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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11

16 May 2024  #91

Are you telling me that Russia haters would lie? I am so shocked I am speechless...

I am soooo sorry...I meant they would deviate from the truth...

16 May 2024  #92

I am so shocked

Don't expect much from those who were raped in the brain with a teaspoon from Goebbels' cupboard while they were still in infancy. ;)

16 May 2024  #93

raped in the brain with a teaspoon from Goebbels' cupboard


Veli, your literary talent is wasted in cryptocurrency mining. You should consider prose writing as full-time career.

16 May 2024  #94

Don't expect much

I would appreciate "We lied" once in a while...U and R casualties, for example...And that kids "kidnapped" and fed to the bears...

16 May 2024  #95

I would appreciate "We lied" once in a while

Truth is the first victim of any war. Alas.

16 May 2024  #96

Ruling mobs lie all the time.

16 May 2024  #97

The wife of the shooter of the Slovak prime minister has been detained.

According to local media reports, 71-year-old Cintula's wife was a refugee from Ukraine and had methodically set her husband up for revenge because of Robert Fitzo's rhetoric on the issue of Ukraine's financing.

16 May 2024  #98

@Velund, I'm just dying to see you posting link to this info :D

Go ahead, don't by shy... 😎

16 May 2024  #99

I'm just dying to see

Reddit discussion about assasination attempt, in comments was link to @Andjela_Sipovac, serbian blogger who published that information.

16 May 2024  #100

Just apply Cui bono approach to this assassination attempt. CIA, MI5, globalist elites, Soros are all definitely interested in his death.

16 May 2024  #101

CIA, MI5, globalist elites, Soros

Don't be silly.

Generally, if a r*SSian says something, the opposite is true. If it is an 'official' spokesperson, then the opposite is always 100% true.

16 May 2024  #102

serbian blogger


Did that "Serbian blogger" provide any link to those "local media reports"? :)

16 May 2024  #103

Yesterday I read a short story by famous "Ukrainian" author M. A. Bulgakov called "I Killed".

If modern Ukrainians read this brilliant story, their asses would explode.

Here, I found a decent English translation. It will take you a maximum of 20-30 minutes to read it:


16 May 2024  #104

Reading about Bulgakov's attitude towards the Petlyura regime actually makes me appreciate even more Putin's charge of Nazism.

Through pogroms he engineered and provided cover for, 50,000-200,000 Jews perished during the so called Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921.

When his pitiful state was crushed, and he had to flee like a dog to France - he was killed. Killed by Sholem Schwarzbard, a Ukrainian Jew, in vengeance for the pogroms his regime instigated.

At the trial of Sholem Schwarzbard, the French judge acquitted him of all charges. It was proven beyond a shade of doubt that Petlyura knew about and actively encouraged the pogroms.

Today, there are 500+ streets in Ukraine named after him. He's on the postage stamps. There are museums...

Honestly, this whole state is built on rotten and evil foundations, and that's why they can never find happiness in life.

They don't deserve a "Korean Scenario", or "Finnish Scenario", but their own uniquely retarded "Ukrainian Scenario".

The Koreans and Finns did not destroy their own economy, decimate their own population, erase their own history, or void themselves of any kind of future - just to spite the Muscovites.

Hate for Russia has always been fatal for Ukraine.

16 May 2024  #105

Honestly, this whole state is built on rotten and evil foundations, and that's why they can never find happiness in life.

You can say the same about Putin's RuSSia. So, what kind of "uniquely retarded RuSSian Scenario" do RuSSians deserve?

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Bobko.

16 May 2024  #106

Bobko, I will never try to make you a better debater beyond this:

Russia needs only one reason to invade Ukraine. All additional reasons, as true as they may be, dilute and diminish Reason 1.

Your Honor, I shot him because he shot at me first and said my wife is an ugly wh*re. One reason too many.

The Nazi reason is a very bad reason to justify an invasion.

16 May 2024  #107


Russia has been around for 1,200+ years.

Ukraine emerges every couple centuries like an overripe pimple, explodes in an eruption of pus, and then disappears again... until the next time the idiocy coefficient reaches 1.0.

Bratwurst Boy
16 May 2024  #108

until the next time

....maybe just leave them alone and heal on its own at the fresh air? ;)

16 May 2024  #109

Russia has been around for 1,200+ years.

And it didn't learn anything... How f*cking sad is that?

Ukraine emerges every couple centuries

And you haven't noticed a pattern yet? You didn't learn anything? I will explain it to you then - every time you make Ukraine "disappear" it just pops up again - eventually - and hates you even more. So how about you take a more healthy approach and change your diet? Leave them be and they may hate you less after a while.

....maybe just leave them alone and heal on its own at the fresh air? ;)


16 May 2024  #110

Leave them be

We'll leave them be, in their historical Galician and Wolynian borders, but we must take our cities back.

