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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 16

27 Nov 2024  #961

I'm trying to give you lesson in logic.

Logic ends where a big fist starts. Duh!

Beyond that there is only propaganda for the gullible women like you. Most men are not that stupid.

27 Nov 2024  #962

Logic ends where a big fist starts. Duh!

ROFL! That is an argument! What big fist? NATO fists? That just got bigger thanks to Russia's action.

27 Nov 2024  #963

NATO fists?

Hey, little girl...There is no such thing as NATO.

There is only the US.

The rest of you are just a bunch of parasites with landing strips we need to keep you safe from an imaginary enemy...

27 Nov 2024  #964

girl...There is no such thing as NATO.

Proszę Pana a ja NA TO powiem że jest NATO.

27 Nov 2024  #965

There is no such thing as NATO.

And yet a second ago you were trying to convince us how big mighty Russia is worried about NATO encircling it...hmm....

cms neuf
27 Nov 2024  #966

I am guessing that later this week Putler will start rounding up a few "currency speculators" and shooting them

This currency crisis will hurt and Putler has one option - wait until Janyary that's a long time

27 Nov 2024  #967

NATO encircling it...hmm....

...because it's the US, not NATO,

I am too lazy to put NATO in quotes or to say so-called NATO. You, Euros, don't count.

Remove the US and what do you have left? The UK and Poland? Oops...I forgot Spain...

I just made Putin laugh...

27 Nov 2024  #968

/Shearing thoughts while eating ayvar/

Poland will be free.

27 Nov 2024  #969

because it's the US, not NATO,

Then Ukraine joining NATO had absolutely no bearing. If it's just USA using countries to be closer then Poland in '99 and then 2004 with even more neighbours joining would do the trick. Well and of course the huge success of getting Finland in as well.

27 Nov 2024  #970

Well, if I invaded ALL of my neighbors and now everyone has private security, I wouldn't be butthurt. Just saying. Also, RU is even more surrounded by NATO than 3 years ago, thanks to KGB Dwarf being the best NATO salesman since Stalin.

27 Nov 2024  #971

Then Ukraine joining NATO had absolutely no bearing.

I concur.

cms neuf
27 Nov 2024  #972

Laugh about Spain but a Spain v NN war would go the same way as a Spain v NB football game

They are smarter, faster, more experienced and sober

27 Nov 2024  #973

MUST listen and see if seek to understand events in Europe >

BBC Hardtalk with Serbian President Vucic


Laugh about Spain but ..... They are smarter, faster, more experienced and sober

Exactly. That is why Spain walk with Serbia

27 Nov 2024  #974

Some political analyzers here says that pressure from Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia forcing Poland to slowly change its policy on Russia to more balanced approach.

I think that Serbia needs to increase pressure.

27 Nov 2024  #975

pressure from Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia forcing Poland to slowly change its policy on Russia

They're as unhinged and disconnected from reality as all your other Serbian nonsense....

27 Nov 2024  #976

They are smarter, faster, more experienced and sober

War is not ballet.

You could be Christiano Ronaldo, but the artillery shell does not know that.

Also, on what planet is Spain "experienced"? The last time they fought a big war, it was their own civil war in the 1930s.

The US and Chinese both say that the two most experienced (in modern warfare) armies in the world are Ukraine and Russia. It's why everyone and their mother are sending specialist observers.

But even if you academically absorb all the lessons of this war... you won't have the several hundred thousand battle tested troops that Ukraine and Russia will have for the next 20-30 years.

Experience is experience, and you don't have it until you have it.

27 Nov 2024  #977


Admit. You don`t love me. You never did.

27 Nov 2024  #978

Admit. You don`t love me. You never did.

I would not be so categorical.

Also, I love you. Is this not enough?

27 Nov 2024  #979

Some political analyzers here says that pressure from Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia forcing Poland to slowly change its policy on .....

Ones with long beards, alcohol habits, stained shirts and a tenuous grip on reality.

Anyway, Orbsn and his party are on the way out, Slovakia as a country is 't particularly trusted in foreign affairs and nobody wastes time thinking about Serbia.

27 Nov 2024  #980

long beards, alcohol habits, stained shirts and a tenuous grip on reality

Damn Jon... sometimes your depictions are rather evocative.

It's as if I can see this person in front of me now.

27 Nov 2024  #981

Slovakia as a country is 't particularly trusted

I would never go to Slovakia after I saw the bloody torture horror set in that country. I still can`t sleep at night. Like Ptak.

27 Nov 2024  #982

saw the bloody torture horror set in that country


You were then when Robert Fico was shot? Was it you?

27 Nov 2024  #983

Was it you?

No, I wasn`t. I am not a Polish nationalist murderer who loves Russians. :):):)

27 Nov 2024  #984

No, I wasn`t.

no, you are a cowardly rat with a big mug. your forte is being a slimey informer.

27 Nov 2024  #985


Sorry, mister nationalist, you are mistaking me for another poster. Ha!!!


Because I suggest that nationalists are murderers??? And who murdered Jews in Jedwabne pogrom and in other places??????????

27 Nov 2024  #986


you have no principles, sense, integrity and knowledge.

27 Nov 2024  #987

Which wing of the guild has the better hat?


27 Nov 2024  #988

Third wing of the guild.

Albanian (Shiftar) Sufi Muslims

27 Nov 2024  #989

War is not ballet.

In a sense, it is a dance. Sometimes, you can hear an orchestra playing piano, forte, or any other instrument. dum dum dum dum.................DUM. ---
Which wing of the guild has the better hat?

Harry Potter, since you lost your wand, you ask strange questions.

27 Nov 2024  #990

Don`t worry brate. We Serbians will save Poland from the spell of the guild.

USA News and Poland - part 12 [1213]Random Chat 10 [1370]

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