I have made three out of court settlements. When all three paid me, it was their attorney, or the attorney for the insurance company that delievered the check to me, in one case I went to the defendants attorney's office and picked it up.
The issue in NY is not that Trump made the payment, or that Cohen made it for him. The issue is that in NY under the states laws, Trump is alleged to have known that the payment made to his attorney to reimburse the attorney for that "hush" money was a business expense. Now, as someone who owns 5 companies in between two continents, nowhere near as complicated as Trumps companies, I can tell you I trust my accountants to know exactly what they are doing. Trumps accountant has already been convicted of purjury and is serving time in NY right now for it. Trumps accountant was not called as a witness by the prosecution because he was caught misleading the court already, and has admitted that he did things illegaly without Trumps knowledge. If Trump is guilty and had knowledge of how the funds were listed as an expense, why wasnt the accountant called to testify? Why did the judge allow the salacious sex comments into the record when the charges had nothing to do with sex? Why was his head court clerk pictured with Democratic leader Chuck Shumer? I will be in Vegas next week and if there is a line to bet on Trump getting this overturned on appeal I am placing a big wager on it.
The judge has to follow sentencing guidelines established by the State of NY. Those guidelines call for a fine and probation.
@johnny reb
As you know I have never been a Trump cheerleader. But I call them as I see them. He was railroaded by a DA who campaigned on chrging Trump. There was no crime, and thats why the Federal Courts would not even think about charging him or Bill Clinton who did the exact same thing. The only differences for Clinton is that he was actually the president in office when he paid the money, and he paid 850K.
All the leftist freakshow fvcktards wanting to convict Trump got what they wanted. A country so much more divided. And Trump raising millions upon millions to defeat a senile old man who cant get through a speech on his own. In less than 5 months the election will be over, and hopefully every leftist socialist POS is crying. If not, I fear for everyone in the US. The country will likely end as we once knew it.