15 Jul 2022 #61
What exactly did they abandon?
It is a terrible realization how many lives are lost every day. Ukraine has ceased to exist. Sadness and tragedy, of course. But there is that old folk saying "as you sow, so you shall reap".
Ukraine is considering legalizing same-sex marriages. Their country is about to disappear, they are dealing with queer rights. Do you need any more proof that mother Russia is waging a war against the Globohomo West, not Ukraine?
If you want to receive aid, then you have to give some dupa.
Hundreds of people die for them every day, young men mostly in their prime and over 9 million refugees mostly women of reproductive age and children have fled the country, their state is getting smaller and smaller every day, and the debil deals with gay marriages... Some say that Zeleni works for Russia... it's hard to be this stupid and alienated from the precarious moment your country is in... but in fact he just follows the narrative of the Puppet Master without question, and you have to take it a little bit more up the keister for you to be modern...
As Russia Overwhelms "Ukraine," Zelensky Focused on Trying to Legalize Anal Marriage