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USA News and Poland - Part 7

21 Nov 2023  #2431

Low hanging frui

Indeed you are...

dont believe everything you read.

Even multiple court verdicts?

That really is straw clutching...

have someone do some digging?

They'll dig to the core of the earth and find zero...

21 Nov 2023  #2432

A typical leftard, believing everything they read. CNBC is looking for more like you Karen.

21 Nov 2023  #2433

A typical leftard, believing everything they read.

Multiple court verdicts?

Either you're the most unlucky person in the world, or...

Keep digging.

21 Nov 2023  #2434

Yes. So unlucky. To the point where I can be in multiple cities and states at the same time. My Star Trek Transporter is always at the ready. You should get one. Much easier to get to those playgrounds without being seen.

21 Nov 2023  #2435

at the same time.

No, over a period of a few years as you know. Minus certain obvious periods of absence....

People can decide for themselves.

21 Nov 2023  #2436

Of course they can decide, and decide they do when taken to court for slander. Slander proven with simple documentation, not once, not twice, but three times. Careful Karen, I dont think you have deep enough pockets for damages.

21 Nov 2023  #2437

Slander proven with simple documentation

Like actual court verdicts?

Careful Karen

Threats don't work.

I dont think you have deep enough pockets for damages.

Probably not top of the class in the law course you took...

Did you sue those Polish media sources who reported your history?

21 Nov 2023  #2438

Oh Karen, you are a simple one arent you. Yes, indeed I have three wonderful judgements against people who slandered me. I also have monthly garnishments from their pay and liens on their homes. I dont make threats. That is for people who play games. You know, like you who continues to personally attack me for no reason other than you are a cvnt. Dont you have an appointment with some little boy or something? Hmmmmm if I recall someone on PF was acussed of grooming little boys. I wonder if I should have someone do some digging to see who that was. Now kindly go fvck yourself and let the men talk, you're not qualified.

21 Nov 2023  #2439

Yes, indeed I have three wonderful judgements against people who slandered me

Yes indeed, there are plenty of media reports in two countries that are sitting there for all to read, so we'll call that a no...

you are a cvnt.

Your insults don't work.

And people can make their own mind up.

Now run along and learn some self-control.

21 Nov 2023  #2440

Oh Karen, you are delusional. You know, I am being reported as dead in multiple cities in multiple countries too. A councilman, plumber, electrician, attorney, and even a wrestler. Keep watching Karen, more news to come. lmfao

21 Nov 2023  #2441

You know, I am being reported as dead in multiple cities in multiple countries too

No, as it happens.

I've only read the real news reports, not stuff you've just made up.

21 Nov 2023  #2442

Ok Karen. Dont you have someone else to stalk? Make sure he is of age though.

21 Nov 2023  #2443

Keep digging...

People can make their own mind up.

21 Nov 2023  #2444

Not wasting my time, your reputation preceeds you.

21 Nov 2023  #2445

our reputation preceeds you.

It does indeed, and it's a good one. with a squeaky clean history.

Not wasting my time

Makes a change...

21 Nov 2023  #2446

You misunderstood my post!
I simply meant that people such as Trump, DeSantis, Greg Abbott
and others, merely to repeat, pander to the lowest common denominator of

Not having attended school certainly doesn't matter in the scheme of things,
this is true, nor ought it any wise disqualify a given candidate. Look at Lincoln. In the end, we're all equal as human beings, although surely not as


However, do we not aspire to the highest rather the lowest common denominator
when it comes to running a nation, allegedly, the greatest nation on Earth?

In addition, Trump is often quoted as saying that Checks & Balances,
the foundation, bedrock, yea, the basis, of American democracy, "are for losers".

America needs a future PRESIDENT, not a dictator or a king! Heck, the latter's the very reason why
we broke away from you guys in the first place:-)

21 Nov 2023  #2447

If Kennedy can get on the ballot and in the debates, I like him. Even with some strange views, he knows how to bring people together. These Trump trials are a mess for the political process, and as much as I dont like Trump, Biden has shown he is just as big a criminal if not bigger. Neither should be in office.

21 Nov 2023  #2448

It's hilarious that the three choices before Americans are Biden, Trump and Kennedy.

Jesus Christ! What happened to this great country?

It'd be nice to have one smart guy in his forties who wants to get to work on real problems.

21 Nov 2023  #2449

I've been asking myself the same thing.

21 Nov 2023  #2450

Did you know that Hamilton was only 32 years old when he was invited to participate in the Constitutional Convention in Philly? It was that year, also, when he started writing the Federalist papers.

A bunch of the other Founding Fathers were really young dudes.

Why is it now, that you have to be approaching 80 to be taken seriously?

21 Nov 2023  #2451

Your US history knowledge is nice to see. 250 years ago, 32 was considered to be rather old. Young by our standars, but not then. The US needs someone in their 40s or 50s to bridge the gap between the old and young. DeSantis, Kennedy, or a fvcking ham sandwich, but something has to change. Biden is every bit a criminal as Trump. Term limits in Congress are an absolute must. Things need drastic change and this socialist movement needs to be executed.

