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Poland under pressure of EU to accept more asylum seeking refugees

15 Jul 2016  #2,491

Yes Polska takes ukrainian refugees gives them lives but the west has abandoned the ukis and you never see that on telly. Ever! They want Poland to take not just any refugees but the ones they say so mostly arabs from their failed oil wars. I am not sure if this is because they are corrupt trash bought out by arab noney or they don't like white people or they only want low iq migrants as slave labour. Whatever the reason for this I think they can definately shove their plan where the sun doesn't shine.

15 Jul 2016  #2,492

mafketis "I expect indigenous insurrections in Western Europe ", sadly this might come true, history shows it has happened before eg. bastille day

15 Jul 2016  #2,493

sadly this might come true, history shows it has happened before eg. bastille day


Also, this was my position before Brexit, Brexit might be a game changer (assuming the UK government follows through) in a good way. If it's undermined and or EU plans go forward then all bets are off.

The weird thing is that EU governments and EU politicians fear the indigenous population far more than they do terrorists. Pakistanis might sexually exploit kuffar young women and migrants might be overrepresented in all kinds of crimes and occasionally kill lots of civilians but they don't really aren't a threat to the EU politicians the way that indigneous European voters are.

15 Jul 2016  #2,494

"threat to the EU politicians the way that indigneous European voters are."

You hit the nail on the head.

The soviets were never worried about an armed conflict during the cold war, their greatest fear was that the people would rise against their tyranny, hence all the rules laws, policies , propaganda that was put in place to control the people, sound familiar?

15 Jul 2016  #2,495

Why should others be resentful of Poland,?

They hate us because of our race, obviously. We are white after all. Brits, Germans, Swedes, they all hate us whites.

15 Jul 2016  #2,496

it was carried out by a person similar to the ones that the EU wants to send to Poland - that makes it relevant.


It was carried out by a person. And has nothing to do with Poland...

And yet...

"Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has called a meeting of an inter-ministry anti-terrorism group on Friday following an attack that left at least 84 people dead in the southern French city of Nice."

Source: thenews.pl/1/2/Artykul/261915,Polish-Interior-Minister-convenes-antiterror-meeting-after-Nice-attack

So, have you found an interpreter yet to contact MSWIA on your behalf to complain about this meeting being held?

And please tell the forum why you think you weren't even invited to this meeting in light of your repeated stated agenda of the need for a borderless world and unrestricted movement of whomever from wherever to wherever with no questions asked.

It doesn't sound like anyone in Poland ever got your message of there being a "liberal current" sweeping through Polish society now does it?

15 Jul 2016  #2,497

They hate us because of our race, obviously. We are white after all. Brits, Germans, Swedes, they all hate us whites

Nonsense. Nothing to do with so-called race.

your repeated stated agenda


15 Jul 2016  #2,498


"And yes, one day we will have a world without borders, something we have to work towards."

- joan357

Source: https://polishforums.com/news/poland-brexit-affect-immigrants-77775/11/#msg1557606

Very foolish words indeed. Or as Plato put it...

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

15 Jul 2016  #2,499

And one day we will, Bieggers. But only when people of good will have worked towards that; and it will take a lot of work and a lot of time. You are however evidently not a person of good will.

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

The quote you just lifted from the Internet fits you perfectly. The second clause, anyway.

And there are still 84 families grieving because of religious fanaticism and ultra-conservative ideology.

15 Jul 2016  #2,500

"because of religious fanaticism and ultra-conservative ideology."

All allowed to thrive in Europe due to liberal leftists flawed ideology trying to cater for and pander to the crazy fanatics above.

It is is time to step up and stop living in this libtard fantasy of a perfect future world, and start dealing with the dangers that we currently face.

15 Jul 2016  #2,501

It is is time to step up and stop living in this libtard fantasy of a perfect future world

Utopians never give up on their dreams or allow reality to mar the beautiful thoughts in their heads....

15 Jul 2016  #2,502

You are however evidently not a person of good will.

Oh? So you would say then that the so-called "asylum seeking refugees" (aka the migrating self-serving economic opportunists cum ethno-theocratic extremists cum integration refuseniks masquerading as refugees) and their self-loathing one-worlder cultural marxist welcoming committee are the only "persons of good will."


Yep, whatever you say. Keep working on it.

15 Jul 2016  #2,503

Utopians never give up on their dreams or allow reality

Fortunately. Unfortunately it takes a hell of a long time and a lot of hard work to achieve.

15 Jul 2016  #2,504

And if some eggs (aka human lives) get broken along the way then so what? There's a grand omlet to make!

15 Jul 2016  #2,505

Unfortunately it takes a hell of a long time and a lot of hard work to achieve., meantime innocents die due to liberal dithering.

Here is a choice jon (you can add another if it does not involve dithering), we can all move on and also take care of refugees that need our help.

1. Allow the radicals to have their caliphate and draw up a peace treaty. radicals in the rest of the world would have a home, prisoners could be released to live with their own.

2. wipe them off the face of the earth quickly without dithering.

3. continue to dither, do nothing and watch citizens and refugees die.

15 Jul 2016  #2,506

And one day we will, Bieggers. But only when people of good will have worked towards that; and it will take a lot of work and a lot of time.

A hypothetical "borderless Europe" would mean the indigenous people have been overrun if not outright replaced by the 3rd World. When Poland is no longer Native, I hope it burns to the ground. Scorched earth strategy, leave nothing for the 3rd World invaders.

