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Why AfD is the most important party in Germany

22 Mar 2019  #1

I would like to inform some here why the is not just the most important party in Germany but also one of the most important in Europle.

Germany, if you like it or not, is teh most powerful country in Europe. The fate of Germany ecides the fate of Europe.

Merkel is a globalist. She does not see herself as chancellor of Germany. She has zero connection to the country at all. She sees herself as a world leader, responsible for a certain region. She does not think German, nor does she care about Germany. She is sourounded by weaklings and yes sayers.

There was virtually no oppossition in Germany, before the AfD. The Euro-crisis and several other aspects show that. Merkel always say her politics are without alternative. Which is a lie, since there are alternatives for evrything.

All this culminated in the decission in 2015 to flood Germany and Europe with 3rd worlders.

I dont know how polish felt but for me as a German, the scene was scary. It was unimaginable to see what happened. I´m a young men and it was first time in my life i actually feared for my future.

The most scary thing was, that all parties in parliament supported Merkel. All media supported Merkel. All people i know where deeply disturbed and scared. Whoever you talked in private...said Merkel must be mad and crazy.

Yet this feeling which was extremly widespread in Germany was zero reflected in parliament or media. The smallest critical comment made you a Nazi.

It was east Germany who were first to raise against this madness. The AfD made very good results in elections here. This spread to west German parliaments as well and tehn in federal elections AfD became biggest oppossition party. The system parties were scared.

This fear and panic led Merkel to slow down her madness. She was forced to at least slow down the most crazy aspects of her politics.

She slowed down...but did not stop. So far the CDU has tried to get more pro Germany and counter Merkels anti german and anti european politics but its a stall right now.

The motto must be to strengthen the AfD to a level that Merkelism is crushed.

In may we have EU-election and AfD is thought to win massive in east Germany. In autumn are three state elections in three east german states and the AfD is seen as strongest force then. Which would change the power structure in the Bundesrat drastical.

Merkel has caused enormous damage to Germany. 40 billion a year does it cost to feed her guests while German pensioners have to collect bottles. Crime has risen enormous. Germany has high terror risk now and even in rural small cities crime exploded. city festivals have to be protected, christmas markets have become high security zones.

And dont think thats not your problem. It is. all terrorists who murdered in Paris came through Germany.

As long Germany works as magnet for all 3rd worlders in the world, entire Europe suffers and thats their goal. They want create a European super state. They need the migrants to create the disruption.

Do i like evrything the AfD stands for? No. But Germany is an oceanliner and we have the mad Merkel at th e steering wheel. The AfD is the axe that is used to smash the locked door to the bridge.

And make no mistake. You might think its none of your business...but it will be your people who will cling at the stern of the ship, when it goes down.

There are some points that are important...Dont let leftists tell you you have any responsibility for africans or middle easterns. You have not.

You cant help them. You are not responsible to help them. They made the decissions that led to their fate.

But you have one responsibility.

Protect your borders. Protect Europe.

22 Mar 2019  #2

Your ilk does not represent Germany, nor will it ever be in any position to do. Get over it. Or build a time machinr and go back to the 1930s.

22 Mar 2019  #3

I represent myself, its neo facist ideologies like yours who believe they can represent large masses of people.

What you stand for is facism in its purest form. What i stand for is individualism.

And thats what hurts you, AfD destroys your Utopia. The rise of the AfD changed the political climate enough, that your utopia has become just that...phantasy.

My ilk is responsible that borders are closed, ships get pushed back Libya. That Germany has no functional government and that Merkelists get hunted out of east german states.

And no, i dont get over it. We live in a democracy still and i want fight for the future of my country. I will vote AfD in May EU elections and also in the elections in Thüringen in autumn. Polls say AfD will win big in Thüringen. The current red-red-green coalition has no chance to continue.

You know what this means? One green seat in Bundesrat less and a further cull on illegal migration. Enough votes then to make morocco, tunisia and algeria save countries.

You see, democracy works. Thats what i believe in.

The strength of the AfD is what weakened Merkel enough that she cant do anything anymore. Just day to day politics.

So while you phantasize about time machines, i vote AfD, my parents vote AfD, my siblings vote AfD and so do most of my friends and colleagues.

Im happy how things developed since 2015. Still much to do but i feel good to see how our engagement really changed things since 2015.

22 Mar 2019  #4

Your ilk does not represent Germany, nor will it ever be in any position to do. Get over it.

They left their country in rubble last time. And despite his siblings and other Ossies voting for that creepy shower of ordure, most Germans do not.

22 Mar 2019  #5

Your ilk does not represent Germany, nor will it ever be in any position to do. Get over it. Or build a time machinr and go back to the 1930s.

