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Random Chat 3
15 Feb 2023 #123
I merely observed that coming from such a multi-ethnic megalopolis as NYC, I had to get visually used to seeing a plethora of Caucasians,
That is not what your earlier observation of Warsaw was.
You are a two faced liar Lyzko.
Or is it because you're spamming all the threads to make them language oriented?
Probable, but it is a shame that Lyzko is not the linguist he pretends to be.
He has been sussed!
16 Feb 2023 #124
alcoholism... your race!
Surely this has to be delph, hairy and jon having a big old laugh, and trolling us?
Cargo pants
16 Feb 2023 #125
He far more intelligent than you are and is capable of having a normal conversation
Maybe,Maybe not,lolol so you have nobody to socialize or have a convo.Now I know why a RAT hangs out here.
Thats why he is buying fu.cked up cars at the end of his life:))
alking to you is like talking to the village idiot.
LOL I dont come here to talk you Bald Rat,I come here to tinkle with ya pea brains and see ya monkeys jump to my tune.
LOL Still wanna buy me a steak???HA HA HA what a bunch of fools,go squeeze ya fat family in that accidental clown car.
Cargo pants
16 Feb 2023 #126
F&ck off.
MAKE MEOrc,if you a man enough,if you cant go wear a frock and hug/kiss Homo #1.:)) lol
You bore me.
LOL My pleasure,thats why I am here,I am still not done as I want to do it till you fu.cking DIE.
Another day for ya bing crack smoking?
16 Feb 2023 #127
parsnip is the root part?
parsnip to po polsku pasternak, Lenko - generalnie w Polsce niezbyt (obecnie) popularne warzywo
16 Feb 2023 #128
Biden extended the time or it would have been even worse
Biden got 13 soldiers KILLED and gave the Taliban $7 billion in military equipment durning his deadly withdraw.
Open Borders - Goes back fifty years with immigration problems
So it's ok to let 5,000,000 migrants, gangs and fentanyl pour into our country as the Mexican Cartel controls our Southern Border?
2 wrongs make it right. Just because other Presidents screwed it up doesnt make it ok now. If amiga500 were to jump off a bridge (hopefully) would you follow him?
hild indoctrination - A real American problem started under Obama nd has been extremely accelerated under Biden.
We finally agree on something.
Bipartisan Baloney
Biden lies when he said he would be the great unifier but does the exact opposite. He said his admin would be the most transparent in Where is balloon boy lately? Hiding from answering questions about the train wreck and the balloons. Weak and feckless.
I havent see the Dems tell the truth about anything in 20 years.
Giving in to Iran - no such thing
As he begs them to get back into a horrible nuke program.
Bipartisan Baloney - See Clinton impeachment and special counsel
2 tiers of criminal justice. Clinton gets a slap on the wrist and Trump get impeached over a phone call.
Destroying Our Energy Independence - myth
Hahahahahaha. Now thats funny! You clearly have your head up your ass. Do you watch CNN?
10% for the big guy.- Tmakes no sense
You gobble up all the Dems fake news they spew out. See Hunters laptop and its been proven NOT to be fake.
I don't expect him to yahoo out of his trailer park for a
Ill compare apples to oranges wit you any time, loser.
16 Feb 2023 #129
@Cargo pants
I cant understand your gibberish. Can you tell me in English this time?
16 Feb 2023 #130
What do you draw?
Homage to Erté :) Pen and ink and gouache. I've always preferred drawing people or organic things, people mostly. I've never been happy with my drawing but I lack the work ethic to make it better. I remember David Hockney saying that he draws for four hours a day apart from whatever painting he's working on. Even when I was art obsessed I never did that much drawing, most was probably about two hours a day - what about you Paulina?
16 Feb 2023 #131
@ Atch
They remind me of Magdalena Samozwaniec ilustrations.
Make me smile (in a nice way)
16 Feb 2023 #132
Homage to Erté
Another talented Russian)
Your drawings are quite good, or at least I like them. Always surprised at how many talents the local crew possesses!
