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johnny reb
15 Aug 2024  #61

y confirmed beyond any doubt that he's the exact opposite of what he claims to be.

Says a lowlife alcoholic that doesn't have a pot to **** in or a window to throw it out.
He's clearly just a broke old man

I have embarrassed you to no end and posted proof that I can buy and sell you well over ten times with money left over.
You are one jealous loser that suffers from an acute case of OCD.
You are mentally with OCD (Obsessive/Compulsion Disorder) so you will just keep repeating yourself over and over and over again.
Actually, an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).
No prizes for guessing how Lazarus/Harry came to know that phrase.
Your standout inferiority complex is what causes you to bully other people. 👺
It must suck to live the miserable limited life that you live.
I will pray for you today, Chris, that you may find some happiness before your cirrhosis and hepatitis finally gets you.

15 Aug 2024  #62

100 shares of PM today @ $117.50 for a short term trade.

Mystic Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher strikes again! PM now at 116.73, so if you'd done the exact opposite of what the shack-dweller said, you'd have enough profit to buy him a bucket of nails and pay the postage.

15 Aug 2024  #63

"Grooming" is a term mainly used in association with Paedophiles and extremist religious and political zealots,but in fact it applies to you too.

Remind me to send you the records of that "church" Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher used to run. It's absolutely hilarious stuff.

And there may be a link to the other "Groomers" I mentioned too....

This is one of the many things bizarre about the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher: the woman with whom he ran the "church" was one Ann Ruffe, who happens to be the mother of convicted child sex offender Richard Ruffe, who is also Jim's housemate. Absolutely bizarre!

johnny reb
15 Aug 2024  #64

This was yesterday
100 shares of PM today @ $117.50 for a short term trade.

This was today in the morning as it dropped
PM now at 116.73, so if you'd done the exact opposite

And now it is at $117.53 this afternoon.
So see, if you are going to be a Nervous Nelly you shouldn't play the Market.
You can't buy a stock in the morning and expect it to go up non - stop every day.
Buy it, sit back for a short-term gain and get out.
The first million comes hard but the second one comes a lot easier.

15 Aug 2024  #65

You're just confirming what we all know, that you are anything but a Christian.

Mind if I PM you links about the "church" Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher used to run? I'd post them here again but the last time that happened somebody contacted Google and used the 'right to be forgotten' to apply for the links to be excluded from Google's search result. The links themselves are still live but google frowns on pages that contain links that it has excluded from its searches and I don't want to cause problems for the admin here. We can all work out who it was that asked Google to forget those addresses and why (hint: he's the only person in the world dumb enough to claim to be a day trader when he's repeatedly proved that he can't even convert between two currencies).

15 Aug 2024  #66

Hey, Laz, your posts are hard to read. Separate sentences and make them shorter.

15 Aug 2024  #67

Separate sentences and make them shorter.

Long sentences confuse Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher.
Being confused makes Jim angry.
Being angry makes Jim spit more venom at the screen.
When Jim spit venom and write 100,000 word posts Jim no fantasize about raping teenagers.
Long sentences are a good thing.

15 Aug 2024  #68

Some posts from a supposed "True Christian"
You bring it on yourself Stupid.

Suck on that, Trouble Maker.

I just showed you ten times plus more than you have to turn you green with jealousy.

Just a handful of posts from a "True Christian"...... absolutely hilarious!This guy is a complete nutter!!! And if he doesn't shut up soon, I will reveal how he tries to "Groom" people on PF...... STFU Jim or i will expose you.....

15 Aug 2024  #69

Long sentences are a good thing.

Not for seniors.

When I read a long sentence, by the time I get to the end, I forget the beginning.

15 Aug 2024  #70

if he doesn't shut up soon

There are very clearly only two things that will stop Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher from posting on PF: death and prison. Guess which stopped him for five months last year?

15 Aug 2024  #71

Remind me to send you the records of that "church" Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher used to run.

Please do.

Mind if I PM you links about the "church" Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher used to run?

Please send them to me too.

When I read a long sentence, by the time I get to the end, I forget the beginning.

A sign of short term memory, go and see a specialist......


Yeah, Prison is the best short term option..... LOL!

15 Aug 2024  #72

Not till you learn to "Turn the other cheek" and stop insulting people....... you are a complete liar and hypocrite.

How ironic it is to read about hypocrisy from the most shameful hypocrite of all. Your bulbous nose penetrates even the most sacred, untouchable areas of human belief. What gives you the right to venture into the souls of true believers? Not only that, you are usurping the right of the religious scholar in the area you don't comprehend what you are talking about. Atheists like you should stay away from getting even close with your pagan rantings.
Your feeble attempts to ridicule Johnny's Christian shortcomings show your shallowness because Johnny repeatedly states that we are imperfect sinners,
but the beauty of our faith, the pillar of Christianity, the fact that escapes your extremely shallow mind, is the death of Jesus Christ for our sins and the promise
If you confess your faith, you are forgiven, like Jesus forgave the criminals crucified along with him. So, definitely not Johnny, who is just a sinner like all of us, but you are the great hypocrite, the ultimate hypocrite imaginable.

15 Aug 2024  #73

Your bulbous nose

So, you think I'm a Jew?

So, it's OK to behave like a complete bastard and Jesus will forgive you?

Sorry mate, but if you ever get as far as Heaven St.Peter will tell you, politely, to F off!

You were one of us that were groomed by JR Jim and he did a very good job on you!!!!

16 Aug 2024  #74

Sorry mate, but if you ever get as far as Heaven St.Peter will tell you, politely, to F off!

