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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 16

27 Nov 2024  #991

Poland will be free.

Wrong tense.

Poland is free now.

27 Nov 2024  #992

We Serbians will save Poland

Thank you! I'm so grateful that words can't even describe it.
I'm waiting with a bated breath.

27 Nov 2024  #993

The stupidity of the Russians is no match for Ukrainian intelligence.

cms neuf
28 Nov 2024  #994

Someone has told Putler that NN can produce more missiles than all NATO

In the real world it seems the outer space missile fired at Dnipro had no warhead and caused little damage

NN had to intervene in the ruble markets this morning by selling dollars - easy for them to get into a spiral now that speculators can see the drunk government will try and support the currency

28 Nov 2024  #995

Z wants to host another "peace summit" in Kiev, but not invite Russia. Yes, brilliant plan for a retard.

Meanwhile Vlad is losing his patience. Now publicly saying he may target decision making centers in Kiev. This after massive attacks on Ukraine power infrastructure. Brilliant strategy to continue to escalate on both sides. But whats a few thousand men per day worth?

28 Nov 2024  #996

wants to host another "peace summit" in Kiev, but not invite Russia


Even bigger lol at the other presidents that bother to show up to these things.

johnny reb
28 Nov 2024  #997

Act of War
Two undersea cables in the Baltic Sea were severed last week one connecting Finland and Germany, and the other linking Sweden and Lithuania.
Subsea cables massive fiber-optic cables laid on the seabed are the backbone of the global internet, carrying 99% of the world's intercontinental data traffic.
The severing of the cables prompted warnings of "sabotage" and potential "hybrid" warfare targeting key infrastructure in the West amid further escalations in the ongoing war in Ukraine.

If the link to PolishForums suddenly goes down because of it then it will be an act of war.

28 Nov 2024  #998

Act of War


Europeans are saying a Chinese ship, captained by a Russian citizen, simply accidentally drug its anchors over the course of several hours and more than a hundred miles.

I think you got something wrong Jonny, or are purposefully trying to start a war.

28 Nov 2024  #999

Now publicly saying he may target decision making centers in Kiev.

This should have been Mission One in Feb 2022.

Every mongoose goes for the head first. It must be in their DNA as there are no classes how to kill cobras.

Why Putin decided to attack the legs and leave the head alone is the greatest mystery since why the US needs NATO.

cms neuf
28 Nov 2024  #1000

It was Miasion 1 in Feb 22 - Putler sent his best troops to capture Kiev airport

Unfortunately they first performed Mission Zero - drink as much as possible in the helicopter and as a result forgot their ammo and gps

28 Nov 2024  #1001

It was Miasion 1 in Feb 22 - Putler sent his best troops to capture Kiev airport

I am so sorry ... I forgot that the stupid Mongols don't have cruise missiles...

28 Nov 2024  #1002

I forgot that the stupid Mongols don't have cruise missiles...


cms neuf
28 Nov 2024  #1003

Those are reserved for schools, hospitals and tower blocks. It should be obvious even to you that they don't have precision weapons that can evade modern air defenses

28 Nov 2024  #1004

Those are reserved for schools,

I just sent my broken dishwasher to Putin to make one cruise missile to drop on Z's home.

Please don't report me to the FBI.

28 Nov 2024  #1005

I just sent my broken dishwasher to Putin

good work. he'll sell your dishwasher and prostitute three of your daughters and make it feel like it was your patriotic duty. heil saint putin!

28 Nov 2024  #1006

Another POS added to my ignore list...

If you ever visit the Chicago area, please meet me and say it again.

28 Nov 2024  #1007

Let us celebrate. We finally again come to a time when opinion of Slavs matter. Even if it may announce the end time it sound nice.

In many centuries already darker people from the Rome and Athens and, their minions on the west of Europe, rule us. Why would they rule us? We don`t desire to be ruled by them.

So thank God that Russia decided to liberate itself and with it create situation so rest of us also liberate itself.

28 Nov 2024  #1008

Let us now see how glitch in the matrix spread.

'Without Serbia EU is not complete,' Polish PM Donald Tusk says

> euronews.com/my-europe/2024/10/24/without-serbia-eu-is-not-complete-polish-pm-donald-tusk-says
In Belgrade
Polish PM Tusk and Serbian PM Vucevic; spot the Serbian honor guard with Sarmatian insignia on the sleeves- cross surrounded with firesteels- same insignia used ancient Polish and Serbian Kings on coins
Polish PM Tusk and Serbian President Vucic

By saying this ``Without Serbia EU is not complete``, this is in fact what Tusk said - ``EU is incomplete and therefore imperfect, so Poland may find its interests more suitable accomplished outside of the EU and alongside Serbia``.

See? That is the language of diplomacy.

cms neuf
28 Nov 2024  #1009

You guys and your crappy missiles

Get it into your skulls. Ukraine has got missiles too.

Faster, more accurate and more reliable. Produced in shiny western factories, not riveted together by resentful Siberian alcoholics.

28 Nov 2024  #1010


What is Ukraine to you stranger?

Ukraine come from Serbian Krajina and is region where in the middle age Serbians created two their semi-independant states, Nova Srbija and Slaveno Srbija. So, Ukraine is populated with Serbians that are forced to become Ukrainians. But process is not finished. Do somebody ask them? No. But, they will be liberated from the yoke of that evil Zelenski and those behind him.

28 Nov 2024  #1011

Produced in shiny western factories,

at a premium price. in very limited numbers. unlike the ruski siberian alcoholics who can just pump them out, drunk or not, failure rate be dammed.
you know, kinda like ww2

28 Nov 2024  #1012

Subtly but certainly, Poland and Serbia strengthen their ties. In the first place, we are Slavs ie Sarmatians.

Polish President Duda and Serbian President Vucic, togather in Baku, few days ago

Duda, Vucic highlight key challenges, urge for 'peace' to confront climate changes
> ruptly.tv/ar/videos/20241112-025

So, on the contrary to the official EU stance, Polish and Serbian Presidents talk about peace.

28 Nov 2024  #1013

We finally again come to a time when opinion of Slavs matter.

Russians and Serbs are not proper Slavs, too mixed.

Poles are.

28 Nov 2024  #1014

Nonsense. Come to EXIT music fest and spot the Serbs. Still tallest, still most robust, etc,... most Aryan Whites. Same as we were 2000 and 4000 and 6000, etc years ago. No, not Aryan in vulgarized racist sense. In the true sense of it. Givers of West. Garden. The birthplace. The first original core of the first European civilization.

And Russians and Poles are fine, as much as they received our Dinarid admixture.


How about that?

28 Nov 2024  #1015

Nonsense. Come to EXIT music fest and spot the Serbs. Still tallest, still most robust, etc,... most Aryan Whites.

No.The Dutch are well known for being the tallest and most robust Europeans.I don't like the word Aryan.... far too Nazi....

Take this Crow;

28 Nov 2024  #1016

As I have said before, Russian stupidity is no defence for Ukrainian intelligence.
Numbers of troops and a massive advantage in hardware is not helping the Russians......

29 Nov 2024  #1017

Russian stupidity is no defence for Ukrainian intelligence.

You made two mistakes in your post.

Russia, unfortunately for you and your kind, is very clever indeed.

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