21 Nov 2023  #2452


I think young people in the United States could do a lot better than you f*ckin boomers and gen xers, at steering the wheel of this country. Watching Biden is embarrassing, maybe more than watching Trump. Kennedy is a nutcase.

You guys benefited from the biggest wealth transfer in the history of humanity. Kids born post 1989 really did not get a fair shake within this system.

Watching you guys now, I feel like my grandpa probably felt watching Brezhnev on TV in 1975.

21 Nov 2023  #2453

You are preaching to the person already sitting in church on some issues. There should not only be term limits but upward age limits on the presidency since there is an age minimum. Kennedy is not a total nut case, and he is at an age that can be a bridge to both young and old. DeSantis is blocked by Trump. Biden will hopefully die before the elections. I am not a boomer thanks, born poor, self made, and a free thinker not tied to any party. Boomers had the luxury to build wealth when wealth was easier to build. Us late 60's and early 70's kids got fvcked by inflation and stagnant wages. 65 to 75 DOB shoudl be called gen F'ed.

Todays young people are socialists and most cannot be trusted. They have bleeding hearts for every movement under the sun. Young people think everyone deserves equal opportunity when they do not. Life is and always has been about the strongest survive. The crack addict living on the street by choice doesnt deserve anything from the tax payer. The trans kid should have to pay for his own operations and medications when he or she is 18. All the bull$hit these stupid kids and teachers come up with has absolutely no real contributing value to help society grow. These kids do nothing but polute children and destroy families. The USA became a great nation because it was everything that the young today are not.

21 Nov 2023  #2454

These kids do nothing but polute children and destroy families.

Yes, kids are the enemy of the people. hahahaha

21 Nov 2023  #2455

kids are the enemy of the people

Enfant terrible...😉

21 Nov 2023  #2456

One cannot compare the youth of 1776 and the youth of today! Such comparisons
beggar response; different times, different expectations, different lifespan.

21 Nov 2023  #2457

I was once willing to give my life for what this country stood for. Today I'd give my life to protect my family from what this country has become.

Cynicism, racism, distrust, plus a healthy instinct of self-preservation became virtues. Losing body parts for "freedom and democracy" is stupid - especially for the guys 10,000 miles away.

FYI, I comment only on some parts of your posts but I read them all and wonder when you will run out of patience with the G guy.

Perhaps you should learn greater personal control.

Considering the damage LGBT freaks cause PAK is supremely nice. You should apologize for that "out-of-control coward". BTW, next time use hyphens.

21 Nov 2023  #2458

The USA became a great nation because it was everything that the young today are no


Just curious...Were you hiding your true feelings about things you post lately or did you change?
I noticed a change for the better in BB.

No patronizing on my part. Just curious...

Kennedy is a nutcase.

This may look shallow on my part but I can't imagine a US president with this voice. It's painful to listen to him.

22 Nov 2023  #2459

I was not hiding my opinions, just tired of some people posting nothing but propaganda when we should be having conversation. I dont normally share those opinions unless something moves me to do so. The state of the US, having seen things first hand that I could not imagine taking place as a young person growing up there, moves me to speak and act these days. The socialists working their agenda simply need to be stopped. The "woke" movement, and indoctrination in schools needs to be stopped. Illegal immigration and drug transport is ruining whole cities that were once great. People who support these things are either not from the US, or never cared about the US and only see the US as a source of $ for Ukraine.

I saw a great interview with one of these far left Karens, when asked if it should be legal for a 12 year old to get a tattoo Karen when crazy saying absolutely not, but when asked if the same 12 year old should be able to get puberty blockers she said absolutely yes. It was not ok for the child, her term, to ruin his body with a tattoo but it was ok for the same child to permanently ruin his body with puberty blockers. This is the problem with the far left Karen movement seekers. They cannot think clearly. Yet another Karen was asked the same questions and started screaming in public because she felt that was an appropriate reaction rather than having a conversation. Yet another tried breaking the camera because they felt they had a right to destroy someone else's property who didnt agree with them. That is mental illness, nothing more.

Kennedy has a bad voice yes. But he has some really good ideas. The fact that Biden wont give him secret service protection when twice now people have come with the intent to attack him, shows everything that Joe Biden and the democrats are. They are sleezy agenda driven scum willing to do anything to hold on to power. Trump may have pi$$ed a lot of people off, but he didnt deny Joe Biden secret service protection when running against him. No other president in modern era has denied his opponent that protection, but Biden has, and it is disgusting how these people treat their opponents.

22 Nov 2023  #2460


I agree with you 100%

Most of the youth these days get their news from chinese Tic toc and the MSM is just an extension of the Democratic party.

According to the latest polls, Biden loses to every Rep candidate, but the Dems always cheat so it better be a landslide.

Ive been hoping Desantis would gain some traction, lets see what happens in Iowa.

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