16 Feb 2023 #134
@Atch, those are lovely and elegant :)))
and gouache.
I don't think I've ever painted with gouache, I'll have to try it one day. 🤔
I remember David Hockney saying that he draws for four hours a day apart from whatever painting he's working on.
Our teachers would always tell us that the success as an artist consists of: 10% talent + 90% hard work :) So they would say - practice, practice, practice. "Praktyka czyni mistrza!"
Even when I was art obsessed I never did that much drawing, most was probably about two hours a day - what about you Paulina?
Two hours a day is still a lot by my standards lol As for me - that would depend on the period of my life that I was in (but I've never really practiced as much as I should or would want to). Ironically, when I was at that art school I would draw very little at home (apart from school assignments), because we had normal, non-art subjects too, we had to pass matura exam like everybody else and my mother was very demanding - I had to have very good grades from every subject and get świadectwo z czerwonym paskiem at the end of every school year :/ So, I usually had no time/energy to draw for myself...
I'm just getting back to drawing with pencils after a very long time, btw - I've started a portrait of my niece :) I forgot how difficult drawing portraits with pencils is! lol To make things worse I decided to try out a new paper recommended by one portrait artist and it tourned out to be too slippery for me ;P Drawing on it is pretty frustrating and I somehow made a graphite smudge/spot in the background and I can't erase it for the love of God *sigh* What an evil paper lol It's supposed to be a gift for my niece, so I'll have to do something about that smudge... I don't know, maybe I'll try to cover it somehow with white pastel... 🤔
I've always preferred drawing people or organic things, people mostly.
Me too :)))
16 Feb 2023 #135
Crnogoarc isn`t Monte anything. He or she is a regular Russian from the Kremlin troll factory who only pretends to be from the Balkans, trying to dupe forum Poles. The problem of this poster is that I refuse to be duped. Ha!
Ill compare apples to oranges
Jockey, you made a long post with 9 quotes. Nobody is going to read it. Get a life. Can you summarise its content in a few words???
16 Feb 2023 #136
Milo loves to jump at politically correct buzz words
I am one of the least PC posters on this forum.
I think people should be free to say what they believe.
And if that offends people then they are weak people.
I merely observed that coming from such a multi-ethnic megalopolis as NYC, I had to get visually used to seeing a plethora of Caucasians
But why was that shocking?
Ignorance?Stupidity?Or narrow mindedness?
16 Feb 2023 #137
I cant understand your gibberish.
Me neither.......what do you expect from an illegal immigrant?
Cargo pants
16 Feb 2023 #139
How many Pakis do they have in NJ?
LOL why you want to buy them a beer or a steak lol,ololol
No white guy is going to shoot
Baldy clown car owner check the data of mass shootings in the US.
The most racist people I have ever met are Indians and Pakistanis!
Is that the reason your daughter is humping one,lololol,I dont say that,you admitted it here:)))
Cargo pants
16 Feb 2023 #140
Get a life.
Please also tell him "how" as he dont know how to lol
I cant understand your gibberish.
Then fu.cking learn dumb baldy.
Can you tell me in English this time?
Beg me to with folded hands on your knees and I might think to consider it.
PS:That steak offer still stands???LOL this time I will not make a fool of you two foolish idiots lol I promise:))
LOL I am in States now and fat Vincent can vouch for it.lolol I am sure he is not like that leaking lenka who would share info with her bum chums abusing her unskilled moderating skills.
17 Feb 2023 #141
They remind me of Magdalena Samozwaniec ilustrations.
I wish!
I don't think I've ever painted with gouache
You'd probably like it because it can be wet again and reworked. You were saying you didn't like acrylics because they dry too fast :) I love them for precisely the same reason! I love the immediacy of them and the versatility. I would recommend that people start with oils because they're very forgiving but once you're confident acrylics are great fun to use. But you can't beat oils for the richness of colour, the translucency, they really glow. On a side note, I don't know why so many novice artists start with watercolours. They're a very difficult medium to master.
