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Random Chat
johnny reb
19 Sep 2022 #2
Name one Brit that likes you on this forum?
We are not allowed to mention the Mods names on the front page.
Try it and you will get suspended for six months.
Go ahead, try it...... :-) bak bak bak
johnny reb
19 Sep 2022 #3
Nothing ever gets deleted in Random, just ask pawian. lmao !
Just where does all your hate come from ?
Sorry, I have better things to do on a Sunday night
Yes, we see that.......(johnny snickers and rolls his eyes)
Have a beer
Like sitting in front of your computer half in the bag sucking down cheap beer in your basement harassing and bullying people on a Polish forum ?
So if you consider coming here insulting people with your diminishing projections to feel better about yourself then have at'ter, that's what we are for, your personal therapy. Bring it on ! Let it out, don't hold back !
We are your friends and no threat to you besides your inferior intelligence.
Whatever you do though, please do not insult Atch with your nasty projections or you will be taking a vacation from here.
I may even have to come see you face to face about your poor manners if you do.
And if you post that she is a Mod on the front page it will be a six month suspension for you.
Are you smart enough not to try it to see that I am right, and you are wrong ? bak bak bak
You better start watching your step around here bullying people before you embarrass yourself worse than you already have.
Why you and Piehole have such a hard time minding your own business really shows that you both have some serious bullying issues with the little guy complex.
At any rate, Good Luck with your hate issues and smile at least once today.
19 Sep 2022 #4
Yawn.... I never read your redundant lies and meltdowns anymore you idiot! Everyone knows youre nothing but a liar and a troll that never leaves PF.
19 Sep 2022 #5
Jim is trash talking again. Who does or doesn't wear what at such an event is determined by a very strict set of rules.
Yes, rules that someone like Jim will never comprehend.
johnny reb
19 Sep 2022 #6
Call me all the names you want to but leave Ms. Atch out of it.
Using her for your crutch to support your lies is really beneath contempt.
if you consider coming here insulting people with your diminishing projections to feel better about yourself then have at'ter,
I see you were here all day again trolling and took my advice.
You didn't get fired again, did you ?
19 Sep 2022 #8
He cant go one day without arguing or name calling. Btw, when was the last time Jimmy took a day off from PF? Answer, never! Even when he claimed to be on his "fakecation" he was still posting lies and boasting about it. He has to be a complete idiot or the worlds most boring person, take you pick!
19 Sep 2022 #9
some serious bullying issues
That would be you Jim.
Alongside your hatred of Brits, Europeans and actually anyone who is not a white, Christian American.
Your hatred is frankly, disgusting.
19 Sep 2022 #10
We are not allowed to mention the Mods names on the front page.
Name one of your British friends not imaginary mods, geeez
Try it and you will get suspended for six months.
How much money do you want to bet??
Atch and Monkeybutt are not mods. You are totally paranoid with this secret mod business.
19 Sep 2022 #11
Your hatred is frankly, disgusting.
Hes paranoid as well. The secret mods Atch and Pawian are after him! lol
If you deny it you get a 5 month suspension!
Hey, Pawian eat my shorts! Suspend me now, you dumb Polock! Hahaha
johnny reb
19 Sep 2022 #13
How much money do you want to bet??
Then do it big mouth.
Name one of your British friends
Who do I have to choose from ?
19 Sep 2022 #14
Suspend me now,
If you breach against the rules, you will be suspended. Simple.
you dumb Polock!
Using that kindergarten insult in Random thread isn`t a breach of rules. You won`t be punished.
Hey, Pawian eat my shorts!
Sorry, darling, baboons eat fruit and veg, occassionally meat. If you are a rat, beware, coz you can be baboon`s meat. :)
19 Sep 2022 #15
Then do it big mouth.
ATCH and PAWIAN are not MODS!
ATCH and PAWIAN are not MODS!
ATCH and PAWIAN are not MODS!
There 3 times just like Beetlejuice:)
Who do I have to choose from ?
