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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11

14 May 2024  #31

Ukraine was supported by 40+ rich countries, including the richest country in the world

Define "support".... much (as much as 40%) of promised help (especially arms) has never actually shown up and much of the help came with crippling restrictions (like the US not wanting Ukraine to hit military targets in russia).

The US, as is its wont, is treating russia like a special needs child and trying to protect it from itself... not that it works... russians are immune to feelings of gratitude and bitterly resent anything like goodwill...

Sad pathetic loser country.

14 May 2024  #32

Its abominable that Poland goes against Russia.

Oh, is it Poland who invaded a Russian neighbour? Is it Poland that makes thinly veiled suggestion of invading Russia next? Is it Poland that makes retarded nuclear threats against Russia?

Get a grip of yourself, Crow.

I am the only person talking sense Torq


Russian failure to achieve their war aims stems from the fact that they directed too small forces into too many operational directions. Go figure - Great Russia, not enough infantry, but that's another issue (demography and all that). If they concentrated on Donbas and the southern direction from the very beginning, without the chaotic attempt at taking Kiev, they would most likely win the war. But that's what they do - they landed close to Prague in 1968 and marched toward government buildings, and then we had the operation "Storm-333" in 1979 when they took the presidential palace in Kabul and killed the Afghan president. Well, Kiev is not Kabul, it turned out. I bet they had Yanukovych ready on a plane somewhere to take over. :)

Also, their decision loop is faulty, that's why all those Russian high officers died in the opening phase of the war - they tried to conduct too many things personally themselves, dopychać kurwa kolanem, to co powinni zrobić porucznicy i kapitanowie.

Plus, they did towards Ukraine what you are currently doing towards Russia - severely underestimated them. It never ends well. Sure, I get it - mental blueprints are difficult to overcome, and Poles in general always saw all things Russian as inferior in quality - but at the moment it's about the safety of our fatherland, Cms, we have to overcome old blueprints in thinking. If we don't think clearly and realistically, we're f*cked.

the reverted to WW1 artillery tactics

But their artillery IS impressive, and not WW1 at all. That's the part of Russian army we should be most wary of. Anyways, I am spending unholy amounts of time here recently. Gotta do some work for a change. Take care.

14 May 2024  #33

Oh, is it Poland who invaded a Russian neighbour?

EU did. Plus, EU and NATO invaded Serbia. Ukraine in itself is the problem to Russia (and to all Slavs) but, its just the tip of the iceberg.

Is it Poland that makes thinly veiled suggestion of invading Russia next? Is it Poland that makes retarded nuclear threats against Russia?

Well, one who looks from outside can easily say that Poland gladly ``offering`` itself.

Not to mention Duda`s comment about US nukes on Poland`s soil to which Tusk reacted to correct damage what Duda made.

14 May 2024  #34

NATO is fvcked. It has three choices:

1. Throw the towel in and look like incompetent morons.
2. Throw its own men in and face riots at home.
3. Throw its own men in, face riots at home, and throw the towel in. See Vietnam.

I am not sure which one I am going to going to enjoy more.

Did I mention I hate NATO and Western Europe?

What were their war aims?

1. Prevent Ukraine from going NATO. Check.
2. Get CDL. Check.

Didn't I tell to wait till the adults are done talking?

Mr Grunwald
14 May 2024  #35

Poland gladly ``offering`` itself.

That's because you are brainwashed by German/Soviet propaganda and see Poland as weak and unable to defend itself.

Poland is barely showing that it has teeth and is not to be trifled with, Poland has to show it is an active regional leader when it comes to stability, co-operation and military defence and neighbourly support. Just as Serbia showed it to Balkans during ww1. Which is why other Balkan nations were willing to form Yugoslavia, they saw Austrian and Italian failures and incompetence and were impressed by Serbian resilience to be sure.

Yet what is Serbia reduced to? Provocations regarding Kosovo and bitterness towards earlier Yugoslav wars participants.

You know how far Poland would be with German bitterness? Historical grievances with all neighbours and non-EU membership? Not very far and nowhere

That's what Ukraine as a whole has spotted (including its elites), which is why they try to copycat Poland but, on a later more dangerous stage.

Belarusian youth and Russian youth sees it too, but are limited with what they can do in their own countries compared to Ukraine.

Serbia has only its ruling group as an obstacle.
Do you want Serbia to be shining example of Balkans or Pariah? I think it's easy choice

14 May 2024  #36

Poland as weak and unable to defend itself.

The US is very strong and still unable to defend itself.
Only moviegoers love wars and expect the heroes to gladly die for their country.
I lived under "communism" and am OK now because my DNA doesn't include moron-hero markers.

14 May 2024  #37

1. Prevent Ukraine from going NATO. Check.

Not really. For decades after this war (which might itself last a decade) Ukraine will be fiercely anti-Russian and pro-Western, without being a member of NATO. And guess what units will be stationed at the demarcation line in Donbas? NATO units (most likely Polish).

