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USA News and Poland - Part 7

11 Feb 2023  #1

And now he has a second one to deal with!!!

China is conditioning Biden. Just like when Putan puts all of his troops on the border then pulls back, time and time again. So you're used to it, then he invades and catches you off guard.

The next Chink "weather balloon" just might have a bomb as a payload...

15 Feb 2023  #2

The Climate Cult ignoring the Ohio train derailment shows you they only care about money and power-and they dont give a rats ass about the planet.

Where is our transportan Czar Pete buttplug? On vacation again just like when the supply chain and airline crisis was happening. Hes too busy changing the names of racist bridge's, equity issues and just not doing his job, typical Demorat.

Buttigieg battered by crises in first two years as transportation secretary: 'Prime example of failing up'


Wheres Al Gore? Hes made 300 million dollars off climate change after he left office.
Where's that snotty little Greta kid with the loud mouth?
Where is the biggest hypocrite on the planet, John Kerry?

The toxic cloud has already killed all the fish and birds in the area..... Biden was worried about shooting down a balloon and hitting someone, but this is ok.

You get what you vote for.

Nothing but silence from the lefty main stream media as predicted. Who are they protecting?

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15 Feb 2023  #3

ignoring the Ohio train derailment s

One week long no info of this Big Bang in Europe.

15 Feb 2023  #4

They want to sweep it under the rug bc the Demorats are in charge of transportation. Can you image if this happened under Trump? Every climate change charlatan would be ecstatic. This is a huge disaster and nothing but crickets from the MsM. Its like they think nobody will notice.

We still havent seen Al Gore or John Kerry? Perhaps their private jets ran out of fuel.

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johnny reb
18 Feb 2023  #5

@johnny reb
Please show me a fact based article on how Biden has limited the drilling.




TRUMP 24' !

18 Feb 2023  #6

TRUMP 24' !

Between you, Joker, and me, that's 6 votes to start with. Plus a couple of my dead friends and we have 10 for sure. If the Bolsheviks can do it why not us...

Hey, American patriots, read this and be proud of real women, guns, and the American spirit. I love you, lady, and will try to meet you if they let me know who and where you are.

Instead of a box of chocolates, a box of 9 mm rounds for your Glock, dear. And if you let me... a hug for that dead thug.


johnny reb
18 Feb 2023  #7

Between you, Joker, and me, that's 6 votes to start with.

Trump has a better chance of winning than anyone at the moment.
His first three executive orders would be:

1. Shut down the border and round up 30 million illegals and send them back home.
2. Dissolve NATO and take the Billions we are wasting on 'the Europe's war' and put it into America's economy instead since it is the Americans money.

3. Open up Public lands to drilling to fill up our oil reserves that biden has sold off
(Did you hear, he just sold more of our strategic oil reserves) while we are facing potential war with Russia, China Iran and N. Korea.

They made Trump take a reality test so why don't they make treasonous joe take one ?
Because they know he would never pass it and be relieved of his duties..
The Libitards will be having meltdowns and jumping out of third floor windows if Trump gets elected again.. HA !

18 Feb 2023  #8

I hope Trump will learn how to stand his ground and use his veto power when the enemy goes stupid with funding crap like illegals and foreign aid.

We don't need NATO. Let them a-holes go on their own and finally dump that tricycle.

johnny reb
18 Feb 2023  #9

We don't need NATO.

They are definitely a drain to America's pocketbook.
There is not another man on the face of this earth that could go thru and withstand what Trump has and still be the front runner for 24'.

Collusion Collusion Collusion .....turned out to be all lies but we had to listen to the Libaturds for four fvcking years here repeat themselves trying to make the lies truth.


18 Feb 2023  #10

if Trump gets elected again.. HA !

No, he won`t. He had second chance and blew it irrevocably.

johnny reb
19 Feb 2023  #11

bidens top 15 most outlandish lies
Talk about a mush brain living in his own fantasy world.


19 Feb 2023  #12

@johnny reb
But latest polls show DeSantis ahead by at least three points over Trump, and other polls show DeSantis beating Biden while Trump cannot beat Biden.

19 Feb 2023  #13

youtube.com/watch?v=V5F_deqMPFA +1

johnny reb
19 Feb 2023  #14


But latest polls show DeSantis ahead by at least three points over Trump,

What poll are you looking at ? Sources please.
Here is the Rasmussens poll that I am looking at (from today) where Trump is 13 points ahead of DeSantis.
You really must get rid of your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) my friend.
Americans are speaking and you should listen and take your Liberal agenda to sway the narrative elsewhere.


while Trump cannot beat Biden.

