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USA News and Poland - part 11

14 Sep 2024  #61

They are to defend Noviland - the place where I live.

Delusional moron-land? Land of free delusion where even morons like yourself can pretend that he is a big boy with a toy. Just be careful someone might take it away from you. lol!
What you doing is an internet equivalent of brandishing a weapon. Such fools are not to be taken seriously just put down.
to insult Americans

Nope, That is not my primary goal here. I'm not you you bird brain. However, I'm an equal opportunity hater and I insult anyone and anything that needs to be insulted.
Something narrowminded fool like you won't get.

14 Sep 2024  #62

ust be careful someone might take it away from you.

You want to try?
However, I'm an equal opportunity hater

No, you are just barking idiot.

When did you last time "hate" your ruling mob - by name - the way we do here?

You, Euro morons. are domesticated pussies because you are fvcking scared to offend you thought police. See the UK with its 3000 arrests per year for saying "offensive" things.

14 Sep 2024  #63

I insult anyone and anything that needs to be insulted.

Watch out! Novi might put you on Ignore if you cross the red thin line. You will be devastated in result.

14 Sep 2024  #64

You want to try?

you American morons are the biggest pussies there is you are just loud idiots with your rights and guns but you can do nothing. I'm pretty sure if the law changed in the US you would be silent like a mouse as you have been all your life and you only activated yourself on the internet. Get lost Bubba.

14 Sep 2024  #65

Get lost Bubba.

Hey, what`s wrong with you??? Why are you so embittered??? Are you experiencing any personal problems???

14 Sep 2024  #66

you American morons are the biggest pussies

Go to Texs or downstate Illinois and try to break into any house, you stupid moron, and tell us how it went.

No, they will not ask you about your childhood or offer coffee. Trust me, you stoopid Euro barking lapdog who is unable to defend his own wife and ass.

Yes, I know, there is no crime where you live. Crime is exclusive to the US.

Is every Euro a moron?

14 Sep 2024  #67

They can also register to vote without any proof of citizenship.

From the Michigan State Department:

"In Michigan, and in every state, only U.S. citizens are eligible to register to vote or cast a ballot in any state or federal election"

"There is no evidence to support claims that large numbers of noncitizens have voted in past elections or are registering to vote in 2024. In fact, the name of everyone who registers or votes in an election is a public record - it would be very easy to see if noncitizens were registering or voting in large numbers."

"Having a Michigan driver's license or state ID does not mean a person is registered to vote."

I know because I know some Canadians who did so accidentally while working in the state.

"After any type of voter registration, there are multiple checks to identify and correct any accidental registrations."


Not saying a few people haven't fallen through the cracks over the years but there is simply no evidence that I can find anywhere that suggests 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020.

I will ask you again. Where are the reports that you claim show that illegals were allowed to register and did in fact vote?

14 Sep 2024  #68

Where are the reports that you claim show that illegals were allowed to register and did in fact vote?

It is amaSSing to see how Polam has turned from a non-partisan reasonable intelligent businessman into a serial rightist liar and conman. It is one of the biggest transformations of personality in the forum in recent years, in my opinion.
I am so old but still get my portion of surprises in life. Amasing.

14 Sep 2024  #69

try to break into any house, you stupid moron

You do it, you commie freak. Who do you think I am a criminal?
Even your insults and dishing out are lame.
Not every Ameircan is a moron but every Novi is a retard. Hey, retard retardness must run in your family.

14 Sep 2024  #70

"There is no evidence to support claims that large numbers of noncitizens have voted

Don't play stupid.

I registered to vote and nobody asked me to prove that I am a US citizen. That would be xenophobic, racist, or both.
No, I didn't have to show my naturalization doc or my US passport. Just a DL that every foreigner can get just by asking.
Who do you think I am a criminal?

You are too stupid to be a criminal. You are just criminally stupid.

Get lost, azhole.

johnny reb
14 Sep 2024  #71

Are you experiencing any personal problems???

I am beginning to wonder as much as I like the guy.

What you doing is an internet equivalent of brandishing a weapon.

I have already talked to him about that if you remember.
Didn't do any good.
What we have here in the U.S. in some States (Illinois is one of them) is what we call a "Red Flag Law."