You can save it for future reference and quote me on that. :)

2. Get CDL. Check.

I wouldn't be so fast with this "check" either, Novi. :)

I am not sure which one I am going to going to enjoy more. Did I mention I hate NATO and Western Europe?

You're so emotional, like a woman. You have to be more like me - I'm a huge Russophile but I don't let my immense love for Russia blind my judgement. A man should control his emotions, Rich.

my DNA doesn't include moron-hero markers

You're Polish. Being a member of LGBT community (T for trans, as in trans-American) doesn't change your genes. There's plethora of moron-hero markers in your DNA. Sorry.

14 May 2024  #38

There's a plethora of moron-hero markers in your DNA. Sorry.

Either I didn't notice or I was one of the few lucky ones. Cemeteries are full of moron-hero types with weeds growing over the grave markers...

You're so emotional, like a woman.

That was an insult it will take a long time for me to forgive you for...
As far as emotional...I have yet to meet a more unemotional and cynical guy than me...except when I listen to the Russian national anthem or watch the May 9 parade. I wish I could be there...

For decades after this war

Russia's objective is similar to Israel's...Make Ukraine as unlivable as possible to make the enemy go somewhere else. So far, Russia has been successful.

Out of 40 million Ukrainian citizens in 2020, how many are still there - not counting those who self-identify as Russians? 10?

14 May 2024  #39

That was an insult it will take a long time for me to forgive you for...


I know. That was a surgical strike at the most painful point. I'm an arsehole like that.

how many are still there

Enough to keep fighting, and defend their homeland, and that's what counts. Poland got a couple of million of workforce? So much the better.

I will tell you a secret, but please don't tell anyone: whether there is democracy in Ukraine, we don't care; whether there is freedom of press, we don't care; whether it is ruled by cleptomaniac oligarchs, we hardly give a f*ck. However, whether they serve as a buffer separating us from Russia - we care a lot.

The same goes for Belarus - Ukraine has this Kalinouski regiment ready, to reinforce "freedom forces" in Belarus when opportunity arises, and we will most likely start training at least two additional regiments too, for the purpose of extending the safety buffer. But, if the Potato Fuhrer comes to his senses and comes to the conclusion that he wants to re-orientate his country towards the West (like Jaruzelski re-oriented Poland towards the West) we will leave the moustachioed romeo in his position. Realpolitik and all that.

14 May 2024  #40

However, whether they serve as a buffer separating us from Russia - we care a lot.

Torq, you are a genius!!! Russia feels exactly the same! Let's celebrate this rare moment where Poland and Russia are in agreement.
BTW, I have e to say that you represent Poland here very well. For this, I forgive you for that "woman" insult. You suffered long enough...

14 May 2024  #41

Torq, you are a genius!

An amateur strategist merely.

I forgive you for that "woman" insult.

It is a Christian thing to forgive. :) Thank you.

14 May 2024  #42

And you think' they are doing well because the reverted to WW1 artillery tactics

If Russia is reverting to WWI tactics then I'm really concerned, because they had a good weekend with such tactics.

During this whole stupid a$$ war, I've never had a sense of how things were going to turn out. But, after this weekend and Russia's advances near Karkhiv, I got this eery feeling that Ukraine lost an opportunity to keep much of its country. The severe lack of manpower and exhaustion being reported amongst the fighters they actually have has me thinking no amount of western aid is going to keep Ukraine intact.

14 May 2024  #43

russia as a death cult.... chapter 458

russian tv tells soldiers to kill themselves rather than be taken prisoner, especially if they're injured


translation: russians don't want to look at a bunch of war cripples or pay for them... lots of russians are happy to send family members to gruesome deaths as long as they get a new set of bath towels and a big bag of frozen pelmeni...

14 May 2024  #44

russian tv tells soldiers to kill themselves

I don't know who this bald Sergey c*nt in the video is, but bastards like this should be sent to the front first, and their "kill yourself when you're wounded" videos showed to all his unit mates. His kind is the lowest of the low - talking about sacrificing yourself whilst sitting safely hundreds of kilometres from the front. Vomit-inducing lowlife.

Real soldier spirit of brotherhood will always be "never leave our own", "take care of the wounded", "all for one, one for all", not what this pale onanist is advocating. I hope he will be properly dealt with by Russian soldiers themselves (perhaps one of the wounded who survived, saved by his brothers in arms).

lots of russians are happy to send family members to gruesome deaths as long as they get a new set of bath towels and a big bag of frozen pelmeni

This is, of course, raging nonsense.

14 May 2024  #45

This is, of course, raging nonsense

Okay... an extreme example but... hardly unique


14 May 2024  #46

whether there is democracy in Ukraine, we don't care; whether there is freedom of press, we don't care;

How about you speak for yourself?

we will leave the moustachioed romeo in his position.

