Between you, Joker, and me, that's 6 votes to start with.
Trump has a better chance of winning than anyone at the moment.
His first three executive orders would be:
1. Shut down the border and round up 30 million illegals and send them back home.
2. Dissolve NATO and take the Billions we are wasting on 'the Europe's war' and put it into America's economy instead since it is the Americans money.
3. Open up Public lands to drilling to fill up our oil reserves that biden has sold off
(Did you hear, he just sold more of our strategic oil reserves) while we are facing potential war with Russia, China Iran and N. Korea.
They made Trump take a reality test so why don't they make treasonous joe take one ?
Because they know he would never pass it and be relieved of his duties..
The Libitards will be having meltdowns and jumping out of third floor windows if Trump gets elected again.. HA !