There you go again, with a knowledge of heaven, profane St. Peter, and the expert on nothing.

So, you think I'm a Jew?

What is the connection between the bulbous nose and the Jew? I wanted to say that a bulbous nose describes a clumsy, dull, crud, uncultured doofus.
On the other hand, semites are known for hooked noses, so again, you amaze me with your expertise.

16 Aug 2024  #75

So, it's OK to behave like a complete bastard and Jesus will forgive you?

Yes if you are sorry for your sins, and ask for forgiveness. But what do you know, you are a heretic.

You will do better if you start writing about Pakistanis grooming your white sisters, Well established fact, a reality in your country

johnny reb
16 Aug 2024  #76

Don't be so hard on them as they are just illiterate Brits with inferiority complexes.
You know there game, "Provoke, Gang up on, Attack, Diminish, Shame, and Lie doing it."
Guess which stopped him for five months last year?

No internet when I go on vacation, thats what.
Just like your buddy jon has been missing.
Is he in prison too ?
How about your buddy delph, is he in prison too ?
How about Cargo Pants, is he in prison too ?
How about TheOther, is he in prison too ?
How about when Crow went missing, was he in prison too ?
You are nuts you know.

And the real kickers is.....that you Harry haven't explained where you were for 18 months last year and the year before when you went missing.
Perhaps you would like to share with us. 😲

16 Aug 2024  #77

Yeah, Prison is the best short term option..... LOL!

I do love the way that Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher claims he spent five months on holiday in a place where there is no internet! LOL!
It's up there with his claim that he's a financial genius when he can't convert between currencies and is sure that Swiss francs can't be exchanged for US dollars anywhere in the USA!
What a f*cking moron!

16 Aug 2024  #78

I do love the way that Jim the self-confessed rapist

You are running the risk of becoming a one-string banjo or a one-song wonder.
How about opening your range... I promise not to call you names.

johnny reb
16 Aug 2024  #79

What fool takes his computer on VACATION to post on a forum to argue with some drunken Brit. Hoot !
No internet when I go on vacation as I am on VACATION, Dummy.
PM now at 116.73,

That was yesterday and you should have bought 200 shares of PM on that dip.
And at noon today it was at $17.90.
And sold at that and you would have made yourself $234 USD in two days but I guess when you have no money to invest all you can do is diminish other people who do.
You are running the risk of becoming a one-string banjo

Novi, I have told you several times that the guys suffers with OCD/.ASD.
(Obsessive/Compulsion Disorder) so he will just keep repeating himself over and over and over again.
Actually, an antisocial/obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (AS/OCPD).
Add that to being an alcoholic and you have a one string bajo that sits at the end of the bar repeating himself.
Try to be nice to him and not call him too bad of names.

16 Aug 2024  #80

Lazarus, "There is no internet! LOL!"

However, it's important to locate the post where Johnny mentioned the internet. From what I recall, Johnny said, "I will not use the internet," which indeed differs significantly. Would you agree that this distinction may warrant an apology? Additionally, is it acceptable if I address you as Mister Twister? As demonstrated, the use of this name is justifiable, appropriate, and truthful.

16 Aug 2024  #81

You are running the risk of becoming a one-string banjo or a one-song wonder.

It's too late for that; he's vanishing like a fleeting stench in the breeze, without even a banjo or a string to remember him by.:::)))

16 Aug 2024  #82

I am just trying to salvage what's still left...

johnny reb
16 Aug 2024  #83

he's vanishing like a fleeting stench in the breeze

Thats because he is too embarrassed to tell us where he was for EXACTLY 18 months when he went silent.

And the real kickers is.....

If only the truth could be known.
1. Prison
2. Dry Out clinic
3. On the lamb
4.Broken computer
5.Hospital with medical issues

We will never know where Mr. Twister was for 18 months.

17 Aug 2024  #84

What fool takes his computer on VACATION to post on a forum to argue with some drunken Brit. Hoot !

Yet, when you went to Florida you were posting nonstop everyday boasting about your trip! Hahahahahahaha

We still never saw that Marlin photo you claimed to have caught "off season" as well.

johnny reb
17 Aug 2024  #85

PM now at 116.73,

I told Mr. Twister to buy a couple hundred shares.
Friday it closed at $18.07 up a $1.34 from two days ago.
He mocked me even though he would have been $268.00 USD richer today.

when you went to Florida

That was a combined vacation/ business trip so I needed my computer.
Remember now. Hahahahaha
Thanks for your interest however or were you just being an ass hole trolling me again.

17 Aug 2024  #86

Not so long ago you thought it was Pawian!

Yes, that moron really thought so and I didn`t contradict but winded him up even more. And he believed every silly thing I made up. Why are those American cons so stupid?? Is it in the water???

17 Aug 2024  #87

Why are those American cons so stupid?

As opposed to the leftists who claim that "trans women" are women and that men can get pregnant.

If you know anything more moronic other than yourself please let me know what it is.

17 Aug 2024  #88

As opposed to the leftists who claim that "trans women" are women

Darling, you as a maniacal con also claim various stupidities. E,g yesterday you claimed that dreaming of Soviet Russia but going to the US instead don`t contradict each other.

17 Aug 2024  #89

I just came back from the gym and found too many posts by the forum kunt. See you all Monday.

18 Aug 2024  #90

found too many posts

Yes, wise posts which perfectly bare your amaSSing inaptitude.

See you all Monday.

What?? You want to punish the forum with your absence on Sunday because of my wise posts??? AmaSSSing!

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