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Paris 2024 Olympics

28 Jul 2024  #91

why not some mocking of Islam? To much fear to get bombed??? Christians only cry....

Yup... I was thinking the same when I read about it...

said the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.....

Why did they apologise then? 🤔

The IOC took issue with the fact that they have the famous statue from Rio de Janeiro of Christ the Redeemer on them.

Well, that's hypocrisy, imho.

28 Jul 2024  #92

Przemysław Babiarz, a sports commentator, was suspended ..

So what exactly has changed in Poland since 195x?

Ok. I got it...In 1990, Poland became a Western democracy - with "Western" to remove any illusions about how far you can go taking freedom of speech seriously.

Well, that's hypocrisy, imho.

I agree with the IOC. The Olympics is not Hyde Park or a free speech zone.

28 Jul 2024  #93

I couldn't care less

Neither could the French. They even raised the Olympic flag upside down during the opening ceremony.

  • 453028886_5088231550.jpg

28 Jul 2024  #94

I agree with the IOC. The Olympics is not Hyde Park or a free speech zone.

The thing is - if it was OK to depict a god (whether Christian or pagan) during the Olimpics opening, then it should be OK for that guy to use that surfboard during the Olimpics too. Especially that this statue is a famous landmark, so it could be seen as a cultural monument instead of a religious one.

But a guy convicted of rape is allowed at the Olympics, eh... Go figure... 🤦 🙄

Vesko Vukovic
28 Jul 2024  #95

Maria Zakharova about the opening ceremony:


Russia is absolutely making fun of the woke Olympics.


Donald Trump Jr. harsh on the opening of the Olympic Games: "Satanic ceremony"


28 Jul 2024  #96

Maria Zakharova about the opening ceremony:

I think that the idea of an open air Olympics opening was in the end interesting, it's just the execution wasn't so great for me... It looked tacky and cheap and was simply boring... At least that part that I watched - apparently it got better later on... I did see a bit of Céline Dion singing and she looked amazing :) It was good to see her singing again despite her serious health problems - that was definitely a highlight of that opening for me. The Eiffel tower looked pretty and it was a cool idea with that Amazon on the horse galloping on the water (I wonder how they did that?), but it took her so long to reach her destination that I got bored...😴

28 Jul 2024  #97

Look at this dress - so sparkly! 🤩✨She looks like an Ice Queen or sth :D So pretty:


28 Jul 2024  #98


In other words, a tradition that not only rejects, but persecutes Christianity. Therefore, mocking the source and summit of the faith is perfectly aligned with this, as Torqi points out, newer French tradition. A tradition, I may add, that is in conflict with the heritage it was founded on by the Carolingians.

Obviously, you are free to align with and/or defend this mockery, but beware: such can be perilous.

our entire culture is being undermined by demonic depravity

And fools will ridicule us for thinking such, Torqi. Y'know demons and the devil are just for gullible and easily controlled medieval illiterates. Hahaha!

Gladius Dei... it's a nice name for a Christian organisation, isn't it?

Gladius Dei-love it!

28 Jul 2024  #99

Meanwhile in London..... not reported by ANY of the mainstream media, including right wing newspapers and TV stations....thousands of people gathered for this very peaceful demo.....

28 Jul 2024  #100

thousands of people gathered for this very peaceful demo..

Peaceful demos are like writing a letter to a senator here...worthless...
"Just let them blow off some steam...OK, boss..."

28 Jul 2024  #101

Peaceful demos are like writing a letter to a senator here...worthless...

So,you prefer violent demos?

28 Jul 2024  #102

How to make the Paris Olympics unforgettable?

Simple. Fagotize it. Now even Novi talks about this abomination. Quoting:

One such performance featured transgender performers appearing to re-enact 'The Last Supper', the renowned painting of Christ and his apostles by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci.

So,you prefer violent demos?

I prefer demos that work. See Poland 1970. "Peaceful" demonstrations don't.
In fact, they are counter-productive. They give the ruling mob an oppo to say: See? We are a democracy and we listen to the people.

Arson and looting would advance the issue a lot more effectively.

BTW, I didn't see any anti-migrant banners. Let me guess...That would be hate speech.

Walking from A to B and home is not.

28 Jul 2024  #103

I prefer demos that work. See Poland 1970. "Peaceful" demonstrations don't.

You really are a bit of a nutcase......

Arson and looting would advance the issue a lot more effectively.

That is one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen posted on the internet!!!! You are obviously not a conservative but an anarchist..... I need to post you some Sex Pistols videos......

johnny reb
28 Jul 2024  #104

You really are a bit of a nutcase......

Except his i.q. is 40 points higher than yours which gives you your inferiority complex.
I need to post

You need to start posting ON - TOPIC for a change and keep your british insults to yourself.
I will be so glad when the Olympics are over and NFL football starts.

29 Jul 2024  #105

You really are a bit of a nutcase......

Changes come from the power applied violently...1775, 1789, 1917, 1970...

I watched the video in #99. Only the flags. No posters. No: Out With Migrants! Migrants Go Home! UK Is For Christians!

Do you know why you didn't see any of that?

It's because the UK is a dictatorship not much better than the USSR. Actually, the USSR was better because the ruling mob didn't lie that they were a democracy.

Your style of democracy is based on lies and polite submission.

In Poland, they used to call it "dyktatura proletariatu".

You, Brits, and other Western pussies are too dishonest to carry on a fact-based conversation about your "democracy" and "freedoms".