"We" are not in a position to "leave" or not leave anyone in power in Belarus. 🤨

The severe lack of manpower and exhaustion being reported amongst the fighters they actually have

On this topic - an interview with a Polish reserve colonel (I'm guessing PolAm and Bobko will like this one):


14 May 2024  #47

you speak for yourself?

I certainly wasn't thinking of you when I said "we". And let's leave it at that. :)

"We" are not in a position to "leave" or not leave anyone in power in Belarus.

But we are going to be. :)

14 May 2024  #48

has me thinking no amount of Western aid is going to keep Ukraine intact.

...but it sure will keep people dying...
If this was boxing, the referee would have stopped it a long time ago...

14 May 2024  #49

I certainly wasn't thinking of you when I said "we". And let's leave it at that. :)

No, let's not :), because you do that quite often. So who were you talking about when you wrote "we"?

But we are going to be. :)

Really? How? lol

14 May 2024  #50

who were you talking about when you wrote "we"?


Really? How?

Ciiii 2


14 May 2024  #51

@Torq, the enemy is not only listening, but also using your careless words:

Torq, you are a genius!!! Russia feels exactly the same! Let's celebrate this rare moment where Poland and Russia are in agreement.

14 May 2024  #52

the enemy is not only listening, but also using your careless words

Dear child, we know exactly what we can and what we cannot say.

14 May 2024  #53

@Torq, are you Borg or sth? lol 😂 And you clearly don't know.

Sorry, Torq, but you don't speak on behalf of all Poles or Poland.

And no, Novichok, Poland/Poles don't feel exactly the same as RuSSia. Poland and RuSSia aren't "in agreement" here. Torq is a nationalist and he doesn't represent majority of Poles, imho.

14 May 2024  #54

are you Borg or sth?

Kind of but more benevolent. :)

Torq is a nationalist

You use such nasty words, Paulina. I prefer to be called oikophile, thank you.

Now, we have some important things to attend to. See you tomorrow.

14 May 2024  #55

On this topic - an interview with a Polish reserve colonel

The reports of a major lack of manpower are coming from everywhere, which means it's most certainly true.

The biggest blunder, IMO, is the obstinate goal of Ukraine/ West to drive Russia completely out. There was a moment when a deal could have been made where Russia saved face and Ukraine maintained territory it controlled since 2013.

I fear that moment has passed. It seems it's more probable that it's now all about attrition. Russia wins that war.

...but it sure will keep people dying...

An effing tragedy.

All because the wardogs wanted to see Russia on its knees drawing its last breath and Z and his boys wanted to be some kind of Uke hero or something. Just really stupid stuff. Hubris and stupidity.

I'm guessing PolAm and Bobko will like this one

Bobko is Russian so I'd think he would. Be shocking if he didn't. Why PAK? He isn't pro-Russian.

14 May 2024  #56

The reports of a major lack of manpower are coming from everywhere, which means it's most certainly true.

Yes, I've read about them long before this interview...

All because the wardogs wanted to see Russia on its knees drawing its last breath and Z and his boys wanted to be some kind of Uke hero or something.

I think many "boys" wanted to be heroes and they were and still are. It's normal to want to defend your country and kick out the invader completely - who wouldn't want that?

Also - who wouldn't want to see RuSSia on its knees? That vile country f*cking deserves it. But
dreams and reality are two different things, I'm afraid.

Why PAK?

Because he kept repeating that Ukraine should have mobilised earlier, etc.

He isn't pro-Russian.

I didn't claim that he is.

14 May 2024  #57


Nice word!

Also - who wouldn't want to see RuSSia on its knees? That vile country f*cking deserves it.

I can see why Russia is insecure and defensive. Maybe Putin realized that he better strike before being stricken first by those who want his vile country brought to its knees.

14 May 2024  #58

I can see why Russia is insecure and defensive.

Really? Why?

Maybe Putin realized that he better strike before being stricken first by those who want his vile country brought to its knees.

My dear oikophile... I only started wanting to see RuSSia on its knees when RuSSia invaded Ukraine... Not before... Get it?

14 May 2024  #59

All because the wardogs wanted to see Russia on its knees drawing its last breath and Z and his boys wanted to be some kind of Uke hero or something.

Even a genius like me couldn't say it any better...

It was all about "let's rip off US taxpayers and, as a bonus, take a shot at making Russia weaker". Maybe they will work and Russia will fall apart and be a replay of Yugoslavia.

NATO planes over Moscow just like over Belgrade ... better than fvcking Kim...or Kate...

Well, surprise, surprise...not happening...oh, shyt ... This damn Putin... Now let's figure out quickly how to justify billions spent and 600,000 men dead...Or count on that black hole...again...and stop mentioning Ukraine...

14 May 2024  #60

Even a genius like me couldn't say it

That's because AntV is even a bigger "oikophile" than Torq (even if closeted, unlike Torq) :)

Now let's figure out quickly how to justify billions spent and 600,000 men dead...

As far as I remember Putin claimed that it's to protect Russian speakers in Ukraine from "Nazis" :)) I wonder if they feel "protected" six feet under.

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