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20 Mar 2024  #1051

Bobko, you don't swear enough...It's like eating a hotdog without mustard and ketchup...Or french fries without salt...
I like reading your posts but I have my limits on polite. See Lyzko and Tacitus. They drive me nuts.

Seven I's in your last post #1042.

Over 20 you's in your #1038.

Who the fvck do you think you are? A Soros DA?

20 Mar 2024  #1052

Recognizing your linguistic superiority, please edit my post with 7 I's to reduce their number to the level you would find normal. Here is the original text:

I read that list three times by now and I am actually impressed with my profile. I would like to see three more guys like me here.

The one item I take exception to is this:

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Because the US is my home now and the only country I am 100% loyal to, even at the expense of Poland, I hate the mother fvckers who are destroying it - day after day - by spending us into a fiscal hell, keeping the borders open, and risking a war with Russia over bullshit like "freedom and democracy" in the most corrupt Euro country ever...

I also hate with passion the woke morons and those "women" with dicks. That's where my tolerance of idiocies ends. Gays and lesbians are angels compared to trans idiots...

So go ahead and shine...Let me learn from the master.

20 Mar 2024  #1053

Bobko, you don't swear enough

Johnny is a funny fruit - I don't feel like I have to swear at him like I do at Lyzko and Pawian.

Those two understand exactly what they are doing.

This guy is a medically certified idiot that pleasures himself through aquatic animals.

Different categories, different weight divisions.

Johnny does not deserve getting sworn at. It's not the same as when Pawian tells me he f*cked my grandma :)

20 Mar 2024  #1054


You imperial Russia liar!!! I usually say: your stalinist grandpa! Ha! This grandma is a product of your sick imagination. Ha!!!

20 Mar 2024  #1055

When was the last time you saw her in person ?

When was the last time you did, you moron?

Johnny is nothing but a lying idiot!


have travelled the world like I have, be mature like me, have my wit, have a Polish surname

But never traveled to Poland, why?Can't afford it?.....you are immature and witless and your surname is German.......

20 Mar 2024  #1056

But never traveled to Poland, why?Can't afford it?...

His sarcastic learjet ran out of fuel....

johnny reb
21 Mar 2024  #1057

Naw, I am taking it down to the border this week-end.

Somebody has sex with electrical sockets,

Yes you do as you posted here.

Now your turn to show me where I posted that I had sex with a fish.
If you can't we know that you are a liar.

21 Mar 2024  #1058


Bye, 🤔...Bobko, is that you?

21 Mar 2024  #1059

Bobko, is that you?

lol no, why?

21 Mar 2024  #1060

A bit, but not quite "my style" :)

My style is unique, unforgettable, and always stupid.

21 Mar 2024  #1061

My style is unique, unforgettable, and always stupid

It fits.

21 Mar 2024  #1062

His sarcastic learjet ran out of fuel....


@johnny reb

As usual, the Michigan hovel liver with a criminal record avoids the subject..... HaHaHaHa!!!!

Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 9 [3171]Joke of the Day [476]

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