They left their country in rubble last time. And despite his siblings and other Ossies voting for that creepy shower of ordure, most Germans do not.

Merkelists get hunted

Fascists very quickly revert to type...

22 Mar 2019  #6

You dont need a majority to change something. 15% AfD was enough to bring Merkels worst madness to a halt.

But to bring some depth into this i want to ask you, whats your problem with having a functional oppossition in Germany? Why do you prefer a mono party hegemony and how do you stand towards Merkels policy to allow yearly 1.5 million illiterate 3rd worlders into the heart of Europe?

Where exactly do you see the positive aspects in rising crime and terror?

22 Mar 2019  #7

You dont need a majority to change something.

Like last time, 1933. That won't happen again.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #8

No it won't!

Won't stop the AfD to influence german politics though...

Some experts puts its voter potential at at least 20% in good times and till up to 30% in bad times. This would be nearly a third of the electorate. To many people to ignore...

22 Mar 2019  #9

Agreed, Merkel is 2nd worst chancellor and contrary to 1933, this time we have a oppossition.

AfD was able to block Merkel to do damage like Hitler did.

Basic fact is, there was no oppossition in 2015.

You are free to tell me another party i can support that stands for secure borders, protection of law and fights against illegal migrants.

22 Mar 2019  #10

Won't stop the AfD to influence german politics though...

They certainly get headlines in Bild etc and of course the more extreme something is, the more interesting it is for journalists who look day in day out for something interesting to say.

Of course for every reaction, there's an equal and opposite reaction; sooner or later we'll get a left resurgence, and in Germany the Greens have a role which will develop.

In a country like Germany with a mostly highly educated population, there will always be reason and common sense. Plus of course, the more migrants, the more migrant voters eventually...

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #11

You are free to tell me another party i can support that stands for secure borders, protection of law and fights against illegal migrants.


Plus of course, the more migrants, the more migrant voters eventually...

Yeah...but most of them don't vote left or green, if they vote at all. Many of the biggest immigrant groups like the Turks for example, or the Russlanddeutschen or even the Poles vote conservative. They come from societies and cultures alot less open and liberal than the german one.

And many of those of already longer settled immigrant stock look also quiet dismayed at the mess that was 2015 and what followed too...nobody is really happy about it.

22 Mar 2019  #12


Im highly educated i have Abitur. Research shows AfD is mostly voted from higher educated people and people with high income.


22 Mar 2019  #13

Im highly educated i have Abitur.

School exams? Not exactly "highly educated" at all.

Research shows AfD is mostly voted from higher educated

No it doesn't.

Yeah...but most of them don't vote left or green, if they vote at all. Many of the biggest immigrant groups like the Turks for example

I think we'll see some change; and of course Turks (and the newer migrants when they get the vote) are unlikely to touch neo-Nazis with a sh1tty stick.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #14

Many Turks voted for Erdogan...why do you think they are in some way "better" than german AfD-voter?

And actually are you working right now the same angle as the AfD. You hope for even more immigrants to influence german politics to their advantage, the AfD calls that "Umvolkung" and gains votes with the fear of exactly that. You are not helping!

22 Mar 2019  #15

Actually, there is no guarantee for anything in this world. With the technolgy of today, there may one day emerge a force capable of controlling most of us.

Hitler was a man of his time who "felt" his times perfectly well (didn't he find politicians in London and Paris ready to talk to him about subjugating Czechoslovakia in 1938?), and there may emerge another man who would feel his time today very well and make an evel use of that. (And please, don't tell me that Donald Trump is such one!)

Merkel is 2nd worst chancellor and contrary to 1933, this time we have a oppossition.

Hitler had an opposition as well, but he simply sent them to labour camps!

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #16

With the technology of today, there may one day emerge a force capable of controlling most of us.

Maybe, but it won't be in Germany and it won't be the Fourth Reich...i'm fairly sure of that! :)

*looks in Chinas direction*

22 Mar 2019  #17

Actually, there is no guarantee for anything in this world.

Indeed. The only guarantee is that the future will always surprise us.

looks in Chinas direction*

A good idea; they are certainly looking in this one.

22 Mar 2019  #18

The only guarantee is that the future will always surprise us

The surprise may come either in a pleasant or in a most unfavorable way ... or in one that seems favorable at first (as it did to the Germans in 1933), but turned into being extremly nasty (to them and many others in 1945).

22 Mar 2019  #19

Quite. The world ought to learn from mistakes like fascism, though doesn't always. In this case it will. 6 million reasons why.

