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19 Aug 2024  #121

I wonder if he got our nicknames tattooed on his body.

If he is really so malicious as he wishes to be deemed as, then he had 3 witches` nicks tattooed on his ass! hahahaha

19 Aug 2024  #122

But you are so dense that you are unable to recognize kindness when it hits you square in the face.

And you are too ignorant to see when you are being used.

please stop your attempted "duals" with Johnny; you are not in his league.

No, I am in a much higher league than he will ever be in.

Hardly anybody is in the same league as johhny coz he tops the league of sickos which he proves in the forum every day.


He does that each and every single day.

So true.

@johnny reb

It's very illuminating that JR Jim did not comment on my post about him being a "Groomer"......... says it all really.......

19 Aug 2024  #123

I'm posting from the middle of a fúcking desert in Africa and there's decent internet. We all know where Jim spent those 5 months.

Satan is waiting for me.

Don't worry. At your age and state of health you won't have to wait very long.

19 Aug 2024  #124

I'm posting from the middle of a fúcking desert in Africa

I had a feeling that you were out in Africa again.... look after yourself.... do you have bodyguards?

19 Aug 2024  #125

It's fairly safe where I am (except for a few hairy moments now and again) due o my workplace being the country's main cash cow and there's an army detachment here just in case. The only dangerous bit is travel to the capital when arriving/leaving due to militias.

41c here today and may reach 50c this week. Thank God for air conditioning.

19 Aug 2024  #126

It's fairly safe where I am (except for a few hairy moments now and again)

@johnny reb

Please pay attention Jim!Jon357 is a much braver bloke than you ever were or ever will be...... I know a bit about the dangers in certain parts of Africa.

19 Aug 2024  #127

Wow! Hour timeline for posts on the home page. Amasing!

19 Aug 2024  #128

the country's main cash cow

If they need another income stream, there is excellent money to be made betting that whatever shares Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher tips will perform worse than the market.

And the clown is so f*cking retarded that he actually posts here boasting about the fact that by picking shares he's made half as much as he could have done by just shoving his cash in a market-tracker fund and going about his day! Hoot!

19 Aug 2024  #129

And the clown is so f*cking retarded

You have just described JR Jim in a short sentence!

19 Aug 2024  #130

Don't worry.

So you are not dead yet...Fvck...

johnny reb
19 Aug 2024  #131

Nope, according to Hairy he just got out of prison again.

19 Aug 2024  #132

according to Hairy he just got out of prison again.


Time to add another azhole to my ignore list.


You guys really don't give enough details in your posts and we are left guessing WTF you are talking about.

19 Aug 2024  #133

we are left guessing WTF you are talking about.

One of them is too stupid and the other too doolally to know themselves.

19 Aug 2024  #134

Yeah, and I know which is which, JR Jim is the stupid one and Novichok Rich is the doolally one........

19 Aug 2024  #135

alien, theother, pawian, jon357


20 Aug 2024  #136

Pretty well the only people who use dedicated forums nowadays are boomers and post-boomers.

20 Aug 2024  #137

So repulsive that he put you on his ignore list just like I did Harry/Lazarus. Hoot !

LOL! Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher lies so often he can't even remember his lies from day to day: he quoted me in the stock market thread just a few hours after claiming he's put me on his ignore list! polishforums.com/off-topic/stock-market-talk-85560/30/#msg1987510

What a f*cking retart! Hoot!

johnny reb
20 Aug 2024  #138

You are just a roar to get wound up, Chris.
We sit here and laugh our asses off at you.
No more of your Rinse & Repeats today, please. Hoot !

20 Aug 2024  #139

JR Jim is the stupid one

Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher is so f*cking retarded he boasts about putting people on ignore and within a few hours has become so wound up by that person that he's yet again spitting venom at his screen. Hoot!

johnny reb
20 Aug 2024  #140

I just needed some entertainment this morning old Lazy and you sure do provide it with your rants and meltdowns. Hahahaha !
Thanks so much helping me to get my day going with so many laughs.
Now Shoo - you are annoying the others here.

20 Aug 2024  #141

One of them is too stupid

Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher is so stupid he thought people would be impressed by him claiming to have raped teenagers.

johnny reb
20 Aug 2024  #142

Now your turn, post that video of you rolling around on the floor again with little boys with your pedophile roommate, Lazy.
The grin on your face was priceless. 🥵

20 Aug 2024  #143

JR Jim is the stupid one and Novichok Rich is the doolally one........

What would the word be for somebody who gets their kicks by watching videos of sweaty kindergarten age children? I think it rhymes with "sconce", doesn't it.

But Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher certainly is stupid enough to tell people that he gets his kicks from watching videos like that. Along with his chosen housemate, the registered sex offender and convicted paedophile.

20 Aug 2024  #144

alien, theother, pawian, jon357


3 witches turned into 4 riders of Apocalypse for Novi. hahahaha
Novi, you are getting higher in the culture of womankind with each banned member. AmaSSing!

20 Aug 2024  #145

Lazarus, participating, watching, but you forget your role, presiding in the interaction with sweaty children. So, on a scale of one to ten, watching would be two
and you be ten or probably out of scale

20 Aug 2024  #146

you forget your role, presiding in the interaction with sweaty children.

That is a perfect example of why you should never believe a word Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher says: I am not in that video. I have never even watched that video. I only know what it shows because I've read the YouTube description.

20 Aug 2024  #147

I've read the YouTube description.

For sure, I believe you

johnny reb
20 Aug 2024  #148

I am not in that video.

Liar, everyone here saw it and that was you alright.
Then why did you make the Mod remove it from the post.
A perfect example why people don't believe a word you say.

20 Aug 2024  #149

4 riders of Apocalypse

The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse!

Can I be War please?

johnny reb
20 Aug 2024  #150

Don't interrupt Lazarus's rant, jon.
We love seeing him squirm.

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