@Mr Grunwald
I view the US after 50 years living there as a corrupt elitist run disaster. I think the government at the national level is far too big and out of control. Remember, this is a country founded on the principal of hating taxes, and the current form of the US government is IMO not what the founding fathers intended.
@cms neuf
Harris cannot articulate a full sentence with details. Everything is a story of some sort and there is no substance. She has been asked repeatedly what she would do differently than Biden and there are no details given simply saying "I am not Joe Biden" is not an answer. She has the most extreme far left views of any senator in history, so far left Bernie Sanders looks like a republican compared to her. The continuing of democratic tax and spend policies that are not working now, only to increase taxation and spending makes no economic sense. When the top 1% of wealthy people pay 42% of US taxes, her argument to tax the wealthy makes no sense when the wealthy alreay pay the most. Voting for her because she is a woman, or because she is black or indian or reptilian is simply the weakest argument there is to vote for anyone.
The idea that Putin would be afraid of a person who has zero leadership experience, cannot even complete tasks that were assigned to her by Biden, and does not understand Europe is simply laughable. Being a germophobe is common, assasins, and other items for a guy who has killed his own people are pretty justified fears. But what did Vlad do when Trump was president? Nothing. The last 18 months of Trumps presidency, no US military deaths in the middle east because he made a deal for withdrawl that worked. Trump may be unpresidential in what he says, but his unpredictability scares the $hit out of Vlad, Little Kim and Xi. And that is what the US and the world needs.