I'll have to do something about that smudge... I
Would you consider extending it and working some soft shading into the background of the picture??
Another talented Russian)
Who would have been sent straight to the Gulag by Stalin and nowadays would be beaten to a bloody pulp by homophobes with Putin cheering them on. And he wasn't merely talented, the man was extraordinarily gifted.
A look of Beardsley about them.
I liked his work a lot when I was a teenager.
Thanks for the nice comments forum friends but I'm no creative genius :) Still it's nice to share something pleasant rather than the weird and ugly images/videos that seem to be endemic in these times.
17 Feb 2023 #142
You'd probably like it because it can be wet again and reworked.
I like the sound of it ;D
I would recommend that people start with oils because they're very forgiving
Yes, I'd also recommend it for people who paint slowly, like me lol ;))
But you can't beat oils for the richness of colour, the translucency, they really glow.
Yes, oils are my absolute favourite - they're the Queen of Painting Techniques for me :))) The smell is a killer though.
watercolours. They're a very difficult medium to master.
I agree! Maybe it's because watercolours remind them of poster paints they were using when they were kids...
Would you consider extending it and working some soft shading into the background of the picture??
I was thinking about that, but I intended to leave the background empty/white as with all my portraits so the drawing would "pop out" more... But if this paper is so "graphite sensitive" and I'll get more of such non-erasable smudges, putting that soft shading into the background will be the only solution :/
it's nice to share something pleasant rather than the weird and ugly images/videos
Indeed, I have to admit that I like "pleasant", both to create and to look at :)))
17 Feb 2023 #143
The smell is a killer though.
That's why I'd like to try out acrylics again, after all, eventually... I think I even bought an acrylic retarder a while ago, so maybe that will help lol
17 Feb 2023 #144
The smell is a killer though.
Would you believe that's why I stopped using them and switched to acrylics! Also I didn't have the patience for oils to dry when I wanted to do something like a glaze of one colour over another. This is one I did in acrylics. It's actually a miniature. It only measures a few centimetres square. I think about 5x3 or something. I went through a phase of doing minis. Really enjoyed that.
17 Feb 2023 #145

The smell is a killer though
I'm not very good at painting, but I enjoy smelling paints, paint thinner, and glue. I would make a good companion for a painter, sitting by his side all day inhaling the fumes.
17 Feb 2023 #146
Poles have big noses.
How big is big, like Polish Polish or Jewish Polish? I didn't know it makes a difference.
17 Feb 2023 #147
Very Irish looking girl in that painting. Pale as porcelain, red like a hot ember.
17 Feb 2023 #148
How big is big
This is an important question, colleague. I would measure it as percentage of total mass of head. If nose constitutes more than 5% either by weight, or volume, you know you are in Jewish/Polish territory.
17 Feb 2023 #149
Would you believe that's why I stopped using them and switched to acrylics!
I find that very believable! ;))
I started to look for ways to lessen the problem with oils - I bought a turpentine that is supposed to be scentless, but I haven't tried it out yet. I'll wait for spring to try it out, so I could air the room properly.
Also, apparently there's another medium for oils that you can use instead of turpentine and linseed oil - Liquin - it's scentless and speeds up the drying of oil paints:
I haven't tried it yet though. Have you heard of it?
It only measures a few centimetres square. I think about 5x3 or something.
What?? How?? :O And how did you find a frame this small? lol
I went through a phase of doing minis. Really enjoyed that.
Oh, I was thinking about trying that too :)) But maybe not that small ;D
I enjoy smelling paints, paint thinner, and glue.
lol Bobko, are you a glue-sniffer? ;D
I actually don't mind the scents connected to oil painting, I even find them relaxing (most probably because I associate them with something pleasant - with painting) :) Inhaling all those fumes for prolonged time on regular basis isn't healthy though and it's difficult to get the turpentine smell out of the room and your clothes, etc. That's why I'm thinking about trying out some less smelly alternatives :))