Remember these simple rules:

1. If you cannot have a gun, you have no right to defend yourself.

2. If you have hate laws, you cannot speak freely.

We can do both. You can't.

29 Jul 2024  #106

So what exactly has changed in Poland since 195x?

Good point. If a journalist can be suspended for stating an obvious fact about a song (confirmed by the author of the song himself) because some retard considers it politically incorrect, then we are not very far from the communist past.

Y'know demons and the devil are just for gullible and easily controlled

Yeah, the greatest trick of the devil and all that. It's so predictable that it makes me yawn. This, however...

medieval illiterates

... never ceases to annoy me. I wonder how many of those modern "literates" would be able to just design (not to mention build) anything even resembling a medieval cathedral, for example. Or even just to comprehend the mathematics and geometry behind the weight distributions, the arches and the vaults. Make some basic calculations and show us how it works. :) They are the illiterate retards, Anti, not our great medieval ancestors whom they insult.

29 Jul 2024  #107

I have no words.

29 Jul 2024  #108

The river in France is so polluted that they have to cancel the swimming portion of the triathlon...LOL

Vesko Vukovic
29 Jul 2024  #109

Djokovic grinding down Nadal

6:1 in the first set

Vesko Vukovic
29 Jul 2024  #110

Snoop Dogg watching Nadal vs Djokovic with Billie Jean King was not on my Olympics bingo card


Everybody wants to witness the day's biggest spectacle at the Olympic Games.

29 Jul 2024  #111

The river in France is so polluted

That flesh-eating bacteria had a field day...

I heard that chemically treated sewage is healthier...

BTW, how much do they pay to watch the Olympics?

29 Jul 2024  #112

.. never ceases to annoy me

Very annoying. It only shows how true this is:

They are the illiterate retards

Of course the whole point of these medieval-bashers is to discount Christian (ie Catholic) thought as nothing but myth and fantasy that is woefully short on natural reason-y'know like Don Scotus, Anselm, and Aquinas were non-rational. It's not only annoyingly wrong, but bizarrely so.

29 Jul 2024  #113

y'know like Don Scotus, Anselm, and Aquinas were non-rational

Exactly. *galactic eyeroll*

It's not only annoyingly wrong, but bizarrely so.

Too right! And to think how many people fall for this nonsense.

And about that...

They are the illiterate retards

... I took the family to Forum, a big shopping mall in the city centre, today, and whilst they were happily shopping (I passed because walking through shops is kinda like walking on burning charcoal for me) I went to the adoration chapel of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate at Elżbietańska street because they have a 12-hour confession there (every day from 6 am to 6 pm). I had to go to confession because I realised that the language that I was using on this forum was totally unchristian (to put it mildly).

So, I will not be calling any more people 'retards' or using f-words, c-words and so on. I will have to learn to frame my thoughts in a more Christian-like manner. If I forget myself, please correct me. I will not pout, on the contrary, I'll be grateful for the brotherly correction. Thanks!

29 Jul 2024  #114

I had to go to confession because I realised that the language that I was using on this forum was totally unchristian

This tells me that we will never meet after we die.

As an exception, with my forgiveness in advance, please use any words you find in your God-given vocabulary when responding to my posts.

I am putting a lot of effort into making them as offensive as humanly possible and I expect an equally offensive reaction.

29 Jul 2024  #115


You bet, brate. You do the same for me.

12-hour confession there (every day from 6 am to 6 pm).

12 hours a day, everyday. 😳 wonderful!

29 Jul 2024  #116

This tells me that we will never meet after we die.

Only God knows that. Don't put yourself down, Novi. You're a sound fellow, just a bit grumpy sometimes.

I expect an equally offensive reaction

Oh, I will definitely be offensive, no worries. However, I will be offensive in a more kind, warm, Christian way, without using foul language.

You bet, brate. You do the same for me.


12 hours a day, everyday. 😳 wonderful!

It is! Anytime I need it I can go either after work or wake up early and go at 6am. I am very grateful to the Oblates for it.

29 Jul 2024  #117


I virtually checked out the Oblates church. Beautiful simplicity.

I'll say it again, that city of yours is immensely attractive.

29 Jul 2024  #118

that city of yours is immensely attractive

It can be your city too. :)

29 Jul 2024  #119

Gladius Dei

As-salamu alaykum, akhi!

Bismillah walhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah... I always knew you harbor a secret sympathy for Is'lam!

In Islamic tradition, the first to be called the Sword of God - or Sayf Allah - was Khalid Ibn Walid. An interesting thing about him, is that he was not appointed by Muhammad - but rose from the masses. In the same way that now, perhaps, a new voice for the faithful will rise up from among the nameless and uncountable - in response to the idolatry of the Paris Olympics.

Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith 632:

"The Prophet (pbuh) appointed Khalid bin Al-Walid as the commander of the army during the campaign of Mu'ta, saying,

'If Zaid is martyred, then Ja'far; and if Ja'far is martyred, then 'Abdullah bin Rawaha; and if 'Abdullah bin Rawaha is martyred, then let the Muslims select a commander from among themselves.'

Khalid took the flag without being appointed as a chief (beforehand) and fought so fiercely that he broke nine swords. Later, Allah gave them (the Muslims) victory."

Vesko Vukovic
29 Jul 2024  #120

The greatest athlete of all time, Novak Djokovic, displayed his Orthodox Christian cross once more after defeating Nadal protesting the scandalous opening ceremony of the Olympic games in Paris.

"My back is always guarded by God and Angels."


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Off-Topic / Paris 2024 Olympicstop