22 Mar 2019 #1
I would like to inform some here why the is not just the most important party in Germany but also one of the most important in Europle.
Germany, if you like it or not, is teh most powerful country in Europe. The fate of Germany ecides the fate of Europe.
Merkel is a globalist. She does not see herself as chancellor of Germany. She has zero connection to the country at all. She sees herself as a world leader, responsible for a certain region. She does not think German, nor does she care about Germany. She is sourounded by weaklings and yes sayers.
There was virtually no oppossition in Germany, before the AfD. The Euro-crisis and several other aspects show that. Merkel always say her politics are without alternative. Which is a lie, since there are alternatives for evrything.
All this culminated in the decission in 2015 to flood Germany and Europe with 3rd worlders.
I dont know how polish felt but for me as a German, the scene was scary. It was unimaginable to see what happened. I´m a young men and it was first time in my life i actually feared for my future.
The most scary thing was, that all parties in parliament supported Merkel. All media supported Merkel. All people i know where deeply disturbed and scared. Whoever you talked in private...said Merkel must be mad and crazy.
Yet this feeling which was extremly widespread in Germany was zero reflected in parliament or media. The smallest critical comment made you a Nazi.
It was east Germany who were first to raise against this madness. The AfD made very good results in elections here. This spread to west German parliaments as well and tehn in federal elections AfD became biggest oppossition party. The system parties were scared.
This fear and panic led Merkel to slow down her madness. She was forced to at least slow down the most crazy aspects of her politics.
She slowed down...but did not stop. So far the CDU has tried to get more pro Germany and counter Merkels anti german and anti european politics but its a stall right now.
The motto must be to strengthen the AfD to a level that Merkelism is crushed.
In may we have EU-election and AfD is thought to win massive in east Germany. In autumn are three state elections in three east german states and the AfD is seen as strongest force then. Which would change the power structure in the Bundesrat drastical.
Merkel has caused enormous damage to Germany. 40 billion a year does it cost to feed her guests while German pensioners have to collect bottles. Crime has risen enormous. Germany has high terror risk now and even in rural small cities crime exploded. city festivals have to be protected, christmas markets have become high security zones.
And dont think thats not your problem. It is. all terrorists who murdered in Paris came through Germany.
As long Germany works as magnet for all 3rd worlders in the world, entire Europe suffers and thats their goal. They want create a European super state. They need the migrants to create the disruption.
Do i like evrything the AfD stands for? No. But Germany is an oceanliner and we have the mad Merkel at th e steering wheel. The AfD is the axe that is used to smash the locked door to the bridge.
And make no mistake. You might think its none of your business...but it will be your people who will cling at the stern of the ship, when it goes down.
There are some points that are important...Dont let leftists tell you you have any responsibility for africans or middle easterns. You have not.
You cant help them. You are not responsible to help them. They made the decissions that led to their fate.
But you have one responsibility.
Protect your borders. Protect Europe.