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USA News and Poland - part 9

12 Jun 2024  #61



lets talk about

We're talking about how you have a good President.

Americans lost 688,000 jobs to foreigners

You're a land of immigrants.

johnny reb
12 Jun 2024  #62

(Take note: One of jons tricks is to post a meaningless post so the thread flips to the next page and the last posts making him out as an idiot gets buried.

He is quite famous for doing this)


Now jon, there you go again using profanity when you start losing a debate. (tisk tisk)

We're talking about how you have a good President.

On the contrary and I proved you wrong on two post before this, remember ?

You're a land of immigrants.

Do tell jon, in what country did I migrate from OR was I born here ?
I love making you look stupid. 😁


And my follow up to shut you up was.


12 Jun 2024  #63

I proved you wrong

You didn't.

You are however lucky to have a good president.

12 Jun 2024  #64

You're a land of immigrants.

Find "a land of immigrants" in the US Constitution, moron...

I did find "a land of faggots", though... It's right there...in the Preamble Ver. 2.0...In fact, we now have three US flags the White House displays often and proudly...Patriotic, faggot, and transgender...

Lately, because of the upcoming elections, the faggot and trans flags are temporarily stored in the WH basement...in proper temp and under guard...so you can relax...

12 Jun 2024  #65

Perhaps you should demolish that tacky statue in New York with the inscription inviting them.

johnny reb
12 Jun 2024  #66

You didn't.

But I did and the readers see that I did.

You are however lucky to have a good president.

Yes, Trump is my president, biden has committed treason and is a felon


Oh F-U and your "per apse's".
That statute is inviting the legal one's, stupe butt.

"Perhaps" we should talk about the U.K's failing free healthcare system.

12 Jun 2024  #67

Fortunately you've got a Democrat in office, rather than the felon.

12 Jun 2024  #68

Perhaps you should demolish that tacky statue in New York with the inscription inviting them.

There is a new one on it:

Hey, Smelly Azholes, Stay the Fvck Away!

rather than the felon.

Faggots are annoying...Stupid and misinformed faggots are irritating as hell...

Memo to jon and Lyzko: You can have this feeble moron. Today...on sale...only twenty bucks...We will ship...

You're a land of immigrants.

How many a year should we let in:

1. Legal
2. Illegal

johnny reb
12 Jun 2024  #69

Fortunately you've got a Democrat in office,

Absolutely, much better to blame all the recent failures on the Democrats that they are responsible for starting with the border and economy and job losses.

Joun, we listen to you bang on for FOUR YEARS about collusion, collusion, collusion, day after day after only to find out that there was no collusion.

Now again I am telling you when the Democratic party that is responsible for setting Trump up get exposed and start getting found guilty along with members of the media you will shet your pants and AGAIN I will say, "I told you so."

Eventually the real felons will be going to jail joun but it all takes time.
Now that Hunter's computer has been introduced in court it has opened a Pandoras Box on those crooked son of a b!tches.
The biden crime family starting with "The Big Man" will start falling like domino's.
Then we can come back to this post as a reference as in, "I TOLD YOU SO".

But for now lets talk about the failing free health care in the U.K. that has gone broke.

12 Jun 2024  #70

Very true

False! Those numbers are new government jobs and returning jobs from the pandemic...lol

Do your home work before you post your Liberal propaganda.

He is even a bad propagandist, easily debunked!

You're a land of immigrants.

So is the EU, but you have hope as the leftists just got their asses handed to them in the election! Hahahahahahahahahaha

Europe's far right won ground in the EU elections

The just-concluded European Union elections were yet another milestone for far-right parties on the continent. They racked up gains across many of the EU's 27 countries, and the surprising scale of their victories is rattling the political establishment there and drawing attention in the United States.

  • bidenasks.jpg

12 Jun 2024  #71

Biden has the worst polling numbers than any other President in history. Worse than Nixon.


  • liberalslogic.jpg

12 Jun 2024  #72

Hunter really never had a chance....nor does Menendez.

12 Jun 2024  #73


From the days when the Orange One was still a Democrat:


12 Jun 2024  #74

Hunter really never had a chance...

Morons never do.
Memo to morons and Lyzko: Never sign a paper that says you are a criminal.

12 Jun 2024  #75

Trump's simply more skillful at buying off the authorities, that's all.
It's all political anyhow.

As it stands, Trump's going to jail next month, thank G-d, and even
G-d, plus the legislature, plus the whole bleedin' Right wing movement
can't stop the jailbird from doin' time!!

johnny reb
12 Jun 2024  #76

Trump's simply more skillful at buying off the authorities, that's all.

The child sniffer biden did a pretty good job himself when he threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine to assist his son, "Blow biden" from being investigated along with Brisma the company who paid Hunter biden millions for having zero experience and doing nothing besides influence pedaling.

And part of that money Hunter got was to go to, "The Big Man" as we heard on tape and who biden admitted that he was the big man.

Any comments on that Lyzko ?

As it stands, Trump's going to jail next month,

Where did you read that or are you just fantasizing again.
Sources please

and even God, can't stop the jailbird from doin' time!!

God can do anything He wants and there isn't anything you can do about it, Schmuck.

13 Jun 2024  #77

Trump isnt going to jail. The judge is stupid, but not that stupid. There is no way the conviction stands on appeal. This was political persecution intended to boost Biden support and it failed.

