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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 16

29 Oct 2024  #31

Foreign fighters killed in new Ukrainian incursion attempt - FSB
Moscow claims to have eliminated Western mercenaries who tried to enter Russia's Bryansk Region

The more, the better...Make their mothers proud.

Local education authorities in Russia's Vladimir Region have banned students from wearing religious clothing, including hijabs and niqabs, as part of new dress code measures for schools.

To help their women stop scaring impressionable kids...Halloween is enough.

29 Oct 2024  #32

Big Blow To Ukraine: Zelensky's Special Forces 'Surrender' In Kursk | 'Don't Want More Fighting...'

Wait a fvcking minute...I thought that dying for "freedom and democracy" is more fun that staying alive...Damn cowards...I am so ashamed...

Vesko Vukovic
29 Oct 2024  #33



29 Oct 2024  #34

Over 10 years ago, putain's conqueror tried to assuage the sting of Chechen victory in the second Chechen war by building a 'Spetsnaz' university in Chechya and naming it after putain. This year he put his 16 year old son in charge of it...


Apparently 'Spetsnaz' studies don't include air defense and today Ukrainian drones decided to drop in and have a look see....


johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #35

the US desperate dragging Poles and 40+ other countries into Iraq,

"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."

29 Oct 2024  #36

@Vesko Vukovic

Aout that map...Russia is the aggressor...sure, azholes...

That map made sick ...So many, so useless, and I am paying for this shlt...

29 Oct 2024  #37

Interesting video..... crazy or crazy.... like a fox?

Unconfirmed, but the claim is that the 'Korean' soldiers being sent to die in Ukraine are actually mercenaries funded by China.... though I'm pretty sure the money goes straight to the Kims and not to the soldiers

Also, the destruction of bridges/roads in the south of Norkia are intended to prevent mass defections by Norks.... And.... (most intriguing though not related to Ukraine) dumpling boy Kim has a diabolical plan to retake a big chunk of Northeast China (historically Korea)

29 Oct 2024  #38

Even more problems for Russia.....

29 Oct 2024  #39

Kim has a diabolical plan to retake a big chunk of Northeast China (historically Korea)

Switch to a lower dose...

30 Oct 2024  #40

"Young men on both sides who dont know each other are killing each other for old men on both sides who do know each other." Elon Musk

If that doesnt wake some PF member up as to how stupid continuing this war is, nothing will.

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #41

I wonder if Elon Musk is on his way to become a future US prez.....maybe the overnext or after that turn?

He for sure makes now his first experiences in the whole politics business....

30 Oct 2024  #42

wonder if Elon Musk is on his way to become a future US prez...

He's inelligible without a constitutional amendment. Only native born citizens are elligible.That's why there was so much fuss about Obama's birth certificate... (though Kenya was a red herring, it's very likely he was born in Canada though the establishment stonewalled and gaslit people into pretending it didn't matter).

But everyone knows Musk was not born a citizen so.... no presidency for him (thank Isis... he'd be awful).

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #43

He's inelligible without a constitutional amendment.

Interesting....I didn't know that!

Well then....there goes that idea :)

cms neuf
30 Oct 2024  #44

Young men from Ukraine are defending their homes and families. North Nigerian troops are invading a peaceful neighbor - ridiculous to compare them

Zelensky is not old (he's 7 years younger than Musk) and he's not a murderer or a rapist.

Ignore anything Musk says unless it's about technology

30 Oct 2024  #45

w stupid continuing this war is

At this stage there are two options....

keep fighting until defeat or the development of Ukrainian nuclear weapons

surrender to russia

any other option is just kicking the can down the road since russia will not honor any negotiated agreement anymore than it honored the various minsks...

I think the first option is the only realistic one. It does require western (esp European) governments to really step up instead of bleating about support while doing jack... and the US honoring its promises (only about half of promised aid has actually made it to Ukraine) would not hurt

This is freedom vs tyranny and _only_ those supporting Ukraine are on the side of freedom.

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #46

surrender to russia

I wonder if Moscow ever thought that through!

Again....it would be the same situation as two years back, only in reverse. Putin invaded Ukraine to gain land and people back....okay. But with a surrendered Ukraine he would gain only alot of hostile land and people. Land and people that doesn't want to be Russians...something Russia will always have to fight with....a future center of lotsa problems and costs....and totally unnecessary!

So....somehow I doubt it will end in a total surrender of Ukraine....more speaks for a partition.

30 Oct 2024  #47

(though Kenya was a red herring, it's very likely he was born in Canada though the establishment stonewalled and gaslit people into pretending it didn't matter).

