We'll leave them be, in their historical Galician and Wolynian borders
Hmm... probably a bit more than that but in general that's the idea.
Such solution would not be the worst scenario for the world. First of all, it would bring some poetic justice to all the current worshippers of Bandera, SS-Galizien etc. but still
would leave the decent Ukrainians with a country of their own - the country that would probably be admitted to the EU and closely tied with NATO. From part of the demobilised Ukrainian army, units of Registered Cossacks would be created as a sort of Polish Foreign Legion.
That's a start.
Also, the lack of complete Ukrainian collapse would allow to avoid the Polish-Russian war and this, in turn, would allow both Russian and Polish nations to finally achieve their manifest destiny:
Russian, to bring the glory of Slavia to Asia, and concentrate on this task without interfering with Europe, creating a great counterbalance for the soulless Chinese hive and making sure that Slavic Civilisation shines as a beacon there (who knows, maybe Reverse Kissinger would appear on the table too);
Polish, through our leading position in Intermarium, to safeguard the glory of Slavia in Europe, and concentrate on this task without interfering with our Russian brothers' business in Asia, creating a common sense and tradition bastion to counterbalance western European wokism.
A win-win situation. I think in such case we could even consider leaving the mustachioed kolkhoz Romeo in power in Belarus, to address the paranoid fears of our Russian friends and partners connected with Smolensk Gate.
Finally something positive and optimistic for the future of the world begins to emerge in the PF startegy section after all the recent doom and gloom! :)