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22 Oct 2024  #1051

BS. We don`t believe you. You lied far too often before. Even about mustard "produced" or "sold" in Poland. Ha!!!

I only believe Feniks. Let her take voice on the topic.

22 Oct 2024  #1052

There's no 'we'.

Perhaps you should spend less time in the company of ten year olds. That or drink less.

22 Oct 2024  #1053

I only believe Feniks

And I only believe God.😉

johnny reb
22 Oct 2024  #1054

You lied far too often

So I am not the only one that accuses Mr. Twister of lying constantly.
Ptak said the same thing as us as well as several other members.
jon's reputation proceeds him as an arrogant, rude full blown liar.

23 Oct 2024  #1055

And I only believe God

Which one? The Indian one with the elephant's head looks quite cool.

johnny reb
23 Oct 2024  #1056

Which one?

As you have been told repeatedly, "there is only one God," all the rest are just gods.

23 Oct 2024  #1057

The only thing that changes which one is God and which one is God lol

johnny reb
23 Oct 2024  #1058

No Love, God is the Alfa and Omega, nothing ever changes with Him.
God is the Lord of lords.
Since you are not a Christian either, it doesn't surprise me how confused you are on the subject of Christianity.

23 Oct 2024  #1059

There's no 'we'.

But there is believe it or not - pawian and his lice.

23 Oct 2024  #1060

you are on the subject of Christianity.

...the only religion it's safe to mock, ridicule, and insult its followers with "art".

23 Oct 2024  #1061

There's no 'we'.

You see, you are still in that infantile denial, like hundreds of times before when you resorted to petty lies and false statements only to have the last word with me. But I remember everything despite my age. In result of your infantile behaviour, I don`t trust you when you talk about the UK and a few other matters but you can only blame yourself for that situation.

Amasing that the posts with our exchange have been moved to random while all other garbage remained in public view. :):):)

pawian and his

Fleas, darling. I have never been troubled by other insects. While fleas, yes, coz our cats bring them.

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #1062

While fleas, yes, coz our cats bring them

Nothing worse than having a puss with fleas.

25 Oct 2024  #1063


  • Street Art

johnny reb
25 Oct 2024  #1064

Hairy Lazarus and his ex at the cheap Curry Club in Warsaw.

  • 463408960_8618108294.jpg

  • 20240528_1623208..jpg

25 Oct 2024  #1065

Finally, you see the light Lyzko!

I have been looking for something funny since I got up this morning...

That was funny, AV...

25 Oct 2024  #1066


Glad to service your comedic needs. 😄

25 Oct 2024  #1067

How about one more favor...

Can you explain what led you to "AntV" as your screen name. I can easily explain mine on request.

25 Oct 2024  #1068

Can you explain what led you to "AntV" as your screen name.

There was a movie for kids, called Ant Z. Have you seen it?

25 Oct 2024  #1069

No. I just googled Ant Z and got Antz.

I am still unable to connect our AntV with anything out there...

25 Oct 2024  #1070

unable to connect our AntV with anything out there...

And there you have it! 😊

25 Oct 2024  #1071


It's a Dreamworks movie. Here's the link:


The plot begins this way:

"Z is an anxious worker ant who is suffering an existential crisis due to the fact that everyone in the colony, including his psychiatrist, reminds him of his insignificance."

25 Oct 2024  #1072

"Z is an anxious worker ant who is suffering an existential crisis

Haha! Shocking , just shocking, that Woody Allen is in this!

25 Oct 2024  #1073

Shocking , just shocking, that Woody Allen is in this!


25 Oct 2024  #1074

And there you have it! 😊

So you are going to keep it a secret?

Are you so humble that you see yourself as an ant? Try The Lion King and see how it feels.

25 Oct 2024  #1075

utter bollox

Hey, you forgot to lick Novi`s balls, like you regularly do. What is wrong with you??? ):):)

25 Oct 2024  #1076

Hey, you forgot to lick Novi`s balls, like you regularly do.

You really are a very stupid person.Novi has blocked me, so he can't see what I post.
I always say it as I see it, whether you like it or not.

25 Oct 2024  #1077

Novi has

It doesn`t prevent you from licking his balls when you are in the mood. hahahaha

I always say it as I see it,

Good. I imitate you loyally, Ratso. :):):)

25 Oct 2024  #1078

It doesn`t prevent you from licking his balls

You are obviously drunk as you like to talk dirty when you have had too much to drink......go to bed before you embarrass yourself further.......

25 Oct 2024  #1079

you embarrass yourself further......

it is impossible in his case.

26 Oct 2024  #1080

Darling, until the case is closed, anything is possible. Ha!!!

Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14 [1020]Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 13 [1099]

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