His birth was announced in the local newspaper in Hawaii. Perhaps the most demented QAnonners pretend to believe there was a decades long plot and the ad was put there with a view to him becoming President decades later. They really are that nutty.

Musk is of course a type of Saffer. Hard to know why the birth rule exists; Boris Johnson was born in New York, perhaps he should stand as president.

Anyone who thinks that Ukies give up easily, doesn't know Ukies. Right now, wearing r*SSia slowly down and watching them squirm to Turkiye and become China and India's bĂ­tch seems to be the least worst option. r*Sia have already escalated this by involving North Korea as a belligerent; they cannot complain if Ukraine were to do that.

This is freedom vs tyranny and _only_ those supporting Ukraine are on the side of freedom.

This is true.

30 Oct 2024  #48

will not honor any negotiated agreement anymore than it honored the various minsks...

source apart from twitter and fakepedia? if one looks at the academic literature and in depth analasys it was actually Ukraine that did not honour minsk 1 and 2 for a couple of reasons.

30 Oct 2024  #49

it was actually Ukraine that did not honour minsk 1 and 2

Do tell....


30 Oct 2024  #50

Land and people

Crimea has a strategic value. It allows to dominate the Black sea.
Putin is not after some land or people althought he won't scoff at those either. He is after a total domination of the area east of the Polish border, that is his plan minimum.

30 Oct 2024  #51

I've been in business that eventually has been dominated by Ukrainians (after a couple of years they moved to Cyprus to establish headquarters there). Competing with them was very challenging; they have become better at what they did than the business pioneers who invented the niche. To get to the #1 in the world, they used all kinds of illegal tricks, including hacking prominent, even government websites to spam search engines, establishing fake companies/subcontractors, etc.. They were into some other shady tricks that secured their top business positions.

Because of that, I do not trust them as a nation. I feel Poles and the Polish government underestimate their abilities and they could outsmart them to reach their personal goals if given too many opportunities. Of course, not Ukrainians are bad, but in general I'd be very careful not to be taken advantage of.

30 Oct 2024  #52

This is freedom vs tyranny and _only_ those supporting Ukraine are on the side of freedom.

...and you are a moron...Next time come up with something more original that this puke-inducing "freedom and democracy". BTW, you forgot "democracy" so I did it for you...

This is the tyranny in Russia. Did you know that they all were executed the next day for not singing loud enough...

30 Oct 2024  #53

Because of that, I do not trust them as a nation

Do you trust russians?

30 Oct 2024  #54

Do you trust russians?

I'd say that Russia has greater goals than Ukraine or Poland; it's not the same league. But Poland and Ukraine are in the same league and competing with each other. Zelensky has been a bully towards both the EU and the US; imagine what would be happening if Ukraine was in the EU or Nato, they would use every trick to get the most from them. Who would lose in that case? Countries like Poland or other Baltic countries. Ukraine showed their true colors with their grain and oil exports to the EU.

30 Oct 2024  #55

Do you trust russians?

As opposed to whom? Poles, Gypsies, Jews, Biden, or Kamala?

The answer is: You should. Especially Putin who way back said: Ukraine will not be in NATO because I said so.

Western warmongers didn't trust Putin and that's why 500,000 Ukrainians are fvcking dead now, you moron...

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #56

Putin is not after some land or people

Probably, but his supporter are (mostly)....he needs to keep that in mind.

30 Oct 2024  #57

As a reminder...

In April 2022, Z and P were about to agree on this:

1. Russia keeps Crimea
2. Ukraine keeps the rest
3. Ukraine will stay neutral and out of NATO
4. Russians living in Ukraine will be treated well as a minority.

Then came the US MICC and that POS Boris Johnson, followed by a million dead men.

30 Oct 2024  #58

I think the whole war is about Crimea, unlimited natural resources. The EU and the US know it, so they chose the war rather than giving up Crimea. Russia will be at war as long as Crimea is not a part of Russia. There may be some ways to negotiate it. For Poland and the EU a good deal would be to get the Kaliningrad Oblast region. How about that - the EU/US give Russia Crimea, Russia gives Poland the Kaliningrad Oblast and the war is over.

30 Oct 2024  #59

Crimea, unlimited natural resources.

what resources do you mean?

30 Oct 2024  #60

Russia will be at war as long as Crimea is not a part of Russia.

Crimea is part of the Russian Federation. You are 10 years late with that comment.
so they chose the war rather than giving up Crimea.

You can't "give up" what is not yours.

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