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How fascist are you?

Bratwurst Boy
19 Dec 2019  #61

It's about welfare, isn't it?

Is someone a fascist who wants the state to take care of those who can't help themselves?

19 Dec 2019  #62

Nor is somebody a Socialist 'scuse me, a "Communist" who believes that Robin Hood may have had the best of intentions, though foolish and unworkable in their execution.

I'm a New Deal Democrat, yet would hardly consider myself a Socialist, certainly not a Social Democrat.

Rich Mazur
19 Dec 2019  #63

Is someone a fascist who wants the state to take care of those who can't help themselves?

The state has no business feeding, clothing and housing anybody. Its only role is to do what the citizens are absolutely incapable of doing by themselves. Like national defense, espionage, counterintelligence and such.

Taking care of the fellow citizens who may have fallen on hard times is done best by local and private charities funded by private donations with the main objective being as few "clients" as possible - ideally zero.

Once you create a government department of welfare, from day one, these scumbags want to build an empire since this is how you get promoted. Under no circumstances will these parasites allow "their" department to be abolished and closed. To that effect, it will be their solemn duty to make sure that they will have as many welfare bums as possible.

When the Prohibition was over, the feds had a lot of useless parasites on the payroll. Instead of letting them go, they created BATF.

Do you really think that the DEA wants to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the US? If you do, you are really naive.

19 Dec 2019  #64

So for you, Rich, the State is, well, sort of a caretaker observer, a kind of voyeur if you will, looking on while stuff happens, only not doing a blessed thing to help, right? If you see a drowning man, would you throw them a life preserver?

How can citizens end up doing for themselves without the proper tools?

Rich Mazur
19 Dec 2019  #65

Hey, Lyzko, do me a favor and never comment on my posts. You make me literally sick.

20 Dec 2019  #66

Or figuratively?
Two people can agree to disagree. You explain your point of view and I/we show you where perhaps you're a little mixed up. Fair? Democratic?


johnny reb
21 Dec 2019  #67

Haha... Im 38% fascist Iron!

I finally found time to take this test.
Joker you are correct as they slipped some loaded questions in there that could be answered either way and still be acceptable.
Anyways I scored 36%.

21 Dec 2019  #68

Is someone a fascist who wants the state

A big state for a nation that is allegedly fascists'. I bet Germans would score high on this test because they are big believers in an omnipotent state. some could call communist's are too but with them it is so on a practical level. On an ideological level they are not about a one nation state or a nation state. Whilst so called big gov. and a nation state is a part of the fascist ideology.

By the way scoring 40% or so is not a big deal. It doesn't mean you are fascist or some such. it only say that your ideas are overlying somewhat with fascist ideology. To phrase it better it share the same view on things in say 36%.

I would worry if you scored like 90 - 100%.

Bratwurst Boy
21 Dec 2019  #69

I bet Germans would score high on this test because they are big believers in an omnipotent state.

I'm not so sure Iron, historically Germans are late to state building...dwelling quite happily in their many little fiefdoms. And even right now Germans prefer their federation to a really strong centralist state like others in Europe.

Where do you get the notion that "they are big believers in an omnipotent state" anyhow?

21 Dec 2019  #70

The state has no business feeding, clothing and housing anybody

Agreed, it doesn't and anyone who thinks the state should be anything more than an organiser of defence, law and order, infrastructure, international trade deals etc is an idiot.

The state should interfere as little as possible in the freedom of individuals.

Rich Mazur
21 Dec 2019  #71

Milo, I got to admit that I am thankful for your posts. For a while, it felt like me against the whole PF.

Bratwurst Boy
21 Dec 2019  #72

I've thought you like that! :)

Rich Mazur
21 Dec 2019  #73

I thought so too until I realized that this is not a courtroom where I could compel an answer to the question I actually asked instead of getting unrelated lectures. That should be an MO here: address the post you are replying to first (part A) and then deliver your brilliance as part B.

johnny reb
22 Dec 2019  #74

And then limit yourself to six or less posts a day with half of them being about Poland or Polish people. (part C)

Rich Mazur
22 Dec 2019  #75

We already have the limiters in place. Those are called moderators and the administrator.

johnny reb
22 Dec 2019  #76

Who have been doing an EXCELLENT job lately.
Notice how everyone has been getting along without the trouble makers here stalking (targeting), provoking and bullying people ?