22 Mar 2019  #20

Any party, be it the N.S.D.A.P or the AfD, which panders to the lowest common denominator, naturally will be popular with the rank-and-file masses!

A more discerning electorate, either in '33 or '20, will quickly see behind the primitive sloganeering and pop psychology of "US vs. THEM" thinking.

Today, it's the foreigners from Muslim nations. Before it was the Jews, German Jews as well, whose families were as long-term "German" as any of their gentile neighbors.

Times really haven't changed that much, have they?

22 Mar 2019  #21

In this case it will. 6 million reasons why.

Not quite. Things like wars are easily forgotten by the next generations. The Thirty Years War brought proportionally more victims and devastation onto Europe than did the World War II. So what? How many reasons in this case why the WW I and II did break out?

22 Mar 2019  #22


As usually an idiotic thing to say, living conditions in Germany have dropped pretty much sinve 2015. Crime is at alltime high, germany has highest terror risk in Europe and law is constant broken. Merkel established a state of constant law breaking. Law has become something you can follow but also can ignore if you want.

And thats what you dont get. Im not a Nazi. I just want a good future. I dont see a good future with Merkelism and lettimg Germany become like Lebanon or Brazil. Alot of people seem to see it that way. Like anyone else i have the right to participate in democracy. And im happy that my vote for the AfD supprts a party that put Merkel to an end, that brought her madness of 2015 to a grinding halt.

Im also happy about supporters in Italy. Im thankful for Salvini. Each illegal who doesnt make it to european shores is one less.

22 Mar 2019  #23

You hope for even more immigrants

It'll happen either way. It isn't a crisis, it's the future.

Not quite. Things like wars are easily forgotten by the next generations

As General Eisenhower said: "Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened."

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #24

It'll happen either way. It isn't a crisis, it's the future.

Maybe...but your assumed impression that they all will be tolerant liberals is a wrong one. This mass immigration from quite backward countries might change the now quite open societies of the West for the worse, together with the far right.

There is no easy kumbaya in this future...I'm not sure if our societies will survive this onslaught from different sides.

22 Mar 2019  #25

but your assumed impression that they all will be tolerant liberals

Far from my assumption, however change, people will.

There is no easy kumbaya in this future...

This is true. The question is,do we shape the future or do we sit back and let others do so for us?

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #26

I like my country and society usually quite well, and I don't want it to be changed by immigrants or the far right....so what now?

22 Mar 2019  #27


Its not the future. Its a dystopia.

Have you ever visited african countries? I have. They have no future. They are already 2 billion.

Europe cant help them. They would turn Europe in a 2nd s.

What we need and what already is done, is to build a massive blockade. The Sahara works as 1st firewall. The mediterranean as 2nd firewall and what is installed right now is the 3rd firewall. Active fighting back those who try. Similar to Australia.

Your theory about more migrants is wrong, as can be seen in eastern Germany. The extremely hostile behavior towards migrants in eastern germany, leads to the fact that they run away from here. Meanwhile more Germans move from west Germany to East Germany.

Its an ironic twist of irony, that the tide turned since 2015. More Germans move to East Germany. Life in the caliphate of Nordrhein Westfalen is not that good.

This is the future:

The Libyan coast guard bringing back the illegals


This is also the future. Fences in Southern border.


Fences that blocked 97% of migrants.

We saw what happened in 2015 and what was created then. And this invasion is stopped. If they try harder, harder methods will be used.

22 Mar 2019  #28

so what now?

Change will happen, whether we like it or don't. So many external factors influence it. 100 years ago is still within living memory for a few; yet Europe has changed hugely in that time...

The only thing that can never happen is turning back the clock.

Migration is one of the few trends that has always increased; it won't slow down.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Mar 2019  #29

Yeah...inner european migration isn't the problem...never was...but the masses from Africa getting ready to "storm our beaches", that is not normal. It's not even healthy.

It's the relief for dysfunctional countries who are unable to offer a future for their millions of young ones. A similiar problem exist in Latin America. It isn't a solution that all these millions leave their failed states for the few that work...it isn't good for the western countries nor is that a longterm solution of their own countries.

Should that go on forever? What is the end of this?

And yes, unwanted immigration can be slowed down. Since Italy closed it's harbors barely any migrant ship from northern Africa is coming through anymore...

22 Mar 2019  #30


This will increase too.

dysfunctional countries who are unable to give a future for their millions of young ones.

An increase in life expectancy here in Africa, a decrease in infant mortality, a huge rise in population. While their countries are desertifying due to climate changed caused by the industrialised countries over a century.

Love it or hate it, it's the future. The world is getting smaller all the time.

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