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4 Jun 2024  #901

From his posts, he is

An American. The fact you don't like his views doesn't change that fact.

Who said something about facts being the only things that matters...

johnny reb
4 Jun 2024  #902

He doesn't give a fvck about the US or anybody but himself and how he looks here.

Are you implying that he is a woman with a dick ?

4 Jun 2024  #903

An American. The fact you don't like his views doesn't change that fact.

There is a simple test to check if you are an American. I pass this test with flying colors. He does not. Therefore, he is not an American. I don't give a damn about his documents.

They only show where the owner was born or where he lives. BFD!

4 Jun 2024  #904

Are you implying that he is a woman with a dick ?

...he sure acts like one...

Speaking of women...With the exception of those few I know and love, women are disgusting. I am referring to the level of cruelty these bit*ches are capable of when dealing with their own kids and defenseless prisoners. What the German Auschwitz women guards did to other women there made the Gestapo and the SS look good.

Google Andrea Yates and Susan Smith and you will know what they are capable of.

Also, men love women. Women love money. Period.

4 Jun 2024  #905

I pass this test with flying colors.

No, you are a wannabe, a little dog yaping at the big ones pretending he's one of them

Essentially letting your emotions cloud you judgement (not that there is much to cloud)

4 Jun 2024  #906

No, you are a wannabe, a little dog yaping at the big ones pretending he's one of them

Look, stupid bit*ch, I deliberately didn't define what that simple test was. Yet, you didn't ask but were quick to get personal.

What a moron...

4 Jun 2024  #907

Because there is no test that would say that a guy born to foreign parents, born and raised in foreign country is so American.

4 Jun 2024  #908

...and the stupid bit*ch still didn't ask about the test I mentioned but was sure that "there is no test"...

4 Jun 2024  #909

Speaking of women...With the exception of those few I know

Maybe you should get to know more of them then. I doubt that would help much though, considering what a f*cked up moron you are.

I am referring to the level of cruelty these bit*ches are capable of when dealing with their own kids and defenseless prisoners.

You can say the same about men. Actually, according to your statistics men on average are worse lol

What the German Auschwitz women guards did to other women there made the Gestapo and the SS look good.

You clearly don't know much about what male guards were doing in Auschwitz then.

Also, men love women. Women love money. Period.

You're brain is literally the size of a period LMAO

...and the stupid bit*ch still didn't ask about the test I mentioned but was sure that "there is no test"...

Because Lenka knows your "test" is stupid crap and bullsh1t, you moron :D
And she isn't a "stupid b1tch", so stop projecting.

Btw, Novichok, when will you die already, you piece of sh1t? I honestly can't wait.

4 Jun 2024  #910

You're brain


4 Jun 2024  #911

Maybe you should get to know more of them then

Women are a waste of time and money. That is why guys avoid women and don't want to date or marry them. That's what me-too and women must be trusted screams did.

When asked how men benefit from getting married, a typical single woman in her late twenties is left speechless because she knows that men get nothing of value except being a punching bag for the thing they had nothing to do with.

When women went on strike in Iceland, guys in the office "could finally get shlt done."

Actually, according to your statistics men on average are worse lol

Men win in the crime rate competition. Men can't match women in the cruelty department.
No man ever drowned his 4-year-old sons to be able to date some bimbo without the burdens of fatherhood. Women do this. Want examples?

4 Jun 2024  #912

That is why guys avoid women and don't want to date or marry them

Yes, it's quite obvious where your sexual tastes lie.

Mind you, your wife's pictures on Facebook suggest she'd turn any man gay.

4 Jun 2024  #913

she isn't a "stupid b1tch",

I notice that he often gets nasty when he's losing or lost the argument. Last week I was a single childless b!tch and a lying b!tch. He couldn't actually disprove what I was saying though. If he's not being insulting then he ignores comments when he's proved wrong. The PF women run rings around him, it's that simple.

4 Jun 2024  #914

Women are a waste of time and money.

What does that even mean? lol Is your wife a "waste of time and money" too? :)

That is why guys avoid women and don't want to date or marry them.

Some guys, I'm guessing. I haven't noticed such a trend where I live.

When asked how men benefit from getting married, a typical single woman in her late twenties is left speechless

And you have any proof for that? :D Also, which women - in which countries are left "speechless"? Please, enumerate those countries and post evidence (data, statistics, polls) :)

men get nothing of value except being a punching bag for the thing they had nothing to do with.

