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15 Jun 2024  #91


I'm sure she is more than happy about it,

Me too!

Now go to bed pawian,you silly old troll!

15 Jun 2024  #92

Now go to bed pawian,you silly old troll!

The more we tell him to go away the longer he will want to stay.. We have to use child psychology on him.

Or string him along and send him on some fools errands into the early hours of the am?

15 Jun 2024  #93

It's good to see her alive and kicking :)

What exactly are those "royal duties"? Do you need a degree?

15 Jun 2024  #94

What exactly are those "royal duties"?

You have no idea or conception of Royal Duties because you don't care.
If you were bothered to research it, you would understand,maybe.
But as you don't care and find it faintly amusing, discussing it with you is pointless.

15 Jun 2024  #95

Hey, easy, I just asked a question...As always, I already know the answer so I am just curious what Ms P has to say on the subject...

I would shoot myself if somebody made me a "princess".

Can a transgender woman be a "princess"?

16 Jun 2024  #96

discussing it with you is pointless

I ignore him now.

He craves a reaction to his boring trolling.

Bratwurst Boy
16 Jun 2024  #97


....the "Zeit" brought a super interesting piece about Starmer!


I guess I now know why you described him as hard to explain Leftie! :)

Pro-Israel....anti-woke.....critical of immigration....anti-Putin....very interesting guy, and maybe the future of Leftism in Europe...

16 Jun 2024  #98

He craves a reaction to his boring trolling.

Boring trolling?

Can a transgender woman be a "princess"?

I am doing my best to be progressive and open-minded and this is what I get???

So, jon, can a transgender woman be a princess and a transgender man be a prince according to your royal rules?

BTW, I Googled "royal duties" and got this:

1. Say nothing of any substance
2. Smile
3. Kiss babies
4. Act like your IQ is at least 110 and the whole world rests on your shoulders

Did I miss anything?

16 Jun 2024  #99

Did I miss anything

5. Don't openly pick your nose.
6. Don't let out the farts you hear.
7. Do not scratch openly in the anal-genital regions or under the arms.
8. Dress elegantly but impractically, wear a hat as a woman and sometimes as a man.
Have I missed something?

16 Jun 2024  #100

Have I missed something?

Yes, you've missed being the patron of various large charities and well and being the Colonel in Chief of military regiments, taking a pastoral interest in their soldiers' wellbeing. That and being a Privy Councillor which has a specific legal role (several even) and for some of them, being a Counsellor of State who can declare war and do a number of other things in the Head of State's absence or incapacity.

16 Jun 2024  #101

So, jon, can a transgender woman be a princess?

6. Don't let out the farts you hear.

OK. I could be a king...

BTW, how does one go through life without saying anything other than Oh, what a lovely brown baby...Does she have AIDS?

16 Jun 2024  #102

Dress elegantly but impractically

Remember, they're something of a showcase for domestic fashion.

When the current Princess of Wales first started to get photographed, I was walking through the centre of Warsaw and kept seeing clones of her, not just hair and clothes but also the make up style.

16 Jun 2024  #103

Banter is OK, malice isn't.

I like malice more...

Hate, like greed, is good. Why would God make us capable of such feelings if there was no good reason? How do you shoot an intruder if "all life is precious" and you love everybody?

As far as faggots go, they do everything humanly possible to be hated...from spreading deadly diseases to "pride" parades with pretend sex in front of our kids to defacing our cities with rainbows to demanding pride month...Where is the hetero pride anything...How about just one lousy day...

Memo to faggots: Aren't you glad your parents were not gay?

Also...How did you manage to elevate a mental disorder to the level of civil rights? Fvcking amazing...

16 Jun 2024  #104

Poland is getting ready to play the Netherlands right now. My daughters have it on TV, it looks like a huge crowd.

16 Jun 2024  #105

See, imagine Jon making a statement like the one in bold above in an exchange with you. So, whose approach is better? :)

Let's see..

There are a few basic, unassailable facts that bear constant repetition.

- Putler
- r*SSian
- The people of r*SSia
- Putler
- Those facts demand the removal or destruction of all r*SSian
- Those facts demand the total isolation of r*SSia as a pariah state.
- Those facts demand Putler

This creep goes out of his faggot way to insult a man the faggot never met and the country the faggot never had or will have any responsibility for...and I am the bad guy because I call him what he actually is...

Hey, faggot, take your faggot spelling and shove it up your faggot rear end...

Now you can report me...I need a break anyway...especially now that the Russians are MIA...

16 Jun 2024  #106

You said "faggot" six times in one post. Grow the f*ck up, Ryszard.

