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7 Jun 2024  #931


Discussion: Is Lyzko a pedophile, serial killer or just a lonely, sneaky Jew?

There is a song "Somebody's Watching Me" rings a bell anyone? Lyzko stop it, at least pretend to be normal.

7 Jun 2024  #932

About that democracy Biden loves so much...Quoting:

Biden asks Americans to recommit to democracy in a speech in Normandy.

Democracy is when voters can overrule the government. If you can't, you are not a democracy.

Here is a simple test if the US is a democracy or a tyranny...

If Biden wants the borders open while 300,000,000 Americans don't, is the border going to be open or not?

In Western Europe...

If Angela wants more migrants while every other German doesn't, is Germany going to get more migrants or not?

It's really that simple...

No, azholes, you are no more democratic than Russia. Real power hates democracy. Real power is good at lying that you live in a democracy.

7 Jun 2024  #933

All of the above! Oh, you forgot tax cheat.
Just bein' thorough, that's all LOL

johnny reb
7 Jun 2024  #934

All of the above! Oh, you forgot tax cheat.

Do you mean the "Big Man" or his son that owes over 1 million in back taxes that he "forgot" to pay ? LOL

johnny reb
7 Jun 2024  #935

When Trump becomes president again do you think he will lock up Crooked Hillary Clinton ?
How about the biden crime family for taking bribe money from China, Russia and Ukraine ?
How about obama for treason ?
You can bet all of the enemy is sweating bullets right now in fear Trump gets elected.

7 Jun 2024  #936

Lyzko stop it, at least pretend to be normal.

Its impossible for him to be normal. Hes still living in the 1950`s.

When Trump becomes president again do you think he will lock up Crooked Hillary Clinton ?

He said hes not going too, but he has every right imo..

If you do not give them a taste of their own medicine, the Dems ( bullies) will keep trampling on our constitution.

  • thisoneiscalled.j.jpg

7 Jun 2024  #937

If you do not give them a taste of their own medicine, the Dems ( bullies) will keep trampling on our constitution.

I couldn't agree more!

7 Jun 2024  #938

Get your popcorn ready... Biden is tanking even more in the polls! Hahahaha

  • mypiggybank.jpg

  • liberalslogic.jpg

7 Jun 2024  #939


It seems like Johnny is not responding to my helpful advice. Is he too exhausted from his
carnal activities or perhaps he's had too much to drink? I've heard rumors about some tough women from Chicago who can outdrink and take advantage of naive men, especially if they're given a lot of homemade moonshine. I'm just saying, it's a possibility.

8 Jun 2024  #940

Biden is tanking even more in the polls!

I find this whole Biden episode bordering on macabre. It's a dead man walking and nobody close to him seems willing to pull the cord.

8 Jun 2024  #941

I find this whole Biden episode bordering on macabre

Hes an embarrassment and a walking zombie, clearly not fit of office.

Check out this Australian D-Day video and how the rest of the world views him.

johnny reb
8 Jun 2024  #942

women from Chicago who can outdrink and take advantage of naive men,

Oh they wanted to take advantage of me but I explained how awful they would feel once they got back home to their husbands.
I told them if we had sex it would be nothing short of them raping me.
Thank goodness I have self control when I get around drunk women that just want to use me and abuse me. 🥺

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