Its abominable that Poland goes against Russia.
Oh, is it Poland who invaded a Russian neighbour? Is it Poland that makes thinly veiled suggestion of invading Russia next? Is it Poland that makes retarded nuclear threats against Russia?
Get a grip of yourself, Crow.
I am the only person talking sense Torq
Russian failure to achieve their war aims stems from the fact that they directed too small forces into too many operational directions. Go figure - Great Russia, not enough infantry, but that's another issue (demography and all that). If they concentrated on Donbas and the southern direction from the very beginning, without the chaotic attempt at taking Kiev, they would most likely win the war. But that's what they do - they landed close to Prague in 1968 and marched toward government buildings, and then we had the operation "Storm-333" in 1979 when they took the presidential palace in Kabul and killed the Afghan president. Well, Kiev is not Kabul, it turned out. I bet they had Yanukovych ready on a plane somewhere to take over. :)
Also, their decision loop is faulty, that's why all those Russian high officers died in the opening phase of the war - they tried to conduct too many things personally themselves, dopychać kurwa kolanem, to co powinni zrobić porucznicy i kapitanowie.
Plus, they did towards Ukraine what you are currently doing towards Russia - severely underestimated them. It never ends well. Sure, I get it - mental blueprints are difficult to overcome, and Poles in general always saw all things Russian as inferior in quality - but at the moment it's about the safety of our fatherland, Cms, we have to overcome old blueprints in thinking. If we don't think clearly and realistically, we're f*cked.
the reverted to WW1 artillery tactics
But their artillery IS impressive, and not WW1 at all. That's the part of Russian army we should be most wary of. Anyways, I am spending unholy amounts of time here recently. Gotta do some work for a change. Take care.