Funny how all the leftist fvcktards called Trump a criminal and called for him to be impeached when he closed the border by executive order, and when Biden does the same exact thing, they praise him for acting on it. Leftist, socialist wealth transfering idiots should all be sent to their own country, and watch what happens. Oh wait, thats Canada, example already provided.

13 Jun 2024  #78

There is no way the conviction stands on appeal. This

Do you really believe he didn't pay that hush money?

13 Jun 2024  #79

Do you really think that is why he is being prosecuted?

13 Jun 2024  #80

I absolutely believe he paid hush money through his attorney. Exactly like Bill Clinton paid 850 Thousand dollars to Paula Jones while he was the sitting president for acts that took place before he was president. The issue is not that Trump or Clinton paid the money. The issue is that federal prosecutors refused to charge both men when cases were brought, because under federal election law it is not a crime. It is no different than any other out of court settlement. The NY DA campaigned on the fact that they would charge Trump if elected, then elected, they judge shopped, the judge did not allow a change of venue, the judges family profited off the case and admitted as much, then a jury was seated without a single republican. Jury instructions were incomplete and vague.

I have never been a fan of Trump. But I am always against sham trials and charges. I will bet anyone here Trump wins on appeal when it gets to federal court. Name how much you want to lose on this bet.

13 Jun 2024  #81

If he commitwd the crime it should be prosecuted.

It is no different than any other out of court settlement

Isn't it about how he paid it ?

13 Jun 2024  #82

If he committed the crime he should be prosecuted.

That is not my question. My question is do you think he is being prosecuted for paying hush money to that hooker?

13 Jun 2024  #83

he is being prosecuted for paying hush money to that hooker?

I'm sure it's pushed because of who he is but that goes for any dirt ever on any politician.

13 Jun 2024  #84


Well, you are not correct in your understanding of the issue. He is being pulled on alleged irregularities of using his election money to pay that hooker, not for that act in itself. Igersissties of the kind that never anyone was pulled before, set a precedence here.

It is a political prosecution, a perversion of justice, I'm curious to see how that finally develops...

13 Jun 2024  #85

alleged irregularities

No longer alleged. Confirmed in a fair and correct jury trial.

13 Jun 2024  #86

He is being pulled on alleged irregularities of using his election money to pay that hooker,

Isn't it about how he paid it ?

johnny reb
13 Jun 2024  #87

You Europeans are being brainwashed by the bias media.
If you think this is a circus, just wait until Trump gets re elected and starts investigating these criminals.
You will be seeing half the DNC going to jail plus some of the media people that kept relevant information covered up to steal the 2020 election.

Just like the Collusion Collusion Collusion we had to suffer through for four years by the media and jon and Lyzko only to find out after a thourough investigation that there was NO COLLUSION just like Trump said from the get go.

Just wait my friends, that computer from hell is a Pandoras box and has now been opened.
The biden crime family will be going down along with the DNC, the news medias and especially the "Big Man" taking foreign bribe money.
Just wait because this is the biggest scandal of treason this country has ever witnessed in it's history.

13 Jun 2024  #88

The country is careening toward the cliff and a hooker is the problem...Sure...

13 Jun 2024  #89

@PolAmKrakow, don't be too sure about that!
If the judge is smart, he'll do his duty and understand his responsibilities.

13 Jun 2024  #90

I have made three out of court settlements. When all three paid me, it was their attorney, or the attorney for the insurance company that delievered the check to me, in one case I went to the defendants attorney's office and picked it up.

The issue in NY is not that Trump made the payment, or that Cohen made it for him. The issue is that in NY under the states laws, Trump is alleged to have known that the payment made to his attorney to reimburse the attorney for that "hush" money was a business expense. Now, as someone who owns 5 companies in between two continents, nowhere near as complicated as Trumps companies, I can tell you I trust my accountants to know exactly what they are doing. Trumps accountant has already been convicted of purjury and is serving time in NY right now for it. Trumps accountant was not called as a witness by the prosecution because he was caught misleading the court already, and has admitted that he did things illegaly without Trumps knowledge. If Trump is guilty and had knowledge of how the funds were listed as an expense, why wasnt the accountant called to testify? Why did the judge allow the salacious sex comments into the record when the charges had nothing to do with sex? Why was his head court clerk pictured with Democratic leader Chuck Shumer? I will be in Vegas next week and if there is a line to bet on Trump getting this overturned on appeal I am placing a big wager on it.

The judge has to follow sentencing guidelines established by the State of NY. Those guidelines call for a fine and probation.

@johnny reb
As you know I have never been a Trump cheerleader. But I call them as I see them. He was railroaded by a DA who campaigned on chrging Trump. There was no crime, and thats why the Federal Courts would not even think about charging him or Bill Clinton who did the exact same thing. The only differences for Clinton is that he was actually the president in office when he paid the money, and he paid 850K.

All the leftist freakshow fvcktards wanting to convict Trump got what they wanted. A country so much more divided. And Trump raising millions upon millions to defeat a senile old man who cant get through a speech on his own. In less than 5 months the election will be over, and hopefully every leftist socialist POS is crying. If not, I fear for everyone in the US. The country will likely end as we once knew it.

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