A red flag law (named after the idiom red flag meaning "warning sign") is a gun law that permits a state court to order the temporary seizure of firearms (and other items regarded as dangerous weapons, in some states) from a person who they believe may present a danger.
A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question.
Refusal to comply with the order is punishable as a criminal offense.
After a set time, the guns are returned to the person from whom they were seized unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.

In my opinion if someone took screen shots of some of the threats and statements that have been posted on this forum by said person may find a knock at their front door for a wellness check.
And I can only imagine the response when they ordered all the weapons on the premises be confiscated.
Of course, the response to my post will be met with defense denials of all kinds.
At any rate I.S., thank you for pointing that out for us.

14 Sep 2024  #72

Hey, relax! You are crossing red thin lines with Iron. He might put you on Ignore. You will be devastated in result.

14 Sep 2024  #73

I registered to vote

Really? Why would you bother doing that when you say that you don't vote in US elections?

I don't vote in the US elections.

I smell bullsh!t.

Perhaps you could link to some kind of proof to back up PAK's assertion that 25 million illegal voters were removed from voter rolls, given that you are jumping on the bandwagon.

14 Sep 2024  #74

a serial rightist liar and conman

You mean a four-time loser of trials for felonies? If so, your guess matches the court records.

14 Sep 2024  #75

I vote in local elections but only if there is a referendum about local taxes.
I vote on specific subjects, not actors aka politicians.
In 1980, I voted for Reagan and never since.

14 Sep 2024  #76

If Kamala wins, we should stop voting for president. A coin flip will do fine.

14 Sep 2024  #77

You are t

Hey retard, do you have dementia, you are the one that has stupidly run in the family.
Stop spamming this site.
on this forum by said person may find a knock at their front door for a wellness check.

I know that very well johnny. However, that idiot doesn't, so I question if he is a legitimate owner of any firearms at all.
Notice like my suggestion that his toys can be taken away from him, he reacted like a retard. Are you sure he's 80 and not 14?

15 Sep 2024  #78

However, that idiot doesn't, so I question if he is a legitimate owner of any firearms at all.

Hey, moron, do you own any firearms?

See, idiot, your government doesn't trust you already. Mine gave me a concealed carry license.

So who is a retard here?

15 Sep 2024  #79

Trump made a terrible tactical error by talking about how Haitians eat pets.

This gave his enemies a great way to deflect from the fact that 20,000 of these useless scumbags were dropped on 50,000 Americans who never agreed to this invasion.

The enemy logic is simple: If we prove that no Haitian ate a pet, all is well.

That was stupid, Don. You never claim what can be refuted or dismissed as insignificant event.

15 Sep 2024  #80

That was stupid, Don. You never claim what can be refuted or dismissed as insignificant event.

The one sided leftist media has brainwashed enough useful idiots to vote for her after she's pfucked up the country for the past 4 years...

How about these meddling PF foreign morons saying illegals aren't given a chance to vote when they get their DL`s... Hahahaha.... All they can do is google leftard lies. Ive met so many Illegal Mexicans in Chicago that we're signed up to vote at the Illinois DMV when they received their DL.... Thanks Pritzker!

Not one of these PF Euros have ever set foot over here and can only google. Because everything on the internet is true....LOL
They hate Trump, so its another reason I hope he wins!!!

  • Will fix lol

15 Sep 2024  #81

A map showcasing all 10,624 battles recorded on Wikipedia since 2500 BC.

No European should ever lecture another country. They have been the center of disaster and fighting amongst themselves since documented history.

  • 459388099_1046201387.jpg

15 Sep 2024  #82

If Kamala wins, we should stop voting for president.

There wont be a need for that anymore...

15 Sep 2024  #83

I have seen it first hand. In my business, I work a lot with foreigners who work in different contries for certain periods of time. Canadians who I have personally worked with have in Michigan been given voter registrations. I dont GAF what the law says on a website. I have witnessed it happening. What the law says, and how the system operates are two different things. Voter registration is done at the Secretary of State office when renewing, receiving, or replacing a drivers license. If a Canadian or other foreigner is staying in Michigan for six or more months they are required to get a Michigan license. Depending on the office, and how busy it is, the voter registrations are sometimes processed automatically with a license. Believe it, or not I dont care. I have seen it. And I watched it in my own family in NY for decades.

