the wrong people may be denied the vote.


Now any chance of a link to the 25million that have been removed from the electoral register

18 Sep 2024  #113

Now any chance of a link to the 25million that have been removed from the electoral register

No chance at all Barney because he's lied about it. In fact what is likely to happen is that you will be put on his ignore list because, you, like me, are calling him out on his so called 'facts'.

18 Sep 2024  #114

Everyone agrees that only US citizens should vote in their elections. This issue is being used to implement measures that will suppress the vote in favour of the Republican party despite a lack of evidence of widespread voter fraud. The Arizona example shows how it can backfire and the GoP are not happy

18 Sep 2024  #115

The issue is that no one who is not a citizen should be voting. Period. I could not think of voting in Poland until my citizenship was confirmed. Thats not voter supression, thats simply common sense and following the law. As for 25 million, all you need to do is go and research the hundreds of stories on voter rolls being cleaned. I never said 25 million, I said 23 million. Voter rolls being cleaned have romoved dead people who have not only voted since death but have made financial contributions to political parties. They not only remove illegals and others who dont have a right to vote. Virginia removed 19,000 dead from voter rolls in 2023. You want to turn this into an illegal alien total voter removal number when I never said anything of the kind. That said, if you do not have proof of citizenship you shouldnt be able to vote in any country. So WTF is wrong in that point?

18 Sep 2024  #116

It's a trumpist fantasy that thousands of non-eligible people are supposed to be voting.

go and research

Googling suff is not 'research'.

And unfortunately, the U.S. not only has a history of right-wingers attempting to stop black people voting, it also has recent attempts by right-wing politicians to prevent people voting.

18 Sep 2024  #117

thousands of non-eligible people are supposed to be voting.

With no reliable system to verify voters, those things may happen. If you take into consideration that Democrats might wilfully orchestrate such things for their benefit it is rather suspicious they are against the implementaition of a system that would prevent fraudulent elections.
Dismissing it as fantasy is not very credible.

18 Sep 2024  #118

they are against the implementaition of a system that would prevent fraudulent elections.

These new systems may prevent fraud but the alleged fraudulent practices are so small even those shouting loudly about them are unable to substantiate their claims. What these new regulations are designed to do is to give the Republican party an advantage by disenfranchising people they believe may not support the Republican party. Its classic voter suppression and the grand screw up in Arizona where the GoP dont want to implement their own regulations goes some way to providing proof that it is indeed about voter suppression.

johnny reb
18 Sep 2024  #119

That's almost word for word what the Bias Liberal Media has been printing to indoctrinate the low information voters for a year now.
Oh wait, you are not a U.S. citizens so you can't vote legally anyways thank goodness.

18 Sep 2024  #120

@johnny reb
Perhaps you could provide the evidence that the GoP with all its resources were unable to produce. Until you do your claims are just a pack of lies designed to disenfranchise voters.

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