He doesn't have to beat him as the Dems will not allow biden to ever run again after how he has lied and embarrassed America.

Just wait until the laptop from hell exposes biden for his shady corrupt dealings with China and Russia for the last twenty-five years.
I would be surprised if biden doesn't get hung from the neck until dead for committing treason.
PolAm, you have your shirt on backwards my freind.

19 Feb 2023  #15

What poll are you looking at ? Sources please.

The poll of one. He interviewed himself.

the Dems will not allow biden to ever run again after...

...he confuses his wife with his sister. Ouch...or yikes...

19 Feb 2023  #16




Two neutral one left wing. Next time do your own fvcking research.

Dems will not only let him run, but they will push him. If not it is the far left freak from California and Kamala against Trump. Who TF do you think Blacka are going to vote for? The guy paying reparations? The Black VP? Or Trump? Pull your heads out of your as$es and start thinking about a win, not about the Trump cult.

19 Feb 2023  #17

the Trump cult.

The Trump Cult is dead.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete moron.
Look to the future, forget about the loser.....

20 Feb 2023  #18

Polls mean nothing. In a poll among uni students, 40% of respondents voted to abolish the 1st Amendment.
The system is rigged enough to make voting a farse. I took notice of that early on and didn't vote since. Proof: a senile moron who said nothing in 2020 got 15 million more votes in November than the Kenyan a-hole who made Jesse and white morons cry.

20 Feb 2023  #19

Yeah polls mean nothing except when someone needs to use one to say Trump would beat DeSantis. Anyone pumping Trump is not in it to win.

johnny reb
20 Feb 2023  #20

I took a poll this morning.
You first gave your vote and then they gave the results of everybody that took it.
The question was, "Do you think biden is a good president".
Of course they were fishing to see if biden has a prayer in hell of ever getting elected again.
To no surprise the majority of Americans said that he is a pis s poor president and scored him below average.
With Trump ahead in the polls it has become obvious that Trump would drub 86 year old dementia sniffer biden into the ground.

20 Feb 2023  #21

I want Trump to win and turn into one vengeful sob. Step one: "Democratic" party declared a terrorist org and an enemy of the United States.

Step two: Ivanka, STFU!

20 Feb 2023  #22

I want Trump to lose and every nut case follower to storm the capitol. Oh wait, that already happened. So, lets have Trump get whacked and every nutcase believe the CIA did it like Kennedy. Perfect. Then we can put up a monument to Trumps fat a$$ and brainwashed Jim Jonesesque followers.

20 Feb 2023  #23

Jan 6 was no different than 2014 in Kiev except that 2014 reeked of Soros Jew all over. I would be proud to invite Jan 6 guys to dinner.

20 Feb 2023  #24

Because you are just another one of the fvcking Trump sheep. An indoctrinated cult of personality idiot. Thinking a multi millionaire gives two fvcks about your broke a$4 in Chicago. Proud of what? Proud of idiots dumb enough to go to jail for obvious lies? Lies that even FOX now admits they did not support. Fvcking idiots on this board.

Cargo pants
20 Feb 2023  #25

you are just another one of the fvcking Trump sheep

AHHH! man easy on White Sox,lol he is Americanized,lol and thinks the parents can/should be punished for kids actions just like a dog owner gets punished,if the dog bites someone,Commie immigrant dont know that this is AMERICA,the dog owner dont gets punished cuz his dog bit someone but he didnt take care of his pet by not leashing the pet properly or the owner didnt put a muzzle on the dog.What a fu.cking moron.

20 Feb 2023  #26

Because you are just another one of the fvcking Trump sheep

I will tell you a secret...If you said 2 times 3 is 6 I would still call you a fvcking hyphen because I don't like you. If you ask nicely I will tell you why.

johnny reb
20 Feb 2023  #27

My hick dogs don't bite unless I tell them to.

Fvcking idiots on this board.

News Flash ! ** your farts don't smell like roses coming out of your pompous ass either ! **

20 Feb 2023  #28

Thinking a multi millionaire gives two fvcks about your broke a$4

Fvcking idiots on this board.

At least we are not elitists...

: "Democratic" party declared a terrorist org and an enemy of the United States.

Its what they truly are. They are destroying our country.

20 Feb 2023  #29

I see our all-mouth supremacist rightists prefer to keep silent on Mr President Biden`s visit to Ukraine. Their jaws dropped down and their false teeth hit the ground with a crashing noise. Amassing! hahahaha

20 Feb 2023  #30

Don't GAF about your thoughts on me. You are a mental midget who has been given too much credit on this board for years. Now kindly lay down and die. Thanks.

Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 6 [2363]Random Chat 3 [3125]

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