We already have the limiters in place.

"Most" here show those manners anyways.

Rich Mazur
22 Dec 2019  #77

Who have been doing an EXCELLENT job lately.

...and have been very patient....

22 Dec 2019  #78

Milo, I got to admit that I am thankful for your posts. For a while, it felt like me against the whole PF.

Mate, I usually agree with you but just think that you punch too hard sometimes. (As I have said to you many times)
But no, you are not alone on here.

22 Dec 2019  #79

here do you get the notion that "they are big believers in an omnipotent state" anyhow?

just the feeling I got from reading up 19th century German history. Germany as Italy are both new countries created by conquest and some skillful propaganda which demands a great leap of fate and an application of specifically tailored historical narrative. Great job much better done than in the case of Italy.

Aha, one of those side effects are the state above all dogma.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Dec 2019  #80

Germany as Italy are both new countries created by conquest

Well....I would then rather look at the european ex-empires for that too...

23 Dec 2019  #81

Why? If you talk France and England those are completely different stories.

Bratwurst Boy
23 Dec 2019  #82


Especially France! It is a deeply centralist state where people take to the streets for more state welfare all the time (as just right now). And compared to the french violent and brutal conquests during the centuries Germany is a newborn baby.

23 Dec 2019  #83

You mean by that statement, I figure, that the French will more than gladly "take to the streets" (auf den Putz hauen) to protest, right?

With all due respect, today's Germans in NO way resemble those of the failed Vormaerz in 1848!

Bratwurst Boy
23 Dec 2019  #84

When are the French not protesting and demanding from their state?

24 Dec 2019  #85


Because we are not talking about conquest or colonization per se. We are talking about conquest in fact but are called wars of unifications or some such. second part of the 19th century is a big late for creating a nation hence all shortcuts and brainwashing at schools.

Forced and often artificial unification as posed to natural and organic unifications of tribes and lands as in France, England's or Poland's example.

Look at Italy, Maybe a Papal state wasn't big in creating national identity and hence could have been devoured and digested by Piedmont quite easily. It is not the case when it comes to the Kingdom of Sicily.

It is a deeply centralist state

Due to the Revolution and Jacobines not 19th myth and nation building.

Bratwurst Boy
24 Dec 2019  #86

Forced and often artificial unification

Every nation state is an artificial unification, Iron! :)

But there really is a clear measurement of an "omnipotent state"....is a nation centralist where all the power lays in the capital (like France or Russia) or is a nation a ederation with strong and independent states within the country (like Germany or the US)?

Because a federation is the counter argument of an "omnipotent state"! Germany has nearly all of it's history existed as a federation of some kind...just think about it....

Bratwurst Boy
24 Dec 2019  #87

PS: French agressions helped german nation building btw (Wars of Liberation)....just because you as a Pole see the close neighbour Germany constantly through unfavourable eyes doesn't mean a somewhat more distant country is somehow better...or more peaceful...or not an "believer in an omnipotent state".

You are just totally biased!

Rich Mazur
24 Dec 2019  #88

Quoting from somewhere...

WATCH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tells crowd at Bernie rally America is 'not an advanced society', it's 'FASCISM"
In the full speech, she bashes imperialism, then just seconds later says we have to establish justice "abroad" so .. figure that one out. She also basically calls for revolution, says the "movement" has to "take it to the streets."

Yes, dear brick, and you are the face of the American version of fascism. Lipstick or not.

24 Dec 2019  #89

Germany has nearly all of it's history existed as a federation of some kind...just think about it...

Germany existed as a lots of states more or less independent. In fact there were no Germany as a state. That is what I mean. It has to be created by the military force and coercion. That is an artificial process. Natural one is getting there slowly step by step.

You are just totally biased!

so are you. We cannot help the fact we are biased I at least try to think outside the box. You not so much, in my opinion.

Bratwurst Boy
24 Dec 2019  #90

In fact there were no Germany as a state. That is what I mean. It has to be created by the military force and coercion.

Thank the French!

It was better to unify than to be further terrorized be the already unified and hence much stronger France...

Just pull your bias out of your eyes, Iron....France is everything you hate in a country, not Germany! :)

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