Now you can report me...

The only person I ever reported here was Strzelec for his p*edo cr*p.

16 Jun 2024  #107

You said "faggot" six times in one post. Grow the f*ck up, Ryszard.

When the faggot insults Russians you remain silent.

Hey, faggot, for every "r*SSia" and "Putler" you will get five faggots.

16 Jun 2024  #108

When the faggot insults Russians you remain silent.

Not at all. I call him a "son of a brit" when he mentions "orcs" or "orc meat".

"r*SSia" and "Putler"

Silly spelling is a different matter but it's much less serious than constantly picking on someone (in a very primitive way) because of his sexual orientation. It makes you look borderline mentally ill.

Bratwurst Boy
16 Jun 2024  #109

Hey, faggot, for every "r*SSia" and "Putler" you will get five faggots.


Let's stop that crap from all sides....

16 Jun 2024  #110

It makes you look borderline mentally ill.

Let's stop that crap from all sides.

At least, obsessed with it...and I say this as someone who finds homosexual activity abhorrent and an abomination.

This forum would be more attractive if there wasn't as much sniping. Morons are going to say moronic things and all that, but the invective and sniping is boring and boorish.

16 Jun 2024  #111

abhorrent and an abomination

Of course it is, and also a sin; but what would happen if we all suddenly started shouting our sins into one another's faces all the time (adulterer! sluggard! heathen! etc.)?

I don't mind an odd "ars*hole" here or a healthy "f*ck off" there, it's all in good fun on an internet board, but let's leave people's sins between them and God (as long as they are not breaking the law or endangering health and life of others).

16 Jun 2024  #112


Totally agree. There's a difference between ribbing and manly ballbusting and sniping and invective. Sniping and invective ruins the atmosphere.

16 Jun 2024  #113

constantly picking on someone (in a very primitive way) because of his sexual orientation. It makes you look borderline mentally ill.

I'd say he's more than borderline.

Anything he addresses to me doesn't bother me at all, however it must be annoying to others reading it daily. That is of course his intenti9n.

homosexual activity abhorrent and an abomination

You're doing it wrong.

16 Jun 2024  #114

Silly spelling is a different matter

Silly spelling is fvck and azhole. His spelling is pure trolling...If this POS did it in front of Russians, he would need surgery or a casket.

There is nothing silly about the SS and Hitler. Put it in the wrong context and you will be serving time in Germany. In Israel, they will kill you.

That's how "silly" it is...especially to someone who lost his relatives in Auschwitz. Ask this mother fvcker if he thinks it's silly to them...

Oops ... sorry...Jon and "mother fvcker" don't fit since his mother was a female...

There's a difference between ribbing

Ribbing is between friends. I hate this slime as I never hated anyone before.

johnny reb
16 Jun 2024  #115


Ribbing is between friends. I hate this slime as I never hated anyone before.

He trolls by diminishing and provoking everyone's post that goes against his agenda of indoctrinating his Liberal toxic views that he tries to instill in the members here.

He attacks, diminishes and shames his target and then tries to make them defend his accusations.
When you try to do it to him he just ignores you and turns it back on you with more provoking with his lies.
You can always tell when he is frustrated by being proven wrong because he starts nasty name calling and then disappears until it blows over.

I hate this slime

He has the morals of an alley cat is what I don't like about him.
He makes my skin crawl like Satan himself is in the room. 👿

16 Jun 2024  #116

He trolls

Just as you do, but you are much worse.

16 Jun 2024  #117

I had my differences with JR and I will have them in the future. Nothing between us rises to the level where the faggot operates.

The most amazing thing about this slime is that he checks all the proper boxes. I still hate him more than I hate anyone I haven't met.

He makes my skin crawl

I couldn't say it any better...In my case, it's more like stomach cramps just before a bad burp...

johnny reb
17 Jun 2024  #118

Just as you do, but you are much worse.

Only with you Mr. Angry, only with you.
You are like little wind up Yorkshire poodle, yap yap yap as you get all excited. 🐩
You and your little high-strung hyper buddy make quite the team. Hoot !
I still like you guys though even if he did stab me in the back and throw me under the bus.

17 Jun 2024  #119

He attacks, diminishes and shames his target and then tries to make them defend his accusations.

This is exact same thing you do all the time you plucking hypocrite!

He attacks, diminishes and shames

Youre like a broken record repeating itself over and over.

johnny reb
17 Jun 2024  #120

Yes Snitch, we heard you the first hundred times.
Now go away or post some dumb ass political cartoon for your contribution today. 🤣
(Talk about broken records)

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