Anyone on PF. You really cant be this slow, Jimmy?
johnny reb
19 Sep 2022 #16
Hey, Pawian eat my shorts! Suspend me now, you dumb Polock!
He's drunk again, listen to the little guy go with his cocktail courage.........Hoot !
19 Sep 2022 #17
If you breach against the rules, you will be suspended. Simple
It wont be from you thats for sure. I know more than you think around here:)
You won`t be punished.
Too bad coz I dont give a phuck what you say! Hahaha
Do you actually think these silly suspension bother me? Even funnier! LOLOLOL
As Jimmy trembles in fear of these measly suspensions, its quite amusing.
Now he claims Im at a cocktail lounge! LOLOL He always makes up lie after lie when hes pinned down! What a pussy!
19 Sep 2022 #18
Name one of your British friends
Jim doesn't have any British friends, nor Polish ones or European ones.....because he hates them all.
In fact, Jim only has two friends...Deepak and Ptak.
One an Indian American and the other a Polish American.
And both lost souls that he has managed to cultivate.
And I'm not sure that Deepak is still alive.
19 Sep 2022 #19
Too bad coz I dont give a phuck
It is easy to be the Random thread warrior. hahahaha
19 Sep 2022 #20
, listen to the little guy go with his cocktail courage
Oh, just listen to the paranoid village idiot bleating like a lamb..... ahhhhhh!
19 Sep 2022 #21
Jim doesn't have any British friends, nor Polish ones or European ones.....because he hates them all.
He hates himself thats why he is here everyday arguing with everyone and sitting all alone by himself on the internet. Its very sad actually.
And I'm not sure that Deepak is still alive.
Na, nobody could copy his broken crappy English not even Crow.
Im still not suspended for 6 months, Jimmy?
19 Sep 2022 #23
It is easy to be the Random thread warrior. hahahaha
Ill post it anywhere, Im not afraid.
Oh, just listen to the paranoid village idiot bleating like a lamb..
Last time I was a drug addict so I must have graduated to a cocktail bar patron! Yay
19 Sep 2022 #24
We all know who you are Jim.
Been there, seen the photo of your fat face,done that and have the T shirt.....
You are done and dusted mate!
19 Sep 2022 #26
Last time I was a drug addict so I must have graduated to a cocktail bar patron!
The guy is the village idiot that just keeps giving....hilarious!
johnny reb
20 Sep 2022 #27
Name one of your British friends
Who do I have to choose from ?
Name three
Im still not suspended for 6 months,
You haven't posted on the front page that Atch is a Mod yet either......because you know better and are a chickenshit
bak bak bak
All hat and no balls.........Hoot !
johnny reb
20 Sep 2022 #28
You two remind me of Mutt and Jeff.
Milo is Mutt the prissy and you are Jeff the pussy.
Prissy and Pussy.
Ill post it anywhere, Im not afraid.
Then do it on the front-page, Random Chat Warrior.
Post on the front page that "Atch is a Mod for the Polish Forum."
bak bak bak
Ill post it anywhere, Im not afraid.
Yeah, except on the front page even with your cocktail courage scaredy cat.
Do you actually think these silly suspension bother me?
You better just watch your mouth Buster because the Mods don't like being mocked.
20 Sep 2022 #29
The guy is the village idiot that just keeps giving....hilarious!
Hes so worried about who is or isnt a mod. How sad of a person that his whole world revolves around an Internet forum.
Whats thew difference between a stealth mod and a secret mod, Jimmy?
He ask Novi to PM me to see if I would stop talking to MonkeyAss and I agreed. 2 days later he was the first one to break the pact. His brain is Swiss cheese! Now, hes been battling with him for over a week straight. LOL
20 Sep 2022 #30
I was never so embarrassed when classless Mrs. obama touched the Queen.
Michelle Obozo couldnt compare herself to such a high class lady. I wonder if anyone could ever fill the Queens shoes... Charles might be ok but hes really too old and should have stepped aside for William.
Atch and Pawian are not Mods....
Are you happy now Jimmy...Now lets see you cry! LOL