This will make it easier for you to integrate them into EU and NATO. The old Austrian and Polish portions, will be a nice organic fit for your club.

We'll be able to build a happy life for ourselves as well, and we will never have to talk to each other again.

Never having to listen again to your lectures, hysteria, and insults. That will be marvelous.

16 May 2024  #111

....maybe just leave them alone and heal on its own at the fresh air? ;)

Russia did just that...and then came that "revolution", NGOs, Soros, NATO crap talk, and 15,000 dead people who self-identified as Russians. To make them look bad, they were never freedom fighters. They were "separatists"...just a notch above terrorists.

What else did Russia need to act...

For reference, the US sent Marines to Grenada because a bunch of US medical students didn't feeeeeeel safe.

Bratwurst Boy
16 May 2024  #112

So....it will most probably end with a split of Ukraine to end that ethnic conflict? Yes?

Will Putin agree? Would Russians agree?

I guess if the EU sweetens the deal for West-Ukraine (with rebuilding-funds etc.) the Ukrainians will agree....also because better have something than nothing at all and a future under russian occupation!

16 May 2024  #113

We'll leave them be, in their historical Galician and Wolynian borders

Hmm... probably a bit more than that but in general that's the idea.

Such solution would not be the worst scenario for the world. First of all, it would bring some poetic justice to all the current worshippers of Bandera, SS-Galizien etc. but still would leave the decent Ukrainians with a country of their own - the country that would probably be admitted to the EU and closely tied with NATO. From part of the demobilised Ukrainian army, units of Registered Cossacks would be created as a sort of Polish Foreign Legion.

That's a start.

Also, the lack of complete Ukrainian collapse would allow to avoid the Polish-Russian war and this, in turn, would allow both Russian and Polish nations to finally achieve their manifest destiny:

- Russian, to bring the glory of Slavia to Asia, and concentrate on this task without interfering with Europe, creating a great counterbalance for the soulless Chinese hive and making sure that Slavic Civilisation shines as a beacon there (who knows, maybe Reverse Kissinger would appear on the table too);

- Polish, through our leading position in Intermarium, to safeguard the glory of Slavia in Europe, and concentrate on this task without interfering with our Russian brothers' business in Asia, creating a common sense and tradition bastion to counterbalance western European wokism.

A win-win situation. I think in such case we could even consider leaving the mustachioed kolkhoz Romeo in power in Belarus, to address the paranoid fears of our Russian friends and partners connected with Smolensk Gate.

Finally something positive and optimistic for the future of the world begins to emerge in the PF startegy section after all the recent doom and gloom! :)

16 May 2024  #114


If they use their position inside the EU and NATO to foment rebellion in Orthodox Ukraine - like the Pilsudski-supported Directory... then we will have to take action again.

The last war between Poland and Russia was started because of Polish support for the Petlyura regime. Poland thought it could weaken Russia by helping these dogs. What happened, in the event, was that soldiers of the Worker & Peasant Red Army were on the Vistula within 6 months.

So you take these retarded parts of Ukraine, but don't you dare give them any ideas.

16 May 2024  #115

We'll leave them be, in their historical Galician and Wolynian borders, but we must take our cities back.

You see, a RuSSian can be honest, when a RuSSian wants to :))) So it's not really about "Nazis", it's not about NATO, it's "good old" RuSSian imperialism and revanchism, as usual.

Russia did just that...

No, it didn't.

Never having to listen again to your lectures, hysteria, and insults.

I don't see how a border shift would change anything in this regard.

16 May 2024  #116

it's "good old" RuSSian imperialism and revanchism

of course.... russians only perceive the world through a lens of humiliation.... if they're not actively humiliating others they feel humiliated themselves....

destroying another country = humiliating someone else

friendly trade and diplomatic relations = humiliating to russians (because they're not humiliating their partners)

it is what it is, a culture by and for pathetic losers who can never be happy....

16 May 2024  #117

soldiers of the Worker & Peasant Red Army were on the Vistula within 6 months

The excursion, however, ended there and those who took part complained harshly about the course of the trip and conditions after arrival. ;)

it is what it is, a culture by and for pathetic losers who can never be happy

This is, of course, raging nonsense.

16 May 2024  #118


The greatest dream of the Good Marshal was always to restrain Russia to Asia and bring Poland back to her Jagiellonian glory days. A dreamer... some would even say a madman... his vision unrealistic (to say the least). Yes, but go figure - 2024 and his vision might be closer to realisation than anyone would ever dream to suspect.

History is a mysterious lady.

16 May 2024  #119


Yes, and in the first weeks, Poland managed to push all the way from the West and into Kiev. However, I believe Poland held Kiev for less than a week.

16 May 2024  #120

However, I believe Poland held Kiev for less than a week.

Painful time. Painful moments for both our brotherly nations.

Better to concentrate on the future as we will hold the torch of the Glory of Slavia - Russia in Asia and Poland in Europe.

I like your scenario. Win-win.

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Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11top