Why do many men keep getting married then? :)))

When women went on strike in Iceland, guys in the office "could finally get shlt done."


Men can't match women in the cruelty department.

Oh, I disagree with that completely. It's usually men who are the perpetrators of all kinds cruel stuff happening in this world, including raping children to death.

No man ever drowned his 4-year-old sons to be able to date some bimbo without the burdens of fatherhood. Women do this.

You're lying as usual. This father, for example, killed his 4-year-old daughter by throwing her off a bridge into a river to take revenge on his ex-wife:


Novichok, you're so stupid and vile in your lying that it's just mind-boggling.

4 Jun 2024  #915

I notice that he often gets nasty when he's losing or lost the argument.


He couldn't actually disprove what I was saying though. If he's not being insulting then he ignores comments when he's proved wrong.

Yes, I've noticed it too :)))

4 Jun 2024  #916

The PF women run rings around him, it's that simple.

They do and long may you do so!

4 Jun 2024  #917

Women are a waste of time and money.
Rich, it's not often that I strongly disagree with parts of your post; it happens among the best of friends. Recently, I went through a very rough period.

Grimm Reaper, the cruelest of the cruel, visited me, taking what was my dearest, extinguishing the brightest star on my horizon, and painting the havens black.

She was the joy, the reason to be happy and live. There is no price I would not pay to have her at my side for a while longer.

Men can't match women in the cruelty department.
Here is where we agree. Remember Pawians inhumanity in the treatment of a memory of my daughter? If I had tried hard, I would have found

enough strength for forgiveness, but it is not for me to forgive; I can not speak for my daughter. Now we come to unmatch cruelty; Pawian's sidekick, the epitome

of indecency, once wrote, I am paraphrasing, but the meaning is accurate ."[virtually rapping my daughter's memory, Pawian was protecting her]
especially coming from an imitation of a woman, can never be forgiven, ever.
As far as cruelty, you scored a perfect ten.

4 Jun 2024  #918

Women are a waste of time and money.

Probably the most idiotic post you have ever made, and there are many........and I don't think you believe that for a minute.......

4 Jun 2024  #919

Only a woman can poison her husbands and watch him die a slow and painful death. Some bring poisoned food to the hospital and tell the dying guy how much they love him.

Only a woman can drown five kids in the bathtub - one by one - like they were unwanted puppies and claim postpartum depression.

Men are brutal with strangers. Some are serial rapists or killers. THEY NEVER MURDER THEIR OWN CHILDREN because the kids are inconvenient. At worst, they go nuts and kill in extreme anger but not with cold-blooded premeditation. That's what women do - often with eyes open wide.

No, I am not sucking it out of thin air. Nobody ever watched as many crime documentaries as I did.

Now this...Quoting:

Christopher M. Bour, 40, pleaded guilty in January to paying Natisha Hillard $500 to have sex with a 4-month-old girl, an arrangement that lasted until the child was 18 months old.

Hillard has admitted to being in the room with Bour and the baby on all but the last meeting when he paid her extra to be alone with the baby.

No father ever prostituted his infant daughter. When they are raped they scream too much so it's hard to watch TV or be on the phone. This ***** had no problem with it...

4 Jun 2024  #920

This father, for example, killed his 4-year-old daughter by throwing her off a bridge

A moment of extreme anger is not even close to slowly and methodically driving a car into a lake to kill a 3-year-old and 14-month-old son because they were interfering with the mother's dating schedule. That's what Susan Smith did... Quoting:

Susan Leigh Smith (née Vaughan; born September 26, 1971) is an American woman who was convicted of murdering her two sons, three-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alexander, in 1994 by drowning them in a South Carolina lake.

5 Jun 2024  #921

From: historytoday.com/archive/history-matters/irma-grese-and-female-concentration-camp-guards

Irma Grese and Female Concentration Camp Guards

The female guards at Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Ravensbrück are less well known than their male counterparts, but they were no less brutal.

So, how did these guards, described as 'sadists' and 'beasts' by former prisoners, find themselves committing these crimes against humanity?

