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21 Mar 2024  #1


A bit of your style.

22 Mar 2024  #2

Oh no, she's so young and all those kiddos... :((( 😢


I hope she's going to be OK... 😟

22 Mar 2024  #3



...but Kensington Palace says it is confident the princess will make a full recovery.

Even retards in psych wards don't say crap like this.

22 Mar 2024  #4

princess will make a full recovery

Everything is possible, although chemotherapy doesn't sound good.

23 Mar 2024  #5

, she's so young and all those kiddos... :((( 😢

Yes, it's very sad. Seems like a nice woman too. I actually feel very sorry for William. Losing his mother the way he did at the age of fourteen, now his wife and father have cancer. Pretty heavy karma.

23 Mar 2024  #6

Seems like a nice woman too.

I hate cancer more than death itself and don't wish it on my worst enemies - Biden and pawian included.

In her case, it's really upsetting...She is in the top .00001% with everything good available to her 24/7. Still, she got it...

At the same time, there are 70-year-old homeless drunks who smoke, inject, and live until they are killed by another homeless drunk or a truck.

Proof positive that there is no God or that he doesn't give a damn...

23 Mar 2024  #7

I actually feel very sorry for William. Losing his mother the way he did at the age of fourteen, now his wife and father have cancer.

It hit me too yesterday when I heard the news... :(((

At the same time, there are 70-year-old homeless drunks who smoke, inject, and live

Yeah, I was thinking something similar yesterday - bastards like Putin responsible for death of many people often live to old age and good people die just like that... 😞

23 Mar 2024  #8

good people die just like that... 😞

Goddamn it - relax. She's a British princess. The chemo was "preventative". It was identified early.

Nobody is going to die.

23 Mar 2024  #9

@Bobko, that was a general comment - I'm not saying that Kate is going to die... But you never know with cancer... Especially that it may "come back" and cancer doesn't care if she's a princess or not... So, it sucks and I'm sure that her kids are terrified...

23 Mar 2024  #10

bastards like Putin responsible for death of many people

...or Biden - a pos responsible for the destruction of the US from within without firing a shot - something Hitler and Stalin were not able to pull off...

I'm not saying that Kate is going to die... But you never know with cancer..

She will. Cancer never forgets, forgives, and always comes back. We just don't know the point of entry and when.

23 Mar 2024  #11

Cancer never forgets, forgives, and always comes back.

There is a lot of truth in what you write.

23 Mar 2024  #12

Proof positive that there is no God or that he doesn't give a damn...

Well, it mainly proves the fact that elites can have sh1tty genes too, just like everybody else...

She will. Cancer never forgets, forgives, and always comes back.

It may depend on the type of cancer, I think... Some types can be defeated if found early. I'm guessing that this "preventive chemotherapy" is to make sure to destroy any possible metastases, just in case... On the other hand, it could mean that it's some nasty type of cancer (?)...

23 Mar 2024  #13

There is a lot of truth in what you write.

Nah, it's a pessimist's interpretation.

Medicine is making seven mile wide strides daily right now.

The princess will be ok.

Ten years ago there was no immunotherapy. We have much more precise instruments for fighting cancer now.

23 Mar 2024  #14

Medicine is making seven mile wide strides daily right now.

The princess will be ok.

As if I heard Dr. med. Bobko.

23 Mar 2024  #15

elites can have sh1tty genes too

Her mother grew up in a family of 8 who lived in a two-room flat.

Hopefully her announcement will stop some of the intrusive discussion and bizarre suggestions on social media, however I don't hold out that much hope. People regard that family as celebrities or some sort of entertainers which they very much aren't.

23 Mar 2024  #16

Hopefully her announcement will stop some of the intrusive discussion and bizarre suggestions on social media

Honestly - extremely disgusting

You British oafs could learn a thing or two from the French, who allowed Hollande to ride around on a scooter to meet his lovers, and never questioned Macron's proclivities.

You have a serious problem with respect for private life in Britain.

A nation of "peeping Toms".

23 Mar 2024  #17

You British oafs could

You r*SSian oafs could **** off out of Ukraine.

You have a serious problem with respect for private life in Britain

Most of the intrusive stuff online is from across the Atlantic and from other parts of Europe.

And what are Micron's 'proclivities'?

23 Mar 2024  #18

And what are Micron's 'proclivities'?

As if you do not know.

23 Mar 2024  #19

I don't. His wife's on the geriatric side and there are suggestions that he has gentlemen friends however I don't follow gossip about him. Interesting though, and he always strikes me as a foolish peacock of a man.

23 Mar 2024  #20

there are suggestions that he has gentlemen friends

Not mere "gentlemen friends".

Not that there's anything wrong with that. The "people" - they are simply reactionary.

You'll get me in trouble, so all I will say is that it's treated as an open secret.

23 Mar 2024  #21

"gentlemen friends"

Gentlemen friends has a similar meaning to the American term "gentlemen callers", i.e. lovers.

He denied being 8n a relationship with that radio guy and with Benalla. Is it something more interesting than that?

23 Mar 2024  #22

it something more interesting than that?

Quite a bit more interesting than that.

Again, I cannot fuel this.

It's his right. It does not affect his execution of his duties as President of France.

That's enough for me.

23 Mar 2024  #23

Quite a bit more interesting than that.

I'll do some googling.

He's out of office soon anyway.

23 Mar 2024  #24

I'll do some googling.

Some things are not quite in Google yet. More received through the diplomatic wire, and people in business that have exposure.

As a suggestion, examine what type of young man he like to have around.

23 Mar 2024  #25

examine what type of young man he like to have around

I shall.

There's a few things online hinting at BDSM however that's too banal to be interesting. I always thought that his relationship with Benalla was suspicious.

24 Mar 2024  #26

So I will ask again, why didn't Poland shoot it down ?

Because they couldn't reach Obama.
Biden was taking a leak...

24 Mar 2024  #27

Because we didn't have enough balls to say no faggots decades ago, we now have a situation where 99% of the population is intimidated to cater to less than 1%.

I can almost hear the whine "so what's wrong with it...be nice...live and let live..." Now girls have to shower and compete with fvcked up azholes with dicks because they said the magic sentence: I am a woman.

That's all it takes. No drugs, no sharp tools. No nothing...just that four-word sentence.

24 Mar 2024  #28

99% of the population is intimidated to cater to less than 1%.

Yup! That just about sums up America!And yet you still love that country....... and don't start blaming Europe......we stupidly and slovenly follow all things American.....so all this PC and virtue signalling crap started in America, don't you feel guilty?

25 Mar 2024  #29

and don't start blaming Europe.

The origins of woke are ours. Softness on criminals and hate speech laws are yours.

I am waiting for an execution of a child rapist and murdered. I want to go there and celebrate when the sob is declared dead and **** on his grave later.

25 Mar 2024  #30

This always tells me that I'm going in the right direction :D

No. That tells me that you are a brainless spelling moron.

posted by one of PF Putinists,

There are no "Putinists" here. Only stupid bitchinists...

Now you can report me. I don't give a fvck and I will never give up.

Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [1326]Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10 [3378]

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