15 Jul 2016  #2,507

At least there is someone brave enough to stand up and say the king has no new clothes.

Nice attack was due to 'decades of multiculturalism and political correctness' says Polish Interior Minister

Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3692437/Nice-attack-decades-multiculturalism-political-correctness-says-Polish-Interior-Minister.html

15 Jul 2016  #2,508

Mariusz Błaszczak, nice to see people like him in our government.

15 Jul 2016  #2,509

Why wouldn't we , this guy is prepared to take the flak for daring to say things as they are, his only ambition is to keep our people safe from all this madness.

16 Jul 2016  #2,510

By the God, EU would now for sure ask from Poland to receive refuges from Turkey.

This is the end of EU. No, this is actually the end of the world as we know it. Things change rapidly.

There would be new Commonwealth around Poland or there would be sh**.

16 Jul 2016  #2,511

Typical over reactions here to everything. What even makes you think uk will leave eu to start with? Is it the lies they peddled to get an out vote? Smart people will win that in the end not a dummie with a keyboard. Same for the rest of the panic right wing made up comments on here.

16 Jul 2016  #2,512

some OUT voters might have been ignorant about the economic ramifications but safety has worsened since BREXIT vote. Thus some REMAIN voters would switch as well. Remember EU wants to give Turks vista free travel......

Stick to the topic please (Poland vs refugees)

16 Jul 2016  #2,513

Why Poland would embark on this madness?
This is what decades of multiculturalism and political correctness have done to France:
No life-expectancy adjusted population growth since 1789, an increasingly noticeable loss of IQ in spite of ideal material conditions (which will accelerate, because increasing prosperity has been largely tapped out and can no longer mask the underlying reality of dysgenics), and a third of the youth population replaced by brown degenerates. They're a stupid, hollow, nihilistic shell of what they used to be during the ancient regime, and all their resistance amounts to is idiotic populist nationalism.

How is humanity going to make it to Mars, or at least out of the gutter, if the only expanding populations are the morlocks of the world? They're the ones taking over, the shudra underclass. Not even absurd increases in life expectancy would matter for the fate of the bourgeois, as it begins to become apparent that breeding/fighting age is what matters in real politics. Mass produced drones will not matter because they are a form of capital which will become a commodity and thus profitless, or at least without excess profits, and wars in reality are fought for prime loot and sexual appeal. Sorry eloi. Sorry beta male kshatriyas. You don't know by either instinct or intellect what you're up against, and it's more merciful that way.

I question just what the French military has been doing for over 200 years. They should have set up an absolute monarchy by force if only because they could have used an actual victory. It reminds me of ancient civilizations that didn't invent the sword crossguard for thousands of years, or musket wielding armies that never figured out Maori loading. Even in their own specialty, they are only going through a mindless ritual without reflection. Just like they were taught in school. **** you Plato.

It's horrifying that entire civilizations go through the most blatant declines in quality of merit, without ever being aware of their disease. They're like dying souls. Paris is a city of blackness. The people who built its monuments and great works no longer exist in spirit, and the physical remnants are more akin to zombies than the living.

16 Jul 2016  #2,514

Oh come on that took ages and at a certain rate. Poland taking some refos from war would make no difference and we all know they would leave and not latch on.

18 Jul 2016  #2,515

In your profile it states Country, city Australia, Sydney. Sure you do not have to worry about the sorry state Europe is in. Refugees being welcome to rape, abuse and live on other people's work, without any respect for local authority, while liberals still chant "REFUGEES WELCOME." Will European madmen allow muslims to multiply and migrate 'till they are in majority, easily taking over Europe and installing Sharia?

Well, not all of Europe. Southern Europeans (Portuguese, assorted Hispaniards, Italians, Greeks, balkanids) still remember the shadow of the crescent, when it came and blocked the light for a thousand years. Even through they are not what they were, I think they will fight to the last rather than let this blight return.

Same goes for East Euros.

It is in Northern/Central Europe where the danger is, because they have barely interacted with Islam, and when they did, it was in times where Islam was weakened. What do Swedes know of dhimmitude and jizya? A german understands the danger of a vast mechanized army over their borders, but of religious poison and demographic attacks against a nation? They never experienced something like that.

18 Jul 2016  #2,516

Poland taking some refos from war would make no difference

Indeed and as a majority Roman Catholic country, politicians here would do well to heed the Pope's words on this.

18 Jul 2016  #2,517

Christianity isn't here to save the world. It's here to save you.

If you believe that entails surrendering your butthole to muslims...well that's just what you believe. Christians have been in combat with moodslims for a long time, and will continue to do so long after liberal and globalist propaganda fades from the public mind.

EDIT:Why quote is not working? I was trying to quote jon above my answer...

18 Jul 2016  #2,518

Christianity isn't here to save the world. It's here to save you.

That means nothing, and it's very hypocritical of PiS and their nasty cohorts to trumpet ctheir take on Christianity while ignoring the Pope.

liberal and globalist propaganda fades from the public mind.

Somehow I doubt that.

18 Jul 2016  #2,519

In other words, "let Muslims kill us - it's intolerant (and probably even a hate crime) to resist."
Can these SJW idiots ever admit they're wrong? That their precious philosophy of tolerance has failed? We seriously need to send them all (along with their Muslim friends, of course) to Syria. There they can learn to live with terrorism and preach tolerance all they want.

18 Jul 2016  #2,520


Very much a watchword here in Warsaw and the core of Pope John Paul II's teaching.

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