Elisabeth Volkenrath, chief female overseer in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, sentenced to death in 1945, was an unskilled labourer prior to becoming a guard. Ruth Closius, also sentenced to death for her exceptional cruelty, had dreamed of becoming a nurse but, since she left school too early, became a saleswoman in a textiles warehouse. The notorious Irma Grese worked at a dairy farm after leaving home at 15 years of age. Before entering the camps these women were, to all intents and purposes, ordinary women leading ordinary lives.

The scary thing about female monsters is that they are not until the day they are. No graduating process. Zero to bastiality in one day. Most men have a hard time explaining why a nurturer by biology would ever be able to match the worst of criminal men.

What is also impossible to explain is why, eighty years later, with adoptions and no-fault baby drop places in every town and village, American women would act with the same cruelty toward their own - both born and unborn.

5 Jun 2024  #922

Probably the most idiotic

Unfortunately not.

5 Jun 2024  #923

Only a woman can poison her husbands and watch him die a slow and painful death


Michael MacKay served up strychnine laced gatorade to his wife. A couple of months before he did that he told a female friend he would need a place to lie low so it was planned in advance.


Or how about this one. James Keown poisoned his wife over several months before administering a fatal dose of ethylene glycol. He wanted to cash in on her life insurance policy:


There are plenty more cases.

Now you're either going to ignore this post or call me a b1tch......

johnny reb
5 Jun 2024  #924

The PF women run rings around him, it's that simple.

Looks like it is your turn to be the girls whipping post this week, Novi.
Remember the P.F. motto - Gang Up On > Bully > Attack > Intimidate > Diminish > Shame > and argue until they wear you out.
And then the little fem boys chime in to support them because they don't want to be the next target. 🥴

5 Jun 2024  #925

Now you're either going to ignore this post or call me a b1tch......

Men don't tell their wives that they love them before killing them.

Looks like it is your turn to be the girls whipping post this week, Novi.

I have a lot more material from YouTube to annoy them than they have to upset me.
For now...Women are emotional terrorists and hand grenades...with the pin partially pulled...That's how they win their debates here and screaming arguments at home.

If you look around...everything worth having other than babies are things with men's fingerprints. Women don't bring anything to the table other than themselves, as one honest bit*h said.

When asked what a man who spent 300 bucks for a fancy dinner got, one female moron said: My attention.

Arrogance and stupidity are a terrible combination...

I will post that video later...

johnny reb
5 Jun 2024  #926

For now...Women are emotional terrorists

I understand however it looks like they have decided to brow beat you this week with their circle the wagons to gang up on and provoke, attack, diminish. shaming arguing game.

In the winter time when I am snowed in with nothing to do except feed the fire and birds it becomes a fun hobby to wind them up.

However in the summer with unlimited things to do outside for exercise, who has time for them.
I may take my bike and ride around the State Park and see if I can't find a couple of open-minded middle-aged housewives from Chicago up here camping by themselves for the week who like to drink whiskey with older men. 😛

5 Jun 2024  #927

Chicago up here camping by themselves for the week who like to drink whiskey with older men. 😛
@ johnny reb

I doubt drinking whisky is your final goal, so finish your thought just for clarity:::)))

5 Jun 2024  #928

A man who buys Brooklyn Bridge is wiser than a moron who takes the bait of "Tell me how you really feel" from a woman.

The very next day, she will use it against him and later will tell her friends that men never say how they feel...Bitchiness 101...

I have more...

johnny reb
6 Jun 2024  #929

I doubt drinking whisky is your final goal, so finish your thought just for clarity:::

Oh no Ptak, go swimming with them, then make them a nice steak over the open campfire, all while sipping my homemade moonshine whiskey, tuck them in and call it a day.

Remember Ptak, these women are still of breeding age and the last thing J.R. needs is a little j.r. running around calling him 'daddy'.

Now old Harry would blow my intentions out of the water by claiming that I plied them with homemade whiskey to get their knickers off.

You all know that I am a baptized Christian man that mended his wicked ways decades ago.😇

7 Jun 2024  #930

Remember Ptak, these women are still of breeding age and the last thing J.R. needs is a little j.r. running around calling him 'daddy'.

Still of breeding age and already widowed? This is
very suspicious. Were the former husband's insurance policies in the high millions?
Be careful, very careful. Hide your precious possessions before engaging in carnal delights. That would be my friendly advice:::)))

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