I stopped being nice and polite when people started attacking me. As for my political views, I have always been a realist. I have never supported a woke agenda, and I am embarassed for what the US has become from what it once was. Two years ago I was talking about how things in Denver had gotten so bad, and now its making the news around the world. I complained about mask mandates and a lot of other things over the years as well. While I appreciate good conversation and debate on real factual things, I do not deal well with emotional bull$hit. Fellings should never over rule facts. Like me, dislike me, it doesnt matter. Civility is called upon by many here with some pseudo superiority complexes, yet they are not civil.

15 Sep 2024  #84

I have seen it first hand. In my business,

Everyone that lives in the USA knows this as you desperately try and explain to a foreigner that gets her news sources from google...lol

Is every Euro a moron?

How do you deal with these clueless eurps on a daily basis, telling us what its like living in the USA?

Its like having the bimbos from "the view" running this thread.

15 Sep 2024  #85

I dont GAF what the law says on a website. I have witnessed it happening.

So what it says on the Michigan State Department website is meaningless then?

What the law says, and how the system operates are two different things.

Ok, but where are the reports you talked about in post#52?

Joker, all I'm asking PAK to do is substantiate the wild claim he made in this post:

Maybe just one general explanation of how more than 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020?

And to link to the reports he is talking about in #52.

So far he hasn't produced a scrap of evidence to support either claim other than word of mouth and what he's personally witnessed, yet he says he appreciates debate on real facts. I'm sure there's no evidence to produce either because if he could back up that claim he would have done it by now. The simple fact is he's not being truthful in what he says.

15 Sep 2024  #86

I dont have to substantiate anything I have seen with my own eyes. Yes, whats on the Secretary of State website is a joke. The system is not what it would like to say it is. Systems in the US, as far as documentation and verification are concerned are light years behind Europe. I am here for discussion, I am not here to spend my time posting links. You can do your own research.

gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-announces-over-1-million-ineligible-voters-removed-from-voter-rolls 6500 non citizens removed, and 1930 of them had voting records.


There are eleven states purging voter rolls now. Really just do your own reaseach if its that important to you. I am a citizen of the US and Poland and vote in both countries. The US, in my opinion, is on the verge of becoming something it was never meant to be. The democracts have destroyed the fabric of what once was the light of freedom around the world. And people here want to debate what it says on a website versus how things actually happen?

johnny reb
15 Sep 2024  #87

How do you deal with these clueless eurps on a daily basis, telling us what its like living in the USA?

Have patience with them and keep repeating that all they know is what they read in the BIAS Liberal Media to indoctrinated them with to keep them dumbed down.

if its that important to you.

It's not, she just likes to knit pick at people to have someone to diminish and argue with.
What gets me is how joyous these eurps are to see the U.S.A. turn into a losing Socialist country like theirs.
Ever notice that they really don't have much to say about the politics in their country but diminish ours non-stop. 🤒
What does that tell you.

many here with some pseudo superiority complexes

That would mostly be the Brits from day one here.
They really use to abuse and try to lord over the Poles and Americans here until I showed up and leveled the playing field some.
Then Novi showed up and now we have you PolAm to tell them where to stack their bottles.
And if you were to take notice, this thread USA News, is the most popular thread on this forum now. 🤠

15 Sep 2024  #88

your government doesn't trust you already.

oh Kamela trust you eh? lol! why don't kiss up to her more, she might even pat you, geez what a retard.
Mine gave me a concealed carry license.

I doubt it. Nutter like you shouldn't have access to weapons. Not that you wold acualy do something but some criminal could take it away from you while you are showing off and do real harm.

15 Sep 2024  #89

I am not here to spend my time posting links. You can do your own research.

Sorry, that`s a lousy excuse by all who claim sth false and aren`t able to prove it. Johhny used it many times on me so I rightly summarised him as a liar.

You weren`t such a conman when you joined the forum.........

15 Sep 2024  #90

From a US blogger. Trump never learns? Personally, as usually with Trump's self-sabotaging through hiring the wrong people, I believe some RINO runs his social media accounts and tries to destroy his campaign. But it's also a possibility he is stupid. Still, it's almost impossible they personally post anything on SM sites.

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